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Civilization 4

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Im loving civ 4, religion really making a huge difference in the game for me.


Only tech issues I have had is it loads slow and occational lock up (not all the time) but figure thats just my puter to be honest.


Running a p4 3.1 gig, 512 ram, gforce 4 256 vid card.


Honestly couldnt imagine trying to play this game at lower specs.


Far as old Civ games, my favs still are (in order)


Call to Power

Alpha Cent

Civ 4

Civ 3

Civ 2

Civ 1


Really wish the new civ games would add the extra space tiles, other planet tiles, and under water tiles as found in call to power and alpha cent.


PS: Think this might be last computer game I ever buy. Just no reason anymore to play the constant upgrade system spec game with the quality of games coming out for XBox 360. Least with consel systems the designers need to design game for the system rather then asking custoimers to upgrade system for the game!

Edited by Kalfear
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PS: Think this might be last computer game I ever buy. Just no reason anymore to play the constant upgrade system spec game with the quality of games coming out for XBox 360. Least with consel systems the designers need to design game for the system rather then asking custoimers to upgrade system for the game!

Do not pollute ANOTHER thread with an inane holy war about console versus PC, or console versus console.


The only time a console has been objectively better than a PC was when the original Playstation was released in 1995, and the spec was better than the 486DX66 mainstream CPUs out there.


You keep buying




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Do not pollute ANOTHER thread with an inane holy war about console versus PC, or console versus console.

That's very good advice. :o

The only time a console has been objectively better than a PC was when the original Playstation was released in 1995, and the spec was better than the 486DX66 mainstream CPUs out there.

Hey! :-



In other news, I managed to build the Sistine Chapel today, and the movie took me inside to have a look at the ceiling, so I'm liking the movies more as a result.


I'm also enjoying religion more than I thought I would - I suspect it will help to make each game feel different even after playing several times.

Edited by SteveThaiBinh

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Take Two has just bought Firaxis, the developer of Civ4. I suppose the first expansion pack will feature a 'drive-by shooter' unit, functioning something like a pirate from Civ3, that you can send into enemy territory to take pot-shots at its cities.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Take Two has just bought Firaxis, the developer of Civ4.  I suppose the first expansion pack will feature a 'drive-by shooter' unit, functioning something like a pirate from Civ3, that you can send into enemy territory to take pot-shots at its cities.




So much for SMAC 2 :rolleyes:

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Take Two has just bought Firaxis, the developer of Civ4.  I suppose the first expansion pack will feature a 'drive-by shooter' unit, functioning something like a pirate from Civ3, that you can send into enemy territory to take pot-shots at its cities.




So much for SMAC 2 :wub:

Follow the Sid!




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Well, I finally got my copy in the mail, only to find that I don't even get a jewel case, and the manual is a PDF on CD. Um, I think not. So I emailed Take 2, or 2k Games or whoever published the thing asking them to send me a jewel case and a paper manual as soon as possible. Not expecting anything, but I personally figure that if you're spending 60 bucks on a game, you should at least get a 50 cent jewel case instead of those stupid paper sleeves.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Back to Civ 4 again please folks. :o


Well, my copy finally arrived, somewhat rudely. About twenty minutes ago I was enjoying a fairly pleasant dream, suddenly I was startled out of my slumber by a loud bang. Another loud bang came shortly after and I realised that it was someone banging on the front door. I pulled on some jeans and ran down the stairs to open the blasted thing. There stood the postman. He left quite rapidly after handing me the parcel, with a shocked expression - a quick look in the mirror afterwards suggested that perhaps my hair may have given him a fright.


Anyway - I ripped open the envelope and lo - twas a copy of Civilisation 4.


My copy is in a cardboard sleeve - a fairly typical Civ sized printed manual and the DVD box. Time to install...and drink copious amounts of coffee to sort my poor head out...


Tips and advice for when I actually do start a game would be super :)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

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In the end though, I made one line (in original post) saying this was last PC game I buy. Hardly a sentance promoting the computer vrs consel as you claim. YOUR the one that started THAT discussion im afraid! So find a mirror and start ranting at yourself! You will feel better im sure


Except there was no reason for you to share that information.




Anyways moving on. My friend says he really enjoys it and considers it way better than Civ 3 and Civ 2. It's on my Christmas list at #1a so here's hoping :D

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Anyways moving on.  My friend says he really enjoys it and considers it way better than Civ 3 and Civ 2.  It's on my Christmas list at #1a so here's hoping :D


At 1a? What's at 1b? :ph34r:


Antimatter: Don't expand to quickly. You'll drive yourself into the ground with maintenance costs from your cities and possibly leave yourself open to attack. :o Stupid barbarians. You're not supposed to attack my undefended cities! <_<

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Call of Duty 2 is 1b.


Well, they're both pretty interchangeable. We'll go tie at 1 :o


F.E.A.R. is the other one on my list as well.



I'm importing Fahrenheit as we speak, so it's missing from the list.


I didn't find there to be that huge of a selection at the moment.



My list was:


1. Call of Duty 2

1. Civilization 4

3. F.E.A.R.

4. Fable: The Lost Chapters

5. Quake IV

6. Farcry (cheap alternative I've been meaning to get)

7. The Movies (may not be released though)


I honestly couldn't think of much else this year. Last year it was Pirates and Bloodlines, in addition to Far Cry (though I didn't get Farcry).

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Hmm.. I've reviewed both F.E.A.R. and Quake 4 on that list, and I am reviewing Call of Duty 2 right now.


Quake 4 is a boring action romp that really shows what the Doom 3 engine (that our newly self-appointed expert Kaftan says is clearly the best engine out there) is capable of: NOTHING. I gave it 6.8/10. But if you like running in very dark corridors, taking orders from anonymous NPC's, then it's the game for you. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.


F.E.A.R. is yet another action game that tries too hard to scare you. It fails horribly. The first few minutes are scary, when you don't know what you're up against. But then, after about 15 minutes, you realize that tjhe ghosts never actually do anything, except go up in smoke when you shoot at them, and they cease being scary. After that you're stuck running in gray office buildings for the next 10 hours, although the action sequences in this game are unbelievable sometimes. Make good use of the slow motion button!! If you're not bothered by repetitive backgrounds and very uninspired level designs, then you're going to have a great time with the action (even if the game is very hardware demanding and things tend to slow down occasionally).


Call of Duty 2 seems to be the best of the bunch. I've only just started playing the game (got it on Monday) and I'm still in the russian campaign, but so far it's a graphically upgraded version of Call of Duty, meaning lots of cinematic action happening all around you all the time. The action has so far seemed a bit simple (shoot, run, shoot, run) but I am sure that will change when I get further into the game. Oh, and grenades are far more lethal this time around. Their blast radius is huge. So far I'm leaning towards a ~8.0/10 or so.


Far Cry is one of my favourite FPS's ever so I won't say too much about except: get it! It costs like.. $5 in Sweden right now, and it's still a great game.. Unless you have something against mutated apes.


Edit: I misspelled Sweden! SOMEONE SHOOT ME!! (and seize/cease..)

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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