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Uh oh! Another Star Wars RPG


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"For another RPG to be succesful, it has to be written after the New Jedi Order books or before TPM"



Well, If everything is actually allready set in EU, which it is, there is no way to prevent anything that has happened in that time. There is just not enough flexibility. What can you do on a LS path to prevent Anakin Skywalker from going DS? Nothing.

Can you kill Luke Skywalker? No.

Can you prevent the destruction of the second Death Star? No.

Some games did come around the problem but then there was always one outcome, mostly a victory for the Rebels. And they where not RPG's.

Not my idea of accomplishing a good RPG I think.

Master Vandar lives!

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"For another RPG to be succesful, it has to be written after the New Jedi Order books or before TPM"



Well, If everything is actually allready set in EU, which it is, there is no way to prevent anything that has happened in that time. There is just not enough flexibility. What can you do on a LS path to prevent Anakin Skywalker from going DS? Nothing.

Can you kill Luke Skywalker? No.

Can you prevent the destruction of the second Death Star? No.

Some games did come around the problem but then there was always one outcome, mostly a victory for the Rebels. And they where not RPG's.

Not my idea of accomplishing a good RPG I think.




An RPG has to be open-ended. That's the main reason why BioWare set the first KOTOR 4,000 years before the events of the movies. It allowed them to have more creativity and flexibility in how they shaped their story. It took place so far in the past that it had no direct influence over the events of the movies or anything that happened after the movies in the set EU canon. Regardless of how you chose to play it.


Playing a game in the Original Trilogy's timeline sounds kind of boring to be honest with you. It might be cool to see some of the characters from the movies and maybe even have them join your party, but the outcome of the ultimate story is already determined.


The only way I can see this working is if the devs make it a much more personal story about the PCs own personal journey somewhat independent of the events happenening around him or her. The goal of the story is not to save the galaxy or destroy the Rebel Alliance, but to have the PC make a moral decision that will affect him/her and those party members around them that is loosely associated with the main story of the Trilogy.

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The only way I can see this working is if the devs make it a much more personal story about the PCs own personal journey somewhat independent of the events happenening around him or her.  The goal of the story is not to save the galaxy or destroy the Rebel Alliance, but to have the PC make a moral decision that will affect him/her and those party members around them that is loosely associated with the main story of the Trilogy.



I kept the only part of your post that you got right. :blink:

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I would never, ever, under any sircumstance buy a Star Wars game based on the events after Episode VI. That time period is crowded with books, games, comics, and other. Almost all(or even all) such things are not very good, while about half of these suck badly. I know that some people would want Star Wars to continue, but what we see is out of control. I know most of you have read this before, but one of the main reasons I liked the KotOR series is because they were a refreshing breath of air I never thought would happen to the already crowded Star Wars franchise. The other very good thing about these series was they were not "go and kill everything that moves" like most Star wars games are

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I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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This would be an excellent opportunity to do a jediless(but not forceless) party rpg set in between the trilogies.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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This would be an excellent opportunity to do a jediless(but not forceless) party rpg set in between the trilogies.


Almost, they tried that concept with republic commando, eventhough that was an FPS.


Who would like to play a Star Wars RPG without Jedis or Sith?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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This would be an excellent opportunity to do a jediless(but not forceless) party rpg set in between the trilogies.


Almost, they tried that concept with republic commando, eventhough that was an FPS.


Who would like to play a Star Wars RPG without Jedis or Sith?

No Jedi? I won't get it.

Bounty Hunter 2 for Xbox with Boba Fett as the PC, now i would definately buy that! (w00t)

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Guest The Chew
I guess you'd have the psycotic adventures within the sarlacc then?

I think for a Boba Fett RPG to work, it should be set before the OT showing how he became one of the most feared bounty hunters


It should also feature 'run ins' with Han Solo as there is definatley some history between the two.

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No... I think according to the EU the only time Boba and Solo have met was when Boba informed solo of Solo's former finace's death on Topwara (the place that Darth Vader turned into glass because they stole the Death Star plans)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Guest The Chew
No... I think according to the EU the only time Boba and Solo have met was when Boba informed solo of Solo's former finace's death on Topwara (the place that Darth Vader turned into glass because they stole the Death Star plans)

Was that before, after or during the OT


I dont pay that much attention to the EU

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technically it occured in the 15 seconds before Han met Obiwan and Luke on tattoine for a job...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Guest The Chew
technically it occured in the 15 seconds before Han met Obiwan and Luke on tattoine for a job...

Ah I never knew that


In RoTJ on Jabba's barge where Han knocks Boba into the Sarlacc pit the way he shouts his name it just seems to me that they have run into each other before.


But still a Boba Fett RPG along the lines of bounty hunter would be a welcome break from the KoTOR setting.

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