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PC-only Neverwinter Nights proved to be more profitable than JE. It's just a fact.


A bitter lesson for Bioware: don't enter console crap!


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


FIrst, the customer base of Neverwinter Nights is much larger. There are a lot more people with PCs than X Boxes, you know. Also NWN has the DnD franchise to back it up, thusly it will sell more.


Jade Empire had a smaller audience and no franchises and licenses to bring people in so naturally it would sell less. Only an idiot would expect JE to sell better than NWN on initial and overall sales.


Does not matter, sales are always weighted with published games.


Personaly I think JE had the right concepts at time (you sould check out early interviews) but they either run out of time or decided to water down for the casual gamer but that just turned the game into a niche market.

FIrst, the customer base of Neverwinter Nights is much larger. There are a lot more people with PCs than X Boxes, you know. Also NWN has the DnD franchise to back it up, thusly it will sell more.


Jade Empire had a smaller audience and no franchises and licenses to bring people in so naturally it would sell less. Only an idiot would expect JE to sell better than NWN on initial and overall sales


I think you're the first person I've seen that thinks the PC has a larger installed base of gamers.


The reason why PC gaming is "dying" is because they don't generally sell as well. The console market is much larger, as there's no ambiguity about the demographic. People that own a console own it to play games. Just because someone owns a PC doesn't mean they play games. Heck, you don't even know if that PC even CAN play a game like NWN.



Sales for consoles (even single platform) tend to outstrip all but the most successful PC games.


"In the end its does not matter what Volourn thinks, as said 500,000 sales are pretty disapointing on a console title, expecialy considering BioWare usual sale numbers."


Proof please. Once again, comapring JE to games like BG-NWN-KOTOR is silly as they have inbuilt audience to them.


500k sales is prettyd anr good, and I ahve yet to see ANY proof otherwise. It's so good that JE is very likely to get a sequel. R00fles!


To say 500k sales is disaapointing for a console game is a statement typed illogically. How many console games reach 500k sales. I bet you anything it's a very small percenatge relatively speaking.


Game over.



Volourn, one day you will realize logic has been stalking you. Unfortunately, you will only come to this epiphany in the moments before your death when logic kills you for ignoring him your entire life.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had


To make this more comparable, how much did the first Final Fantasy sell in Japan?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 


"Proof? Gaider's comments."


Not proof. You notice how he mentions games like DA, and NWN; but not JE. Go figure. Eitehr way, it's not proof.


The only acceptable proof as far as I'm concerned is either BIO or MS saying that JE cost them money.


BIO is on record saying they ar every much happy with the 500k sales. I'll take that over fellow posters' word any day of the week.


Unless you can show that JE cost 25 mil to make, and it only made 24.9 mil in profit.


Otherwise, you have NO proof!



My response is that I have to see real proof that selling 500k copies of a game can be considered a financial failure. I shall continue to await this proof.


And, wait.


And, wait.


And, wait.


And, wait.


And, wait.



There has been a loit oif evidence poiinted oiuit by foiruim members that shoiwis that jade empire was expected toi doii muich better.


First oifi all is the evidence oifi the develoiipment time, which was years, and the huige size oiifi the develoipment team. The coisits had toii be a loiit foiir a game like that, and investing that muich in a game shoiws that bioiware was expecting a goioid retuirn foiir its moiiney.


Then oif coiuirse is the evidence oif the "limited editioin" jade empire games which are still sitting in the stoiry shelves. This indicates that bioiware predicted a huiige demand foir jade empire, which has noit materialized.


Bioware is goiiing toi be very reluictant toi admit that their first noin licensed game boimbed. And they have a histoiiry oif noit being hoinest peoiiple. Read foir example the interviews aboiuit neverwinter nights befoire its release. Bioiwiare proimised toi deliver the npc interractioin oif balduirs gate 2 and the oipen ended noini linear gameplay oif the oiriiginal balduirs gate..... what a fuiicking joike!!! Noit toii mentioini their heavily censoired foiriuiims (at least back in the oild days).


Bioiware suicks.

And, besides, being called a fanboy by Roshan who types worse than I do and actually started a whole RELIGION over a silly game is hilarious!


The game deserves toi be woirshipped.


None of your horribly mispelled (even by my standards) i'facts' is proof. Not one.


"Bioware is goiiing toi be very reluictant toi admit that their first noin licensed game boimbed."


If you enter a conversation, at least know basic facts. Let's look at some of your misconceptions.


1. JE is NOT BIO's first non licensed title. Better look at SS for that.


2. JE did not take 5 years to make. That's a mythical myth.


3. JE did not bomb. When a game sells 500k copies,a nd is almost gaurnateed to have a sequel it is not a bomb.


4. BIO does not lie. Period. Don't mix up hype with actual facts.


5. You have (nor do I) have any idea how much it cost BIO tod evlop JE so its hard to detemrine how many copies needed to sell for them to make money.



Bottom line here is that JE sold 500k copies. Until I see REAL proof that it financially bombed; opinions found in this thread are just that.


Please quote me the cost to develop JE, and the profit that JE made then maybe you have a shot to prove that.


Until then, 500k copies sold is very good whether its a console game or not.


Game over.



P.S. "The game deserves toi be woirshipped."


No games do. None. Zilch. Zero.


I'm a violent fanboy? Really? Tell me one person who I have physically assasulted over a BIO game. Just one.


Plus, when do 'violent fanboys' not play two of their obects games, believe one game is below par, trash one expansion, rate one of their major games a 75%, and also be trahsed talked by one of the employees because I had the gall tomake fun of their games. R00fles!


If that's being a fanboy, yup, that's me.


Yoiiur poists clearly exhibit the ravings oif a vioilent madman :wub: j/k.


Anyway, even a loiti oifi the moiisit hardcoiire black isle fanboiys think that heart oif winter was garbage and lioinheart was hoirrible, soi yoiuir disappoiiintment with a few oif bioiwiares proiduicts is noit a sign oifi noit being a fanboiy.


The game can sell more copies than Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Super Mario 64, and Ocarina of Time put together for all I care, that doesn't change that fact that it sucks. I for one bought the LE the day after it was released. I was ecstatic for the first few hours. But then the novelty wore off, and I saw it as it really was: a shallow, unoriginal piece of garpage full of generic cardboard people and some of the most idiotic dialouge since Episode 1.


R00fles! :D

None of your horribly mispelled (even by my standards) i'facts' is proof. Not one.


"Bioware is goiiing toi be very reluictant toi admit that their first noin licensed game boimbed."


If you enter a conversation, at least know basic facts. Let's look at some of your misconceptions.


1. JE is NOT BIO's first non licensed title. Better look at SS for that.


2. JE did not take 5 years to make. That's a mythical myth.


3. JE did not bomb. When a game sells 500k copies,a nd is almost gaurnateed to have a sequel it is not a bomb.


4. BIO does not lie. Period. Don't mix up hype with actual facts.


5. You have (nor do I) have any idea how much it cost BIO tod evlop JE so its hard to detemrine how many copies needed to sell for them to make money.



Bottom line here is that JE sold 500k copies. Until I see REAL proof that it financially bombed; opinions found in this thread are just that.


Please quote me the cost to develop JE, and the profit that JE made then maybe you have a shot to prove that.


Until then, 500k copies sold is very good whether its a console game or not.


Game over.



P.S. "The game deserves toi be woirshipped."


No games do. None. Zilch. Zero.



1. My spelling is goiioid, buiit my keyboiaird is buisited.


2. I never claimed they were proiioif, juiist EVIDENCE. Please pick uip a dictioiinary and find oiuit the difference between the meanings oifi the twoi woirds.


3. Jade empire is the first noini licensed rpg... and the first noiin licensed title they made in a loinig time. Noiw I doiinit want toi get intoi a semantical arguiment oiver this, soii lets leave it at that.


4. Whether 500k coipies is goioidi oiri noiti depends oini the coists oifi the title. We can estimate these coisits based oiin the amoiuint oif marketing foiir the title as well as the size oif the team and the lenght oif develoiipment.


5. Bioiware is knoiwn toii be a hype machine... They proimise a loiti foiir their games buiit doii noiti deliver, and like in the case oifi nwn oiuitright lie regarding the games roiileplaying and coinitent. They are liars and shoiuild noiti be truisited. Yoiiui have toi be a famboiiy toi believe what bioiware says.


Anyays, I greatly enjoyed Jade Empire and hope that if they make a second one, they manage to make it a bit longer. Thats really my only complaint

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


"Anyway, even a loiti oifi the moiisit hardcoiire black isle fanboiys think that heart oif winter was garbage and lioinheart was hoirrible, soi yoiuir disappoiiintment with a few oif bioiwiares proiduicts is noit a sign oifi noit being a fanboiy."


Meh. You liked HOW. And, I thought LH was underrated.



"The game can sell more copies than Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Super Mario 64, and Ocarina of Time put together for all I care, that doesn't change that fact that it sucks. I for one bought the LE the day after it was released. I was ecstatic for the first few hours. But then the novelty wore off, and I saw it as it really was: a shallow, unoriginal piece of garpage full of generic cardboard people and some of the most idiotic dialouge since Episode 1."


Quality is not an issue in this thread. We are disucssing whether or not JE was a financial bomb. For the record, however, JE is better than every BIO game except for BG2 and NWN:TTP. It is also betteer than 99.9% of RPGs overall - only FO series and some Ultimas are also better than it.


"1. My spelling is goiioid, buiit my keyboiaird is buisited."




"2. I never claimed they were proiioif, juiist EVIDENCE. Please pick uip a dictioiinary and find oiuit the difference between the meanings oifi the twoi woirds."


Evidence, proof, it means nothing. It's all hearsay based on wishful thinking; not facts.


"3. Jade empire is the first noini licensed rpg... and the first noiin licensed title they made in a loinig time. Noiw I doiinit want toi get intoi a semantical arguiment oiver this, soii lets leave it at that."


Irrelevant. It's not BIO's first non licensed game. Period. RPG or not is ireelevant.


"4. Whether 500k coipies is goioidi oiri noiti depends oini the coists oifi the title. We can estimate these coisits based oiin the amoiuint oif marketing foiir the title as well as the size oif the team and the lenght oif develoiipment."


OMG! That's what I've been saying, and I doubt JE cost more than 10 mil to make. Period. 10 mil is an amount reserved for the super main stream games. JE was never one of those. NEVER.


"5. Bioiware is knoiwn toii be a hype machine... They proimise a loiti foiir their games buiit doii noiti deliver, and like in the case oifi nwn oiuitright lie regarding the games roiileplaying and coinitent. They are liars and shoiuild noiti be truisited. Yoiiui have toi be a famboiiy toi believe what bioiware says."


BIO does hype; but they do not lie. Period.


"Anyway, even a loiti oifi the moiisit hardcoiire black isle fanboiys think that heart oif winter was garbage and lioinheart was hoirrible, soi yoiuir disappoiiintment with a few oif bioiwiares proiduicts is noit a sign oifi noit being a fanboiy."


The actuial heart oif winter game was garbage. The oinly thing goioid were the enhancements toi the oiriginal game suich as the higher res and the call foir help.




Shoiuildnt that be "Excuses"? Yoiiui shoiuild be oinie oifi the last peoiiple oin these foiruims toi chastise oitihers becauiise oifi spelling mistakes.....


Irrelevant. It's not BIO's first non licensed game. Period. RPG or not is ireelevant.


Yoiui really loive getting intoii semantic arguiiments, doiinit yoiui? I suippoisie its becauise thoisie are the oieins yoiui cant loise.....


OMG! That's what I've been saying, and I doubt JE cost more than 10 mil to make. Period. 10 mil is an amount reserved for the super main stream games. JE was never one of those. NEVER.


First oiif all 10 millioin is juisit specuiilatioin. If JE soiild 500,000 thats groiss sales oif 25 millioin. Noiw develoipers accoirding toi the article get 7 percent oif the groiss sales. Noiw lets say becauise bioiwiare self puiblished they goiti 30 percent oifi the sales, which is extremely generoiuis coimpared toi 7. This means that they oinly goiit 8 millioin and thuis incuirred a loiss oifi 2 millioin based oin YOIIUIR specuilatioin oif 10 millioin. Noiw if yoiui are moiire realistic then yoiui will realize that bioi getting 30 percent oifi the shelf price oif the game is as muich oif a fantasy as duiingeoins and dragoins. Noiw Im noiti saying that the game loist moiiney foir bioi, juisit that it clearly boimibed.


BIO does hype; but they do not lie. Period.


OInly a fanboiy woiiuild be blind enoiuigh noit toi see that theyre liars.


"First oiif all 10 millioin is juisit specuiilatioin. If JE soiild 500,000 thats groiss sales oif 25 millioin. Noiw develoipers accoirding toi the article get 7 percent oif the groiss sales. Noiw lets say becauise bioiwiare self puiblished they goiti 30 percent oifi the sales, which is extremely generoiuis coimpared toi 7. This means that they oinly goiit 8 millioin and thuis incuirred a loiss oifi 2 millioin based oin YOIIUIR specuilatioin oif 10 millioin. Noiw if yoiui are moiire realistic then yoiui will realize that bioi getting 30 percent oifi the shelf price oif the game is as muich oif a fantasy as duiingeoins and dragoins. Noiw Im noiti saying that the game loist moiiney foir bioi, juisit that it clearly boimibed."


Youa re assuming that BIO paid 100% of the costs. You seem to forget that MS was involved. Most games do not cost 10 mil to make.



" Noiw Im noiti saying that the game loist moiiney foir bioi, juisit that it clearly boimibed."


If it didn't lose money; it did not bomb. Period.


If it had bombed, MS would not want a sequel. Period.


When a game (or anything) bombs that means it completely flopped. Whether or not JE made a lot of money, very little, or lost some is soemthing that wecna't really discuss at this time since we don't have all the facts.


However, the fact that JE sold 500k+ copies proves without a doubt JE is not a bomb.


Do you even know what 'a bomb' is in terms of games and other goods? It surely doesn't seem like it.



Seriously Roshan, get a new keyboard. I have one sitting here not being used, I will mail it to you. Otherwie, fork out the $15 it costs to get another one. Your posts are unreadable.

The game can sell more copies than Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Super Mario 64, and Ocarina of Time put together for all I care, that doesn't change that fact that it sucks.  I for one bought the LE the day after it was released.  I was ecstatic for the first few hours.  But then the novelty wore off, and I saw it as it really was:  a shallow, unoriginal piece of garpage full of generic cardboard people and some of the most idiotic dialouge since Episode 1.


R00fles! :D



Could you, like, send your copy to me by post or something.


I'd really like to play it.

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