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Impeach Bush?


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reply/quote... how quaint. a mod helping a thread die. we will temporary spare the mess, but no doubt you simply reply/quote again.


ain't it lovely how people is willing to label one occupying force "peaceful" and another "illegal," based solely on their politics. sure, the folks who is being occupied not think that the occupation is legal... and we loves strategic use of the word "most" by bw. oh sure, 'course clinton did nasty stuff and killed poor innocent people abroad, but he didn't do as much as bush. HA! and the notion that clinton didn't use the military for blatantly political reasons is so delusional as to not need a response. somebody had better go back and read some newspapers or maybe takes a poli-sci class or two at the local university if they is believing that clinton's use of the military were solely for humanitarian reasons.


and as to the panic that terror alerts has caused... they ain't nothing compared to what most of us were feeling as we watched planes slamming into the wtc buildings. the anger we felt as we saw those buildings burn and crumble with thousands of civilians inside is what you is comparing to terror alerts? honestly, you should be ashamed at making such a suggestion... embarrassed. you can take this opportunity to apologize for making such a suggestion... maybe salvage some dignity.


how many euro countries support terrorist regimes? yup, the u.s. did too, and when they tried to do something 'bout it, the euros balked. but most of your responses is like this. is not even pretending that your beloved fellow euro hands is clean... but you seem to think that as long as you can point to some American governmental institution as being worse, then you and yours has your sins washed away. hallelujah. life don't work like that son.


btw, is lots of games wherein players can control european military force, no? oh, and is more than a few european companies that continued to supply military weapons to iraq in spite of sanctions. the frenchies had mr. claude and lura and the bulgarinas used jeff co, and russian arms dealers were even more blatant 'bout supplying arms to iraq in spite of those sanctions you seems to love so much.


yeah, blame the US, but ignore the crap in your own back yard.


and one of these days somebody is gonna explain to euros and liberals tht perjury is a bad thing. politicians lie. clinton lied 'bout military and economic activities, just as bush has. politicians speaking half-truths and failing to give full accountings is pretty much par for the course. they get caught and usually their reputation suffers (clinton being a notable exception.) perjury, on the other hand, is illegal. perjury carries with it some pretty serious penalties, and perjury is clearly grounds for initiating impeachment proceedings.


As to taking pots out of context and not needing to defend bush

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Tell you what, Eldar. Since neither of us can seem to properly understand what the other is saying, and since your hostility and personal animous toward me is getting on my last nerve, how about we simply do each other a favor by ignoring each other. I won't respond to any more of your posts. I respectfully request you accord me the same courtesy.


If you feel the need to further discuss your observations, comments and criticisms about me personally, please do so via private message. Thanks.

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blame the terrorists maybe?  they is the folks who whipped up a majority of Americans into a frenzy.


No, the government causes more panick than the terrorist itself with all the Terror Alarms and Terror Laws


I hope I'm misunderstanding you here. I may not be particularly thrilled with some of the legal changes my country has made to deal with terrorists inside its borders, but what whipped me into a frenzy by the sight of hijacked jetliners being flown into buildings and the death of 3000 Americans. I'll presume this was just poor wording on your part and not a deliberate attempt to be insulting.


BTW, anyone who brings Hitler or Nazis into an argument has automatically lost the argument in my view.


Does anybody actually read what I write?


I read it. Your moderator status kept me from commenting even further about it. Suffice to say, I don't consider my friends and relatives who are serving in the military to be Nazis or facists. I shall leave it at that, but request that you tone down the rhetoric and insult a tad. Please.

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I think it is rather silly to compare Bush to Hitler anyway. Hitler was far more charismatic and far more intelligent than Bush. Mind you he was also a great deal more evil to boot.


The problem with Battlewookie he sees only what the media puts out. All the negativity that is out there about how they are handling the situation in Iraq. There is a difference of actually being there and being an armchair commentator.

Edited by Judge Hades
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@ Eldar: The "Hitler" comment is probably aimed at me. But fact is that I already complain about policies, and not person, but you guys turn it in "BW is comparing Hitler and Bush"





Does anybody actually read what I write?



I actually didn't mean you specifically, but if you made such a comparison, then I certainly meant you. You see, when I said, if you've made such comments, I mean you, and if you did not make such comments, I did not mean you, I was sincere.


Hades is probably the person I've seen do it the most, and the most blatantly, but there are others. So, I mean you, but only as part of the larger group and only because you've identified yourself.


As far as the question "[d]oes anybody actually read what I write?" I actually don't read your political views. That started when the quotes were always messed up. It's also because you tend to have running fights with folks in threads, and that makes it difficult to follow arguments that interest me personally. I expect a lot of folks ignore most of the fights that spring out any time Di and I participate in the same thread.


When it comes to non-political stuff, I read what you have to write, but your political theories are so far out that I don't tend to read them anymore.

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Actually, I refer you to various threads in this forum, Hades. Here's one right now.


He's [saddam Hussein] no dictator Lucius, he was  democratically elected.

Hitler was elected into power as well...


So was George W. Bush.


That's just off the top of my head, but you write so many contradictory things, who's to say what your opinion is, Hades? No one else knows and you never give a straight answer.


I mean, the following comment really struck me: "[t]he problem with Battlewookie he sees only what the media puts out. All the negativity that is out there about how they are handling the situation in Iraq. There is a difference of actually being there and being an armchair commentator."


If that's not the weirdest passage. You're chastising Battlewookie for focusing on the negative?

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Just because I make it apparent that both Bush and Hitler were elected into their respected offices does not mean Bush is Hitler. I let people to make that leap of logic if they choose to.


maybe this will help you understand me a little better. I am not the same person I was 1 year ago, or 1 day ago or 10 minutes ago. I am a person of inconsistant changes with a continual theme. I do give straight answers in that one moment I give that answer. 10 minutes from now I may not be the same person so I will give a different answer.

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I wouldn't have it any other way. Although, apparently, I was thinking of the wrong person when I made the ill-fated Hitler comment. I was thinking of you specifically and two other folks thought I mean them.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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The difference between Bush and Clinton is that one acts like an idiot and the other acts like a pimp. But who knows what goes on behind the masks of these politicians, if they're even the ones in power. In some sense, that's the trick with democracies - one guy at the helm takes all the blame while the rest cruise along (and they're never far from power, as the great families in America demonstrate). How convenient. Dictators never had it so good when they screwed up.


Maybe those who voted for Bush ought to shoulder some of the blame themselves... Or maybe they just didn't have a good alternative.

Edited by Azarkon

There are doors

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  • 8 months later...

-What do you guys think about the secret prisons? Bush said theire legal because they help keep the american people safe from terror.


-What do you guys think about the turture methods used at these Secret prisons in order to get information out? They use methods like Waterboarding. Water boarding is when the detainee is subjected to water to simulate drowning.


These are against the geneva convention so they are illegal. If Bush cares about humanity and the world, then why does he blatently ignore the geneva convention, rules essatblished to help humans going through war?


So as long as it protects the American people its legal no matter who it hurts. Boy are we breeding terrorists now. The US is becoming tyranical in its methods of this foolish war on terror.


Imagine a Bigger country invading the US, whos going to get hurt the most - the goverment or the majority? The majority are going to feel it the most in deaths, economics, and day to day life. Google napalm girl and find out who are the real victims of war.




Impeach Bush?

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ya'll act as if these things have taken place only under bush. sorry to say, tis not true.


i know everyone is still dejected that both gore and kerry lost to bush, but in the end, things that are going on behind the scenes, would have been there anyway.



comrade taks... just because.

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ya'll act as if these things have taken place only under bush.  sorry to say, tis not true.


i know everyone is still dejected that both gore and kerry lost to bush, but in the end, things that are going on behind the scenes, would have been there anyway.



Secret prisons and Torture is illegal. I don't care if Mother Terresa was doing the torture. THey should be held responsible.


The thought of excusing torture and secret prisons solely because another administration might do the same or its been done in the past does not justify the action still. They are illegal, whoever is accountable should be punished for breaking these internation agreements.


Thats not just a bad excuse Taks, its a slap in the face. Republicans do not ahve the right to trample on human rights just because.

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Secret prisons and Torture is illegal. I don't care if Mother Terresa was doing the torture. THey should be held responsible.


The thought of excusing torture and secret prisons solely because another administration might do the same or its been done in the past does not justify the action still. They are illegal, whoever is accountable should be punished for breaking these internation agreements.


Thats not just a bad excuse Taks, its a slap in the face. Republicans do not ahve the right to trample on human rights just because.

my point was not that it was a good thing, and nowhere have i ever said it was. shame on you for putting words into what i said.


my point was that you, and all your bush-hating friends, act as if we never knew this type of thing was going on, and yet now, suddenly, it's such a bad thing. the only difference now is that it is not something we suspect, it is something we know. this makes you a bit of a hypocrite.



comrade taks... just because.

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Apoligies Taks,I must be misinterpreting your response. Still my mainpoint is valid about what is illegal and that something should be done about it.


EDIT: I do not act as if you guys never have known its been going on. My point is I believe that neo cons are too loyal to do a thing about it.


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Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

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no problem.


My point is I believe that neo cons are too loyal to do a thing about it.

part of my point is that you indict bush and/or republicans in nearly ever statement above, yet give a pass to democrats aka liberals. in truth, the fault lies with politicians, republicans and democrats alike across the globe, for allowing such things. in the end, therefore, the fault lies with the people for allowing their governments to have this much power.


i'm still a small government kind of guy, remember. these things don't happen when government does not have the power to hide behind secrecy.



comrade taks... just because.

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It's a good idea, but it will never happen. I prefer my politics to be practical, I got too much into impractical politics (ie libertarianism) in my late teens, only to get burned out during the election.


I suppose I'd better just come out and say it: 6ftIR/Hades, you bow too easily. You're not arguing, and at times you run pretty close to using the relativistic fallacy. Frankly, this is hard to deal with.

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no problem.


My point is I believe that neo cons are too loyal to do a thing about it.

part of my point is that you indict bush and/or republicans in nearly ever statement above, yet give a pass to democrats aka liberals. in truth, the fault lies with politicians, republicans and democrats alike across the globe, for allowing such things. in the end, therefore, the fault lies with the people for allowing their governments to have this much power.


"There are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but if you want to find the truly guilty, you need only look in a mirror."

- V

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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