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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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So, that's three orders of hooded robes, a side order of customisable hilts and choreography all round?


I'm very surprised at the sheer imagination and innovation shown in this, the thirteenth collection of aspirational notes.


At least Darque went with the sabrewhip; I favour the nun-chucks, but those of you who have been reading from the beginning would know that several times over.




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The ability to upgrade belts, gloves, helmets/masks, or armbands would be nice.

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This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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I hope they get the idea about hooded robes. :thumbsup:"

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Another thing in K2 was the curved status bar that was on the right side of the PC's alignment bar on the party screen. Since it was not in K2, if it could be included in K3, it would make it easier to tell which force powers or stim effects are active on the PC. (The bar essentially had symbols for Energy Resistance, Master Speed, Master Valour, and also those for Plague, Kill, and poison status inflicted by kinraths and kath hounds) Otherwise, you basically only see several green arrows/ red arrows on the PC's portrait which look almost the same.

Edited by vaxen83

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Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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Another thing in K2 was the curved status bar that was on the right side of the PC's alignment bar on the party screen. Since it was not in K2, if it could be included in K3, it would make it easier to tell which force powers or stim effects are active on the PC. (The bar essentially had symbols for Energy Resistance, Master Speed, Master Valour, and also those for Plague, Kill, and poison status inflicted by kinraths and kath hounds) Otherwise, you basically only see several green arrows/ red arrows on the PC's portrait which look almost the same.

I agree that was very irritating; one of the few areas where the sequel was actually inferior to the original game.


It was easy to manage in the later parts of the game, however, as the Force points needed to cast all the protection spells were so negligible compared to the total available that I would just constantly recast all of them every few minutes (I was in constant Jedi Speed anyway).


Just another casualty in the dumbing down effort to make the game more cross-platform independent.




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I want clothes :)


It seems like everything is armor or robes :)


Han, Luke and Leia didn't wear armor or robes :wacko:


I agree. I must admit that one of the things I like about Guild Wars is the ability to acquire different clothing dyes and different types of clothing (i.e. I can have my Ranger wear a leather-based outfit or a fur-based outfit...I have options)


Clothing options and having disguises for the entire squad...things like that would work wonders for immersion.

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I would love to completely customize and create your PC. From the facial features to the boots he/she is wearing... or close to it as possible :(


Also, i love the influence factor so maybe for the next kotor (if there is one :huh: ) if they developed the influence system more and made it more complex i feel it would make the relationships with NPC's that much better... On a side note i enjoyed when NPC's reacted to each other without the PC triggering something for example the time in Kotor 1 when Bastila pushed Mission over. More of this would be greatly appreciated.

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Females - cosmetic features (like eye shadow and slight colour for cheeks)


Males - perhaps the hair features

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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^A couple good ideas there, not so sure about things like eye shadow though, its a risk of causing the game to be a bit too much "The Sims" if we had that in there.


One thing which did annoy me in the game is that you were forced to choose out of a group of faces with set hair/features to play with through the whole of the game, instead, maybe have a few set faces like before, but maybe with totally customisable hair, so you can adjust the length, colour and style of the persons hair/facial hair, for each person. :)

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Also, relating to my earlier comments about more choreographed and fluid movement in combat, if you look at VtM: Bloodlines, they have the kind of combat i was talking about, although it is a bit button-mashing :lol:.


Also kind of like Jedi Academy, although the combat and movement in there was a bit inaccurate, with the character just swinging the lightsaber about wildly most of the time :).

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