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That's the big thing. I think the only reason why we think the older games are longer is a combination of no saving, in addition to being poorer game players.


I mean, if you think about it, all of the Mario games for the NES were made to be beaten in a single sitting.


In fact, most NES games were made to be beaten in a single sitting, unless it was a bigger game that had a battery for saving the game. I don't consider games that can be beaten in a single sitting to be "long" games.

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Can't remember if I mentiond this... I'm playing REmake :)



Aren't you REplaying REmake? For the REumpteenth time?



Which one does it remake? RE1?


Yeah :) But this time it's part of a huge RE end to end gaming spree :)


Now that I have every RE on the gamecube, I'm playing them all back to back :)


Starting with REZero - REmake (the remake of the original RE) - RE2 - RE3: Nemesis - RE Code Veronica X - and finally......... RE4.


Edit: Alan? :) What happened to your sig? :)

Edited by Darque
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Oh yeah, speaking about not being able to save. You can't save in Black either! It was easy the first four levels or so, but now, when there are snipers and RPG guys everywhere, it's actually started becoming a challenge. Maybe I won't make it within twen hours after all! I am on level seven now.


I love that you have checkpoints within the level, but the game autosaves ONLY between levels. If you stop playing in the middle of a level (the levels are huuuge, except for the first one) and you've passed two checkpoints, you have to start over at the beginning of the level the next time you start up the game again. Makes it more of a challenge, and I have to admit, I am one of those who shoots one shot and if it doesn't hit the right target, I immediately quickload >_<


No wonder I suck at Battlefield 2 now that I think about it..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Here in the office, I run both KOTOR II xbox, and KOTOR II PC.

You play Xbox at work?


Where do you work, a kindergarten?



Helps when I own part of the office. It's my building. Rob's business, and he is my boss, but my building. >_<

Edited by SSgtSniper

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.

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Well, neither of those would be "older games" that had 5-6 hour long demos.


I felt that Dungeon SIege 2's demo was rather short actually. I don't recall Dungeon Siege 1's demo.


I only remember the first demo of Farcry as well, but I died frequently. If the demo lets you play as long as you want, then what's the limitation of the demo?

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Well... the time you can play depend on the demo's type of game too ofcourse.


RTS demo's could have free-roam; easy to clock 5 hours

Online FPS (BF, UT) have few maps and such, but you can replay them well over the time of a full retail game; easy to clock 5 hours

Demo's you could replay infinetely without twice the same map (Majesty) could easily give +5 hours

EDIT; Oh, and don't forget race-games with a few tracks and cars...

Edited by BattleCookiee
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Here in the office, I run both KOTOR II xbox, and KOTOR II PC.

You play Xbox at work?


Where do you work, a kindergarten?



Helps when I own part of the office. It's my building. Rob's business, and he is my boss, but my building. :)




That is awesome. :D

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I only remember the first demo of Farcry as well, but I died frequently.  If the demo lets you play as long as you want, then what's the limitation of the demo?

You eventually ran out of enemies and ammo. Not much fun left if all you could do was swim around in the water or fall down cliffs in the jungle. There was an end sequence for both demos, so you could end it after a few hours of play if you wanted to.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I don't know if I'd consider shareware to be a demo perse, though I guess it could be seen as one.


It was like the ultimate demo! In all the old FPS games the shareware was usually a third of the full game. The first of three "episodes," that type of thing.


Also, shareware used the finished version of the game. I think today's demos do that, but I don't know for sure.



I actually forgot what thread this was while I was writing that. I thought somebody must have started a thread about demo length and I was posting in it. Weeeird.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Oh yeah, speaking about not being able to save. You can't save in Black either! It was easy the first four levels or so, but now, when there are snipers and RPG guys everywhere, it's actually started becoming a challenge. Maybe I won't make it within twen hours after all! I am on level seven now.


I love that you have checkpoints within the level, but the game autosaves ONLY between levels. If you stop playing in the middle of a level (the levels are huuuge, except for the first one) and you've passed two checkpoints, you have to start over at the beginning of the level the next time you start up the game again. Makes it more of a challenge, and I have to admit, I am one of those who shoots one shot and if it doesn't hit the right target, I immediately quickload :ermm:


No wonder I suck at Battlefield 2 now that I think about it..


I can live with that.


I think my FPS skills have improved greatly since getting away from quicksave and quickload. Gaming skills in general too I expect, nothing keeps you on your toes like knowing you have to do the last half hour over if you screw up.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I think my FPS skills have improved greatly since getting away from quicksave and quickload. Gaming skills in general too I expect, nothing keeps you on your toes like knowing you have to do the last half hour over if you screw up.


FPS skills improve most when you play online FPS like ET, UT2K4 or BF1942...

Or when playing games with immense amount of enemies like Serious Sam or Painkiller (thoughest modes)

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Starcraft is pretty big. I'd say that SC is a better game. I like a lot of the flavour of Empire at War. Having a fleet of Mon Calamari Cruisers get into a combat against a large fleet of Star Destroyers is just a ton of fun. Protecting your Y-Wings so that they can get Torpedo runs off on the shield generators (torpedoes by-pass shields...so TIE Bombers and Y-Wings are terrifying to big cap ships that only have turbo lasers). I like the hero units too. I've only played as the rebellion, but the Millenium Falcon is a fighter killer, as is Red Squadron. Luke can use the force to get a "lucky shot" which seems to instantly kill smaller ships, or take out components (like shield generators or hangers) on the larger capital ships/space stations.


The land battles are okay as well. I actually prefer the lack of resource management. Infantry can secure build pods on the ground, which let you set up turrets and healing stations. My first experience with Obi-Wan was cool, as he could heal all infantry units in a small radius of him. I'm not sure why, but I've never had a successful Tow Cable attack on an AT-AT, so they can be pretty scary.


I was one of the few that was actually a big fan of the fleet combat in SW: Rebellion though, so I'm probably a little biased. Big fleet fights are always fun IMO. Nothing scarier than taking out a star destroyer only to see that another one has been called in for reinforcements.

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