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About Shneider

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Agreeing with the majority of the substantive points thus far to a point. If the armor were akin to what the Yhuuzan Vong wear then strength should apply; or unless the lightsaber in question were similar to what Luke Skywalker has in modifying it later to cut through Cortosis then strength shouldn't be applicable to damage. If anything dexterity for control should depending upon the accuracy of lethal cuts, slices and thrusts.
  2. I would also say Form II simply by virtue of severing his/her apprentice's jaw without mortally wounding him, even though we see very little of the atypical high stance. Mirroring prior points that Revan knew the path he/she was headed down ergo he/she more than likely anticipated the need for the technique as an eventual contingency against Jedi that wouldn't rally to his/her cause during the Mandallorian Wars. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd mastered Form I as well given his/her studious nature that and in being able to adapt to a secondary stance could have provided a necessary edge in combat when determining who would be the Sith Master.
  3. Tie Fighter since you actually run the risk of failing missions, whereas with KOTOR a chimp could get through the game with no difficulty.
  4. As thought provoking as "no more of this canon crap," Laozi? How about instead, we stay on point instead of bringing up completely irrelevant positions and or positions ad ignorantium?
  5. Yes, no canon. Let's just make up whatever we feel like, shall we?
  6. Precisely my point; I brought it up because you said old were more powerful than the new, and yet when a knight of the Old Republic, Vergere, acknowledges that a member of the new Jedi Order, Jacen Solo, is more powerful than the most powerful Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, according to canon; why then do you have a double standard? Or do your beliefs take precedent over canon? As to the second point if you go back and actually read it, I clearly state Zonama Sekot not another galaxy. The Unknown Regions are part of the Star Wars galaxy, they are quite obviously, just unexplored by the Empire/Republic/Alliance.
  7. Arbitrarily quantifying each generation's sensitivity to the Force, hrmm? According to Vergere, Jacen Solo was more powerful Force user than even Anakin Skywalker whom Lucas has said was the most powerful of the Jedi so one could make the argument contrary to your assertion on the old and new Jedi Order... whatever it is based on remains to be seen. Now looking at a map of the the Star Wars universe, Dagobah is further from Coruscant than Belkadan or the border of the Unknown Regions, in which case even were there some barrier of dark matter surrounding the galaxy, when Vergere was at Zanoma Sekot she would have actually been in closer proximity to Palpatine than when Yoda was on Coruscant. In which case given some deductive reasoning since Yoda required something to mask his pressence, at the time he was indeed within the range of Palpatine Force sense (assuming of course there is indeed some range, what is it, 1 AU, 10, 100?). And if Yoda was within range then when the Vong were at the edge of the Unknown regions she should have been detected none the less.
  8. A different galaxy, not universe, but that's beside the point as distance is immaterial as she could have done so while being within a few feet on them (hence the Skywalker example.) Vergere was still an integral aspect of the Force, so accoding to Yoda's philosphy on a living Force he should have been able to sense her, as well as the Vong since they are living. By hiding her Force pressence from the Yuuzhan Vong's yammosks she effectively hid herself from them as well; which she did again when she was a fugative and was able to concele herself from Kyp, Durron, Saba, the Skywalker's....
  9. When Vergere hid herself from Luke I don't mean physically: she stood right in front of him and told him to attack her through the Force, but Luke simply couldn't detect her and thus his Force attacks were completely useless. Note that she hid herself from the Emperor, Vader, Yoda and Obi-Wan as well for 50 years as well when they all thought Luke was the last of the Jedi. The distinction I am making here is that Vergere relied on her latent abilities but Yoda had to rely on external events, particularly his duel with the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi on Dagobah.
  10. Vergere was trained during the Old Republic but she had half a century to consider the issue that the Yuuzhan Vong were beyond her perception in the Force not to mention hiding the fact that she was Force trained from the yammosks, voxyn et al; Yoda subscribed to the living Force and thus his perceptions of the Force would have been invariably flawed. Giving similar circumstances Yoda might have developed such abilities but then one cannot argue for a negative. Also, Yoda had to hide on Dagobah and use the pressence of the 'dark side' to hide himself from the Emperor; Vergere could do so without having to confine herself to one location.
  11. http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/vergere/eu.html
  12. Vergere (Traitor version, not Destiny's Way version). Not even the most Force sensitive could find her in the Force when she wanted hide; particularly in her 'art of defense' with the Force--Luke Skywalker couldn't even attack her through the Force. She rejected the labels of the light and dark side of the Force stating that if there was corruption it was part of the individual not the consciousness of the Force; and showed the flaws in Yoda's dogma of the living Force.
  13. The generally petty, capricious dialogue options for 'dark side' characters. I expected much more from BioWare with CRPG titles like the Baldur's Gate Saga and Planescape Torment under their proverbial belts. The mini-games were too long and too boring to bother with, My advice to Obsidian: read the Han Solo trilogy, learn Sabacc, implement Sabacc. The lack of anti-Force user tactics. Take a lesson from Thrawn or any number of bounty hunters and just provide more options than x arcane sorcery or y hack and slash option. And I don't mean lay an 'elaborate' mine-field; write unique AI's for certain NPC's e.g. when protagonist sets a mine, Malak uses the Force to cause it to blow up in their face; or instead of fighting a possible trio of Jedi/Sith Calo Nord decides to attack from the relative safety and advantage of his speeder instead of engaging in honorable combat. Scripted events, convenient captures and escapes: Perhaps the hallmark of Star Wars, but then perhaps it is time for a change. Don't leave prisoners unguarded, use some sort of psuedo-scientific scan to make sure no party members are left aboard to perform a rescue (this is science fiction after all), and in the words of Irenicus: "You warrant no villain's exposition from me." Take this lesson to heart shall we? Also, provide the option to massacre any security force that attempts to detain you; remember the Cowled Wizards from Shadows of Amn? Combat techniques need some refinement. Provide stun settings for blasters. Let people aim for any limb, head or tail, not just the torso.
  14. Once it was revealed that that one character was given the moniker "Darth Nihilis[t]" I assumed that after Revan's ordeal he becomes extremely pessimistic about the notions of the Force and becomes another wandering hermit akin to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jacen Solo. Perhaps Revan discovers the Force is lacking that Force philosophy eventually repudiates itself then sets out on a self-imposed exile in order to expose the dogma and sacrosanct truths as symptoms of a defective Jedi/Sith mythos. Done rambling, carry on.
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