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What are the meanings of colours other than the standard blue, green, yellow and red? I remember hearing rumours that purple is borderline dark, cyan is anti-red (cyan being the complement of red in RGB and all), but haven't been able to confirm those. Nothing about the other colours and there's quite a number...


I don't think there is....


I believe the only reason purple exists is because Sam Jackson wanted to be "different" and George gave him his wish.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Heh... purple isn't my version of "bad ass", but everyone has their own preferences.


But, they do have meaning:


The purple, silver, cyan, viridian, orange, and bronze lightsaber crystals mean that you have more colors of lightsaber blades to look at other than blue, green, yellow or red. :D :-" :thumbsup:


But really, if Mace Windu was one of the prime examples of a true Jedi Master, then purple couldn't possibly mean borderline darkside. If I had to choose a color for that, it'd be orange, cause its closest to red. ;)


I was reffering more to all the other folks on the internet who say purple is badass and Mace is badass and...


Don't tell me you've never heard this arguement? :thumbsup:

  Darkside said:
I was reffering more to all the other folks on the internet who say purple is badass and Mace is badass and...


Don't tell me you've never heard this arguement? :-


No... I'd consider Kit Fisto more badass than Mace Windu... except George Lucas screwed that up and made him look like a pansy versus Palpatine/Darth Sidious. Mace is just a Yoda wanna-be. :thumbsup: Shoot, C-3PO is more badass than Mace Windu... plus he's comedy relief... at least in Episodes I, IV, V & VI.


Not that Master Windu isn't an interesting character, he's just portrayed too... bland. And I like Samuel L. Jackson as an actor, but he just seemed to be missing some "umph" that he usually brings to a character. And that lightsaber battle against Darth Sidious was horrid. Anyway, enough about that...


Purple is a decent saber color... just not my preference.

  Matadore said:
No... I'd consider Kit Fisto more badass than Mace Windu... except George Lucas screwed that up and made him look like a pansy versus Palpatine/Darth Sidious. ...

I see. GL screwed "that" up, did he? According to whom? Some comic book? :thumbsup:


Also, stop using coloured fonts, it makes your already pointless comments even more unreadable. :-


To answer the original question, the three colours were given meanings by Bioeare when they created the game. There is no reason to ascribe any subtext to the colour of a lightsabre beam (except red has only ever been used for Sith).


Of course I don't expect it will be long before some zealous fanboy revisionist explains that the colours have always had deep, intrinsic meanings based on long-established principles.




  metadigital said:
  Matadore said:
No... I'd consider Kit Fisto more badass than Mace Windu... except George Lucas screwed that up and made him look like a pansy versus Palpatine/Darth Sidious. ...

I see. GL screwed "that" up, did he? According to whom? Some comic book? :ermm:


Also, stop using coloured fonts, it makes your already pointless comments even more unreadable. :thumbsup:


To answer the original question, the three colours were given meanings by Bioeare when they created the game. There is no reason to ascribe any subtext to the colour of a lightsabre beam (except red has only ever been used for Sith).


Of course I don't expect it will be long before some zealous fanboy revisionist explains that the colours have always had deep, intrinsic meanings based on long-established principles.


Way to go. Another member of the "Let's go insult some new posters today club".

Way to go. Another member of the "Let's go insult some new posters today club".


Was it aimed at you????


Or are you the saviour for all new posters???


Oh and the colours have no deep hidden meaning meaning, infact half of them should not even exist. I mean come on runing round with a silver lightsaber is ridiculous.

  metadigital said:
  Matadore said:
No... I'd consider Kit Fisto more badass than Mace Windu... except George Lucas screwed that up and made him look like a pansy versus Palpatine/Darth Sidious. ...

I see. GL screwed "that" up, did he? According to whom? Some comic book? :blink:


Also, stop using coloured fonts, it makes your already pointless comments even more unreadable. :thumbsup:


To answer the original question, the three colours were given meanings by Bioeare when they created the game. There is no reason to ascribe any subtext to the colour of a lightsabre beam (except red has only ever been used for Sith).


Of course I don't expect it will be long before some zealous fanboy revisionist explains that the colours have always had deep, intrinsic meanings based on long-established principles.


Well, mrchallenge, I appreciate the gesture. Not all people have to be on the hate bandwagon. But since metadigital started, lets see if he can finish, shall we? :thumbsup:


First off, I want to see you come make me use a different color. What's that? Can't? Well, guess you'll just have to find somewhere to stick that thumb. :-" :lol: It obviously didn't keep you from reading it, then posting this weak attempt to cut on someone who has an opinion other than the mainstream... which is why I'm guessing you post in plain 'ol white text. Kinda boring, really. :ermm:


Second, I don't read comics, so I couldn't tell you. I just think George Lucas did screw that up, and I'm probably not the only one. That's the beauty of being a free-thinker... your mind is open to things outside of your ego. (Apparently, yours isn't, but we'll try to forgive you for that. o:) ) I think its stupid that Darth Sidious killed 3 Jedi in less than a minute, yet has trouble against a Jedi that looks like he's swatting flies than dueling. My opinion... you won't change it, so save forum space and don't reply to my "colorful" posts. :cool:


And last... I already addressed the topic at hand, and if some "fanboy" comes along and gives information about it, that's fine by me. It's called an answer, which isn't anywhere to be found in your mindless dribble. So, if you wanna insult others and rag people for having their own opinions or those who like Star Wars and the KOTOR series, then exactly what are you doing posting on these boards? I mean, feel free if you have to, but some people here just enjoy talking about this stuff. Wouldn't expect you to understand. :shifty:

  GhostofAnakin said:
I don't think there is....


I believe the only reason purple exists is because Sam Jackson wanted to be "different" and George gave him his wish.

I find what is annoying about that is that in the OT, there was no other colours of lightsaber apart from red, green and blue?? So really it was Sam Jackson that basically made all the other different colours happen. :thumbsup:



  petay12 said:
  GhostofAnakin said:
I don't think there is....


I believe the only reason purple exists is because Sam Jackson wanted to be "different" and George gave him his wish.

I find what is annoying about that is that in the OT, there was no other colours of lightsaber apart from red, green and blue?? So really it was Sam Jackson that basically made all the other different colours happen. :thumbsup:




Actually, if you look back at the action figures they produced for Star Wars after the original film, the Luke figure had a yellow lightsaber... :p


Don't ask me why, but at least the phenomenon isn't quite that new - there was actually a yellow lightsaber before a green one...


It's just the way George Lucas wanted it. Blue and green are lightside Jedi, and red is darkside. And then all those other colors fall into play (cyan, silver, purple) no one can truly say they understand what colors mean what. It I wanted Revan, one of the great Sith Lords of the KotOR age, to have a blue lightsaber and still follow the Darkside, that's just my prefrence.

  kotorkyle said:
It's just the way George Lucas wanted it. Blue and green are lightside Jedi, and red is darkside. And then all those other colors fall into play (cyan, silver, purple) no one can truly say they understand what colors mean what. It I wanted Revan, one of the great Sith Lords of the KotOR age, to have a blue lightsaber and still follow the Darkside, that's just my prefrence.

You kind of contradict yourself there, you said that blue and green are for LS jedi, and red is for DS jedi, but have said at the end anyone can have any colour as there preference, LS or DS.


I personally still believe the latter, that anyone should be able to have whatever colour lightsaber that they want, LS or DS, with it not mattering what alignment or personality that the jedi is, as this is kinda proven in the movies. Although, they would be a bit suspicious if a padawan at the council decided to have a red lightsaber :( .

  Marka Ragnos said:
matadore's post hurts my eyes. :(


To be honest, I skip his posts because of the font. Which is too bad, since he may or may not have something intelligent to add.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  Marka Ragnos said:
heh, the blinding yellow distracted me from the fact it is much smaller than default size.


That's what I meant. I'm used to HTML coding where you need to type FONT color, thus I was referring to his yellow. :">

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I wouldn't have any problem with his colorful posts if they were anything but yellow. Hurts my eyes. But I won't complain, lest I get flamed.

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