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A KOTOR 2 romour

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And fail miserably, like every other Star Trek game to date? Naaah.

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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I havent read any of the star wars universe books, but to me it seems light sabres are extremely destructive devices in the movies. They sever flesh and armor in moments like hot knives through butter.


They're also extremely light and dangerous to weild, without the jedi - slight look ahead in time you'd quite easily sever your own leg trying to fight with them.


It also means in melee against a jedi you either kill him instantly, avoid the quick slash of his light sabre, disable his arm so he cant swing the sabre against you or die a grisly death against an near unblockable weapon , that also when weilded by jedi's makes them near immune to laser fire.


It seems though that since light sabres can block other light sabres there could easily be a personal energy shield that could absorb or deflect a sabre. Also anything that could affect the light sabre's field like some sort of crystaline armor, electomagnetic field.


Also in the pseudophysics of the sabre something is limiting its length. keeping the energy in a field.. some device to affect that could drastically affect the operation of the weapon.

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I didn't knew that Jedis have this slight look ahead into the future while fighting. But it seems an OK idea.


Well, a lightsaber is very close to a katana as we saw in the movies. I was searching some documentation for my feudal Japan based NWN mod, and find the Book of The Five Rings from Miyamoto Musashi.


It is very interesting to read the thoughts of a man who lived a few hundred years ago, and who's only concern was how to win in fights and battles. He was one of the greatest swordsmans ever lived, so I think he might not be mistaking.


So he says, that the main focus is always un cutting the opponent. You don't learn tehniques to apply them. You learn them so your body learns them, than you forget them totally on a mental level. They will snap in at the right moment without you thinking about them. By cutting he means a blow wich hits and wins you the fight. So a swordfight using so deadly weapons as katanas (or lightsabers) is very ferocius, and very short, usually. Sometimes the first attack is the last. At least Miamoto's fights were all like this. (when his life was at stake)

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It should also be noted that Lord Vader lost his right hand to Palpatine after the Death Star incident, as this was reported by Mara Jade to Luke Skywalker in Timothy Zahn's extrapolation of the Star Wars saga in Dark Force Rising.

How does that square with the ending of Attack of the Clones?

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It should also be noted that Lord Vader lost his right hand to Palpatine after the Death Star incident, as this was reported by Mara Jade to Luke Skywalker in Timothy Zahn's extrapolation of the Star Wars saga in Dark Force Rising.

How pointless is that ?


The guys been dunked in Lava and lives in constant pain anyway.


I mean if your just going to replace it with a cybernetic one anyway. I would have credited Palpatine with more imagination. Its not like you want your right hand man (oh my god the pun make it stop) unable to fight is it ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I feel somewhat odd in mentioning this but I don't believe there was any point to Palpatine's actions only that he did it for the sake of doing it. If you recall one of Yoda's proverbs he mentions something to the effect of: "Once you journey down the path of the darkside; forever will it dominate you"-or some such. I suppose the point is that there was no point to it ultimately...


Anyway, is it just me or does Palpatine seem to possess this vaunted Battle Meditation skill as well. I've reread some of the sequels and Grand Admiral Thrawn makes a point in mentioning that the Imperial Navy was enchanced by Emperor Palpatine's will, hence the primary purpose of the Death Star in creating a mobile station with which he could coordinate and augment Imperial efficiency as it were.


And I double checked, Mara specifically states it was Vader's right hand that was removed.

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