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force masks

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I just got to the merc camp in the telos restoration project and every single one of them was wearing the force masks, I've played this game many times and never seen anything like this before. Has this ever happened to anyone else, is it like attons dialogue after you have played a certain amount of times or is it just one gigantic fluke?

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Not all at the same time, no.  I have noticed that if I load a game there, some mercs have force masks that didn't before the load.  No idea why this should be.

I agree that really is quite strange, considering only Force-Sensitives can wear force masks if im not mistaken?! It must be a big bug, since AFAIK mercs aren't force sensitive :luck:

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Not all at the same time, no.  I have noticed that if I load a game there, some mercs have force masks that didn't before the load.  No idea why this should be.

I agree that really is quite strange, considering only Force-Sensitives can wear force masks if im not mistaken?! It must be a big bug, since AFAIK mercs aren't force sensitive :luck:


I think I have equipped these masks on non force sensitives before and in kotor 1 also, I think the force in their doesn't refer to the 'force',if you know what I mean.


I couldn't take a screenshot either as I am on Xbox :)

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yeah, sometimes they wear it and sometimes they don't. force masks use the same look as the shield masks and the arkanian blinders, so it could be those rather than the force masks. also, the force in force masks doesn't mean non force-sensitives can't wear them, it means that it protects against the force to a degree.

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for me it's either they all wear them, or none of them wear them


i've noticed it in the clips for the mercenary attack on dantooine as well.... :huh:

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Not slave dancer outfits?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

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why does everyone insist on thinking that they're Force Masks? They could be Shielding Visors (they protect against energy, electrical, and sonic, etc.), for that matter... and there are masks that protect against force powers (Force Shielding Visor), but also inhibit the wearer's wisdom and whatnot...not a big deal for non-force senstives.

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why does everyone insist on thinking that they're Force Masks? They could be Shielding Visors (they protect against energy, electrical, and sonic, etc.), for that matter... and there are masks that protect against force powers (Force Shielding Visor), but also inhibit the wearer's wisdom and whatnot...not a big deal for non-force senstives.


I think we're calling them that cause that's what they call them in the game.

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why does everyone insist on thinking that they're Force Masks? They could be Shielding Visors (they protect against energy, electrical, and sonic, etc.), for that matter... and there are masks that protect against force powers (Force Shielding Visor), but also inhibit the wearer's wisdom and whatnot...not a big deal for non-force senstives.


I think we're calling them that cause that's what they call them in the game.



Since when are they all refered to as Force Masks in the game? The Force Shielding Visor, Shielding Visor, Advanced Shielding Visor, etc. all look exactly the same. As in, there is no way to tell them apart just by looking at them. The masks that the mercenaries are wearing could be any one of those.

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I'm calling them 'Force Masks' because it's easier than calling them 'The Items of Headgear Which May or May Not Be Force Shielding Visors, Shielding Visors or Advanced Shielding Visors' (TIHWMMNBFSVSVASV for short). :thumbsup:


It's only short hand. Since you can't recover the items from the corpses, how can we possibly know what they really are?

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why does everyone insist on thinking that they're Force Masks? They could be Shielding Visors (they protect against energy, electrical, and sonic, etc.), for that matter... and there are masks that protect against force powers (Force Shielding Visor), but also inhibit the wearer's wisdom and whatnot...not a big deal for non-force senstives.


I think we're calling them that cause that's what they call them in the game.



Since when are they all refered to as Force Masks in the game? The Force Shielding Visor, Shielding Visor, Advanced Shielding Visor, etc. all look exactly the same. As in, there is no way to tell them apart just by looking at them. The masks that the mercenaries are wearing could be any one of those.

enhanced shielding visor. :* unfortunately, they spelled it wrong and put enchanced shielding visor. :thumbsup:
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