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Painkiller Gold

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You know, Painkiller is an excellent game. I did my two runs, and I found that I enjoyed it actually better than Doom 3 and almost as much as Half Life. In a year that seems characterized by lackluster games, Painkiller is yet another great FPS title, showing that, at least for me, FPSs are one of the few really great genres around.


When I bought Painkiller, I purchased the "GOLD" version. That meant I got a nifty Penny Arcade comic strip, the expansion pack, and the word GOLD on the box. It was all good. I did a quick game on Insomnia to unlock the Nightmare level. I then went through nightmare and picked up every black tarot card for each level. So far, so good.


The backstory isn

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I just liked the fact that with some of the bosses you were about as big as their little toe. I also loved the super weedwhacker of doom that's your default "fist" weapon if you don't have any ammo left over.

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Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Ah, yes, the Painkiller. It's a great weapon. It even does a good amount of damage and has good range. I'm not much for melee, myself, the actual Painkiller aspect of the weapon is awesome and tended to yank the dead body towards you. It made it much easier to collect the soul.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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If you haven't already figured it out Eldar, you can also use the alternate and the primary fires on some weapons at the same time for a tertiary firing mode. Those were probably only really all that useful on the Shuriken launcher (Electrified Ninja Stars take out groups of baddies faster than the Shottie + Freeze combo in most instances), and the Painkiller (Long distance spinning blade of death). I played through the first game, got through Trauma mode, got into the BooH X-Pack (I bought them both at the reduced price of $20 just before the Gold edition came out :( ), got swamped with work, and had to put it away after the first two levels. I really dug the Orphanage, creepy as all get out. I also downloaded the Bink Tools before I put it away because I wanted to know how it ended. Ending is good. :lol:

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Okay, I gave it a test. The tertiary mode is kind of cool, although I find that I still prefer different weapon selections for different areas.


It's funny, but I just realized that the nazis in the Leningrad map use cannisters for calling in air strikes. When you take the time to dance around and watch rather than just shooting them down, they look an aweful lot like the LTs from RtCW.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Hmm...maybe I should look into this title, as there are currently no good RPGs to play.

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I thought Painkiller still had pretty nice graphics personally.

The "Hell" level was quite spooky in all it's surrealness. Haven't tried the expansion and it sounds like I might just wait for PK2 :blink:

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I thought Painkiller still had pretty nice graphics personally.

The "Hell" level was quite spooky in all it's surrealness. Haven't tried the expansion and it sounds like I might just wait for PK2 :ermm:


The hell level was an example of great artistic integrity, simply excellent IMO.

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You know, Leningrad was a great level and the latter half of the expansion was quite good. I'd suggest it if you can get a reasonable price. You should have fun.


I agree with SoE, the orphanage is spooky, but the early expansion didn't appeal to me as much as the last half.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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