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New PS3 details emerge...


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The new issue of PSM states that Sony is not setting a resolution standard for their games on the PS3, (like MS is with the X360 where all games will be at least 720p), which means 1080p will not be supported across the board (as a few here have claimed). Oddly enough, this could mean some games may only be released in 480p, which would be quite commical.


Confirming my statements made a while back, when I said that 1080p was achievable, but only the games that have the worst graphical presentations will use it as the console simply does not have the banwidth to push it.


See you next time.


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Again this has absolutely no bearing on jack schitte.


It's the quality of games that matters, not resolutions that are supported.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


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The XBox can only put out one 720p image.  The PS3 puts out two 1080p images.  That's huge.  That can be implemented in so many ways.

Noone (not even Sony) has claimed that the standard for all games will be 1080p. That was never the point, no matter how you twist it. The PS3 is supposed to be the media center of your home and I bet that's where the two 1080p outputs will come to use. If any games will support it (highly doubtful since noone has two of those tv-sets) only time will tell.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Actually, that's a valid point for me. I use my current xbox more as media center and less for gaming. What hurt PS2 last time around might be what hurts xbox in the next generation.

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I think not making a standard is good. It gives smaller developers more leeway. As for whether that is because the system cannot actually run it efficiently, who knows.


Small developers will not benefit from no standard resolution. Coding for the in order processors will be what taxes them.

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Small developers will not benefit from no standard resolution.  Coding for the in order processors will be what taxes them.

It will be tough, no doubt, but they're getting help:




Lots of it! I am not worried. Sony are taking this seriously.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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It will be tough, no doubt, but they're getting help:




Lots of it! I am not worried. Sony are taking this seriously.



Nothing new in that article. No development kit is going to alleviate the stress of having to code in a completely new environment. That aside, it still does nothing to disprove the fact that standard resolutions have no effect on developers. :|

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Do you people have to bring the specs and this fight up constantly? Frankly, it's annoying and doesn't lead anywhere. So why continue? Do you like bickerous arguments? I'm of course a hypocrite for writing this, but it doesn't change the facts.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Nothing new in that article.  No development kit is going to alleviate the stress of having to code in a completely new environment.  That aside, it still does nothing to disprove the fact that standard resolutions have no effect on developers.  :|

Except each new development kit is new.


And the 360 is also a new architecture. How can you insist that programmers can't learn a new architecture to develop for the PS3, but learning a new architectuer for the 360 won't be an issue?


In every single topic and issue you discount all logic and speak like a true fanboy.


The purpose of a development kit is to automate some of these processes and make things easier on the developer. Sony designed the PS1 and PS2 to be fairly easy to develop for. The PS1 beat out the N64 for that very reason. Sony is not ignorant of the need to have plenty of strong developers working for their platform. In fact, that has been their strength through two generations and you magically assume that is changing.

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Does anyone else besides me read not Sony not making a set resolution as being easier on the Developers, I was thinking some of these small development houses would have to join Conglomerates like EA if they wanted to have any chance of supporting not one, but two 1080p images.

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Except each new development kit is new.


And the 360 is also a new architecture.  How can you insist that programmers can't learn a new architecture to develop for the PS3, but learning a new architectuer for the 360 won't be an issue?


In every single topic and issue you discount all logic and speak like a true fanboy.


The purpose of a development kit is to automate some of these processes and make things easier on the developer.  Sony designed the PS1 and PS2 to be fairly easy to develop for.  The PS1 beat out the N64 for that very reason.  Sony is not ignorant of the need to have plenty of strong developers working for their platform.  In fact, that has been their strength through two generations and you magically assume that is changing.


I've never once said that the X360 doesn't have a new architecture to develop on. Please, put me BACK on your ignore list, because your continual quest of making stuff up is starting to become a bore.


The PS1/PS2 were NOT the easiest platforms to develop for, for their respective generations. The PS1 dominated the N64 due to the disc medium and Nintendos goal to alienate themselves from 3rd party developers and maintain a standard of being 1 generation behind the "norm", that generation it was cartridges vs CD rom.


Facts straight - don't make stuff up about me - then debate


Otherwise, return me to your ignore list, like you've previously touted.


Bye Ender - I'll see you later when more news reports/publications print what I've been trying to beat over your skull for the past months.




Does anyone else besides me read not Sony not making a set resolution as being easier on the Developers, I was thinking some of these small development houses would have to join Conglomerates like EA if they wanted to have any chance of supporting not one, but two 1080p images.


Again... Standard resolution has no impact on the development cycle. Artists draw their textures in a high resolution, they don't draw them in horribly low ones.

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Please, put me BACK on your ignore list, because your continual quest of making stuff up is starting to become a bore.


Otherwise, return me to your ignore list, like you've previously touted.


Wait - I thought the only two people on Ender's ignore list is Nur Ab Sal and some random punk.

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You summoned me. Why?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Every single developer said the PS1 was light-years eaiser to develop for than the N64.  That is why most third-party N64 games were so horrid.


You have no clue what you are talking aout.


The PS was easier to develop for than the Saturn, the N64 was still barebone development, it just had cartridge hell to be delt with. Nintendo's philosophy during that generation was all or nothing, on both 3rd and 2nd party titles. A large portion of once large Nintendo supports left the console and moved to the Playstation because of the disc medium. Making a game for the console was easy, making what they WANTED to make was hard because of cartridge storage. The Playstation offered full motion video, lots of voice over acting, and larger games (since discs > cartridge and you could swap discs on top of that). That's why the console beat the N64, it had nothing to do with ease/difficulty of development - like you just tried to claim.


Get a clue Ender.


Done with ya, I'll post again when more info is released on the PS3, proving one of us right.



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Every single post you make proves you are wrong.


The N64 actually had better graphic capabilities overall, a respected brand behind it, and existing franchises. No one expected Sony to succeed, but all the developers jumped ship once they realized how easy it was to develop for, yet you insist that Sony has developed a system not designed for gaming, that no one will be able to code for.


You also call all the specs lie, that it won't have a HDD (despite the specs stating it does have a HDD), that they won't pull off the resolutions, etc. etc. etc.


You have no facts, only assumptions that any point that makes you look bad is bull, yet you have all the faith in the world in Microsoft.


The other benefits of the PS1 doesn't mean that the system wasn't easy to develop for. Every single developer swore on how easy it was to develop for.

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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