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How to sacrifice Visas:




Before the fight with Nihilus, give Visas a melee weapon and 'clothing'. If clothing is equipped, Visas should be wearing her default Visas garb from when she first showed up on the Ebon Hawk.


Now fight with Nihilus, and when dialog is initiated for the second time, you should get the dialog option to sacrifice her. IIRC it's the third option from the top. 


The cutscene looks best if you have a lightsaber equiped with Visas. She plays a custom animation, and falls over dead. The cutscene after you kill Nihilus is different, and I believe there might be a slight difference at the very end of the game if you decide to kill her.


This was supposed to be a standard dialog option, but we had to take it out during testing. If Visas is not wearing her standard robe clothing, the game will crash when she played the sacrifice animation.






I don't remember anything being different about the ending (apart from the fact that Visas is not mentioned by Traya at the end). But it's been a long time since I did this, so I may have forgotten something.

I'd try it, but sadly I'm not allowed to play my Xbox until the end of the year... :p





Tips for getting out of grounding:


Puppy dog face


Ask Politely


Help around the house


Never misbehave


Say you will never do it again and prove it


Give them something


Beg your parents into paranoia


If it is so difficult maybe we could assume Visas will make it in a possible Kotor III?! Bastila appeared in Kotor II but could be killed in Kotor I.

Master Vandar lives!

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