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console and PC


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Two of my big beefs with consoles and console games have just crystallised. I'm not trying to flame consoles on their many strengths but anyway...


1) Producing a console game is a far higher money enterprise than a PC game. A fact becoming still more pronounced as next gen consoles have minimum budgets in the milions, including distribution and so forth. PC games, on the other hand can be produced by a couple of guys and distributed online for practically no outlay.


2) A console game typically has onlya few buttons, compared with the scads of buttons on my PC keyboard. Surely this means the console will never have as complex games?




Both these things make me worry that console games are going to soon attain a level of stupefying play-it-safe-n-simple-ness. But that, because of the big money involved games houses will chase this market at the expense of the more richly varied potential on teh PC.




Or maybe I just need to shut the hell up. :huh:

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Well consoles are made for little kids which is why they are popular, sell a lot of games, doesn't require too much know how on sticking the game disk in to start the game, blah blah.




BS PCfan propoganda :rolleyes:

I kinda agree with Gabrielle, even though I favor consoles, because I grew up with them and the feel of a controller instead of a keyboard. But now that I have a few games on pc, it's not as bad as I thought, and the games are cheaper!

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I think the main reason I like consoles is the fact I can play a game on the console and still chit chat on message boards at the same time :rolleyes: (I have my consoles/tv next to my PC/monitor)


So it's convenience I guess.

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I only have my Xbox console...which I might add, I love a great deal...


but, I would like KOTOR (both games) on my PC simply for the mods...and, yes the games for PC are alot cheaper, but then again, I only ever buy (mostly) used Xbox games, which can be bought quite cheaply *sigh


Sadly, I do not have the finance, or the know how to upgrade my computer :-


grrrr :rolleyes:

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If it's important to you, you might consider learning a bit about it.




There are numerous magazines that step the general readership through upgrading a PC, from a complete novice that might want to remove some background resource-hogging Windows services and tweak the Windows graphics control between "performance" and "effects", to the more experienced who might want to modify their PC case with a dremel power tool or add water or liquid nitrogen coolling ...




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Sure. It's actually becoming a lot easier to upgrade PCs as time goes by and they become more closely aligned with consumer electronics (like VCRs), rather than escaped science projects.


For example, to change BIOS settings you only need to boot into the BIOS menu (a function keypress on the boot screen), rather than physcially move tiny conducting jumpers on the motherboard (which was the method only ten years ago).


The PC is easily the most complex piece of equipment EVER, so it is no shame to be daunted by the possible mis-steps you might make; just be prepared (read the manual / instructions FIRST) and be careful (static is a HUGE killer of components, for example).






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Two of my big beefs with consoles and console games have just crystallised. I'm not trying to flame consoles on their many strengths but anyway...


1) Producing a console game is a far higher money enterprise than a PC game. A fact becoming still more pronounced as next gen consoles have minimum budgets in the milions, including distribution and so forth.  PC games, on the other hand can be produced by a couple of guys and distributed online for practically no outlay.


Hmmmm Wals, question for yas on this statement?


What "Quality" games have there been in recent memory that had a couple of guys only working on them?


Back in the C64/128 and Apple 2e days this would definately been true but today "QUALITY" PC games require full teams and massive manhours to design/code/debug/ect.


I guess the key word is quality. For myself I dont care for the java based games and such. I like my KotOR, JE, Civ series games and those definately were not produced by a couple of guys. Sure you can download games on the net but if the quality not there, why bother?


Just making counter arguement here, honestly dont think it requires any more or less funding or manpower to make a PC game or a Console game. Both require alot of dedication and upfraont overhead.


2) A console game typically has onlya few buttons, compared with the scads of buttons on my PC keyboard. Surely this means the console will never have as complex games?




Both these things make me worry that console games are going to soon attain a level of stupefying play-it-safe-n-simple-ness. But that, because of the big money involved games houses will chase this market at the expense of the more richly varied potential on teh PC.




Or maybe I just need to shut the hell up.  :)


I understand what your saying here but for myself I look at it this way. Compare KotOR1or2 console and PC games. Do both have the same amount of text/story? Yes. Do both have combat? Yes. Both are identical for all intencive purposes of each other for components offered.


So the question comes down to " Does hitting a "A" button make you smarter or dumber then hitting the "Enter" key?


Frankly Im a long time PC player but I dont see the diff to be honest.




The one thing I do see thats different is the mods available to PC users. Some are great BUT some are damaging as well and mods create as much trouble as they do supply entertainment (speaking the legit ones, none cheat crap). So while mods availablitiy is a nice bonus for a PC game. Speaking formyself, its not missed in any fashion or sence.


Anyways, I do think consoles will take over in regards to gameing when compared to PCs. Just a few years ago I would have steadfastly denied that btw. But I sure dont think they dumb down games. A,B,X,Y key on a controller really is no different then a Alt, Enter, F1 key on a keyboard, you still need to push them to get a responce!


And with the automatic inclusion of live chat with xbox 360, even communication is not hindered.

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So the question comes down to " Does hitting a "A" button make you smarter or dumber then hitting the "Enter" key?


Frankly Im a long time PC player but I dont see the diff to be honest.

Hmmm, do consoles have Civilization I - IV?



Anyway, it is not the fact that ALL console games are dumb or ALL PC games are sophisticated, but console interface certainly limits the amount of complexity that can be implemented in a game without frustrating the player.


Plus, yeah, console players are younger on average than PC players.

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Hmmm, do consoles have Civilization I - IV?



Actually... yeah.... 50% anyway.


Civ was released on the SNES and Civ 2 was released on the Playstation.


Consoles for the win :)


Plus, yeah, console players are younger on average than PC players.


Based on....?

Edited by Darque
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2) A console game typically has onlya few buttons, compared with the scads of buttons on my PC keyboard. Surely this means the console will never have as complex games?


I'm not sure I agree with this. True, there are more keys on a keyboard, but how many do games typically use? PS2 games frequently use all buttons (which is 8, plus two analogue sticks, plus the arrow buttons). PC games typically use the mouse, movement keys and only a couple more.


Also, the more complex PC games tend to favor the mouse over the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts are there, but they are hardly needed. I can play Civ 4 without ever touching the keyboard (although I do use the enter and space keys).


Personally I think the main difference between PC and Consoles come from the mouse. The ability to move a pointer from one end of the screen to another in one swift movement allows for a lot more flexibility.

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Actually... yeah....



Based on....?


For Computer Gamers...

    * 35% of most frequent game players are under eighteen years old.

    * 26% of most frequent game players are between 18 and 35 years old.

    * 39% of most frequent game players are over 35 years old.


For Console Gamers...

    * 46% of most frequent game players are under eighteen years old.

    * 35% of most frequent game players are between 18 and 35 years old.

    * 20% percent of most frequent game players are over 35 years old.



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A console game typically has onlya few buttons, compared with the scads of buttons on my PC keyboard. Surely this means the console will never have as complex games?


A limited control system doesn't make for simple games any more than a keyboard + mouse makes a game complex.


The PS2 controller has 16 buttons and two analogue sticks, and the buttons are analogue allowing for multiple functionality. Current and next gen console controllers has similar amounts of buttons and functionality, so controllers aren't quite as limited as people assume.

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