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Revenge of the Sith


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Dear Mister Volo, I thought you could do better than that? Such an obvious baiting is really beneath you dignity as senior troll of the fora.




Pity, I know how you guys love to drive them.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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"Dear Mister Volo, I thought you could do better than that? Such an obvious baiting is really beneath you dignity as senior troll of the fora."


Dear Mr. Troll,


You are wrong. Youa re the troll. Someone stated na opinion about Titantic, and I disagreed. There is more than one post on this baord, and others where I have also posted about how much I like Titantic. Disagreeing with someone else's opinion does not make one a troll even if said counter opinion is not popular with a certain vocal group.


Sorry To Dissapoint You,


Friendly Poster Volourn tm.




"I watched Titanic in a cinema in Japan surrounded by 100+ teenage girls. When the Leonardo DiCaprio character fell off his raft and disappeared down into the depths, a hundred noses sniffled and a hundred voices moaned 'Leo! Leo!'. I wanted to laugh out loud, but knew that if I did, I might not make it out of the building alive. "


LOL Most definitely lucky. You made a wise choice. ;)


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The biggest problem with Titanic was casting Kate Winslet.


Not that Ms Winslet isn't a good actress, she just isn't capable of pulling off the role: a super charismatic woman that men lose the ability to speak and behave around. She is just not that. Trouble is, women of that beauty rarely can act, too. I'm trying to think who might be able to pull it off; Marylin Monroe, definitely.




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The biggest problem with Titanic was casting Kate Winslet.


Not that Ms Winslet isn't a good actress, she just isn't capable of pulling off the role: a super charismatic woman that men lose the ability to speak and behave around. She is just not that. Trouble is, women of that beauty rarely can act, too. I'm trying to think who might be able to pull it off; Marylin Monroe, definitely.

Kate Winslet is both a talented actress and mega-hot.


Titanic was a good movie, though I'm not sure I would call it great. I still watched it atleast 5 times despite the weak dialogue.

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I could never get past my first viewing of the movie to see it again, it was just a boring movie all around.




I am a Winslet fan, especially after Quills

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I watched Titanic in a cinema in Japan surrounded by 100+ teenage girls.  When the Leonardo DiCaprio character fell off his raft and disappeared down into the depths, a hundred noses sniffled and a hundred voices moaned 'Leo!  Leo!'.  I wanted to laugh out loud, but knew that if I did, I might not make it out of the building alive. :ph34r:

HAHAHAHA :thumbsup::-:-

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The strange thing though, is that I don't mind most "chick flicks."


I go into them knowing just what to expect. But I certainly didn't consider the movie to be the absolute end all, be all r0x0ring of my b0x0rs given it's Academy Award success.


It wasn't utter shyte either though.

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Kate Winslet is not the sort of woman that could play that role. Ditto for the bint that played Helen in Troy. You need a screen goddess, someone who makes men gibber and drool and act like retarded children at Disney Land. KW doesn't do that, sorry.




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No accounting for taste. Wait until you meet a goddess, then you won't know what hit you: you won't be able to freeze the video or anything, whilst your brain reacts similarly to a mild concussion, with your tongue lolling around uselessly in your suddenly-dry mouth (like you have been drinking sea water and then gone to the dentist for a filling and were injected with novacaine), whilst you try to make some sounds and end up gibbering like a loon ...




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I'm afraid that I, also, vote with Vol. Kate is cute. She's also sexy, sultry, and stunning. Not to mention that I love the dark hair and eyes with fair/pale skin look. whewww. Oops, wife just got home. gota go. :ph34r:

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