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What about that female in Donkey Kong ... I saved her every level, but still -- curses -- Kong stole her back! (What was her name?) So, I again set off the find Kong, to effect the rescue.

"Where could he be?"



PS What was the topic? :wub:




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There'll be no escape for the Princess this time.


She'll be forced to star with Mario in Mario 128 on a next gen console.



The question is, will the action be as hot and heavy as it was in Super Smash Brothers Melee:




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Sounds like the Apple Macs. I have always thought that they should have kept the open architecture of the Apple ][ series ... ah, memories:



Will somebody get this walking carpet outa my way?




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Have to get it for Pokemon. : )


Pearl and Ivory for the DS are shaping up nicely.


Not really sure about Gale of Darkness yet. The snagging thing didnt really have the same appeal and you cant breed unless you cross over with the GBA version anyway. What more than made up for it was the MP (and catching Ho Ho). Have to see what additional features it has before I buy one. Of course missus already has hers on pre order so I can always play her version.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Used, for $150 with two controllers, a 56 Meg memory card, and eight games. 


Not bad, which games did you get?


Seriously I think people too fixated on prices for consoles and games. We could spend twice the price of a console (

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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It was in another thread, but I got The Wind Waker, the Promotional disc that came with pre-ordering Wind Waker (Ocarina of Time + Ocarina of Time Master Quest), Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brother Melee, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness (mmm, Lovecraft), Time Crisis 2, and Goldeneye: Agent Under Fire. 


Nice selection. I didnt really mind GoldenEye (though I'd probably have felt differently if I bought it).


I really should finish WindWaker....


If you dont own a GBA a Gameboy player is a wonderful addition if you like strategy games because the GBA has the best selection out there.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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If you dont own a GBA a Gameboy player is a wonderful addition if you like strategy games because the GBA has the best selection out there.

The PS2 has a good variety of strategy titles as well. It plays PS1 classic like Final Fantasy Tactics, Orge Tactics, etc, and PS2 titles like Disgea, Phantom Brave, Gladius, etc.

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