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Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I think the game needs graphics.  I don't want to play Zork.  Games that make me read suck.


The game must be a RPG because I like my character to get progressively more badass.  But again, reading is the suxx.


The game must feature ultra-cool, ultra-powerful characters who fall prostate to my even more ultra-cool, ultra-powerful character.


The game must last 200 hours but never bore me.


The game must declare me lord and master.


The game must not include any mini-games or optional content that I don't enjoy.  I don't understand that these are optional, and might appear to other players.  If I don't enjoy them, then no one should get said content.


The game should be totally centered on the path my character wants to take.


The game must have a romance where some really hot chick totally wants to do it with me.


If the romance involves reading and professing love, then it's gay and I want nothing to do with it and will get quite irate that some chick is forcing lame romance on me.


I totally want to play Revan and I think the Exile should just disappear faster than you can say plot hole.  Who cares.  Give me the roxxor character!


I don't wany any bugs, and I don't care if no one is currenlty working on this.  I also want a new engine, and I want it to launch with the 360 before Christmas.


If my demands are not met, then I will never support Obsidian or LucasArts ever again, but I will come to your forums everyday to remind you how upset I am, and that I am boycotting your stupid company.


Please, or else!!!!!





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1. MMORPG ( some ppl might not like it, but HONESTLY the replay value would never stop ). You could pick between Sith-Jedi-Freelance WHATEVER! The highest level sith would be Sith Lords, and Highestlevel Jedi could be on a Jedi Council. I am sure that a MMORPG for Kotor would be the biggest thing in gaming HISTORY. I mean look at world of warcraft. One game that is just amazing! The gaming bus. already shows that MMORPGs( when made right ) are untopable. Now the downside to this is tiem in making the game. To make a GREAT storyline and a GREAT MMORPG would take more than a year or 2. But the reward would be more than enough. Your talking about Lucasarts, and Obsidian being known for making the best MMORPG in the world! To be a successful gaming bus. you need 2 be patient. That means NO rushing a game, and no overlooking little things. I know Lucasarts will tell when they want the game 2 be released, but barter as much as you can. I mean who is honestly making the game here?


I didn't read your other suggestions, but as far as this one (which you keep insisting needs to be implemented), ABSOLUTELY NOT.


MMORPG don't have stories. Atleast not good stories. It's probably damn near impossible to write a good story and take into account the different people involved in the game at any given time.


If that's what you like to see implemented, then that's your choice. But if Lucasarts is stupid enough to implement it then it will without a doubt be the WORST RPG in the history of RPGs.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If KOTOR 3 was going to come out this Christmas, there would have been an announcement by now. With that said I hope that the game gets delayed enough to fix the bugs and for the love of god, include a download content feature like KOTOR 1. That way if there are more bugs, a patch can be downloaded. If Obsidian would have done this with KOTOR 2 then that game would be rock solid by now, although I still love the game :unsure:).


On a side-note, I think that every Xbox 360 game should have a download content feature even if it will never be used. Better to be safe than sorry, IMO.

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thank you gods of entertainment. At least they don't try to rush out another game for the money.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Some ideas here you may have seen, but I have some juicy new ones, too.



We want to put more into character generation. Tiger Woods 2005 for PS2 comes to mind. You get to develop a character with options for hair (color/length/style/etc), nose (shape/definition/slope/size/length/etc), body type/build, scarring, tattoos, and piercings, and so much more. This aspect rocks. Our character choices in the other KOTOR games were seriously limited. (replay factor)



Choose a different (alien) race for our pc than a human - with the differing racial attributes, special abilities, homeworld start, and prejudices, etc

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pc voiceover will never happen because people like to have their own vo


I agree that the item generator need's to be changed. one of the thing's about rpg's isn't getting things it's the journey but you usually like the reason to be the same. i wouldn't say so much as custom hilts as different hilts. Jedi I think should be master's with lightsabers. If you look at the computer's choices about what the NPC's should do they were always Blaster master's. And if you go up against a jedi with a blaster usually you will have serious problems. In the freedon Nadd temple the first time i had so much trouble because my char's were not very good at being melee rather than ranged. they really need to change that

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Cheesemonger, never do that again please. My eyes hurt.



Metadigital, ditto.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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i think they should have a few extra. maybe based on your ds ls score and on base class. not prestiege class but base class

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Ok I have been thinking about the storyline for KOTOR III. I think we should be a new character. Bastalla's apprentace. She would have moved up the ranks of the order by KOTOR III, especially since the Consul is dead.


Ok, story, Revan is good, he/she went out into the outer rim, alone, to fight the true sith masters, because old memories have resurfaced about his path.


Exile, is evil now, turned by the pain of being exiled. She/he hates Revan because he was welcomed back even through he started the Civil war and she came back a jedi and was cast out. She/he can detect where he is and wants to kill him for the mess he started.


Bastalla and us, in KOTOR II Bastalla questions Exile about Revan, T3 finds Exile, it all points to that connection. I see Exile leaving the temple at the end of KOTOR II and Bastalla waiting in the shadows, with here apprentence, us. We will follow after her.


I figure a gameplay option is that we will find the characters of both KOTORs but now influence is really important because some people will side with Exile and others will Bastalla. Thus fighting can occur or a team mate will give less than 100% for you is your too light or dark.


We get a choice as well, DS'ers will side with Exile, LS's will remain Bastalla's student. In the end you will either save Revan or kill him.


As for what they all look like a pregame survey for Revan and Exile for control of what they look like.


I am feel more customization of your chacter is a good thing. Hair, eyes, face shape, body, height, build, everything.


Also, as for script, go all out, I think it was Call of duties new game, I know it was a WWII game had a acadamy award winning script writer come in to do the story. KOTOR's fans can drink and vote, were not kids. KOTOR is star wars after dark, we diserve an adult story, one that tackles more mature issues concerning the nature of light and dark. Not some sterotype cookie cutter bad guys.

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Some ideas here you may have seen, but I have some juicy new ones, too. 


Make race matter.  For example, a potential Wookiee group member would not normally ally to a party of Trandoshans, therefore, eliminating them from a group-unless the party proves themselves worthy with side-quests, or something of that nature-whereas a more




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love it but i think it might be fun to have revan be arbitraily male and batilla to have a little papoose. I like your idea about holster's and such but we have to be realistic

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I would like to add to these commendable suggestions that the Jedi -- especially -- should holster their lightsabre when it is not used: running around with a drawn blaster is a good was to lose influence with a trader ... it could even be an auto-holster / quickdraw, so it didn't alter the fight dynamic (which would suck).


holstered lightsabers and a selection of Force-draw animations would be a nice touch.


a Force Pull power (to disarm your opponent) would be nice as well.

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Im being quite general here, but it seems that most of the suggestions been made on this page are to do with replay value, like including different races, age and sex, etc, but if they do that and put all of those into the game, im sure it will detract quality from the overall game quality and storyline (e.g Jedi Academy). As much as i would like to see different alien races and such integrated into the storyline, i just think all the focus would be put on that. Although, would be good if he race you chose had something to do with the storyline and actually changed how the whole of the story happened. :)


I definatly reckon that added features like lightsaber hilts and hoods and helmets would also make the game much more real in the star wars way, so :):) .


BTW, thinking about it, if you were to think about it a lot and the storyline, then technically, you would be able to make a MMORPG. For example the storyline being that you choose a race, like wookiees, and you have to find other wookiees, human or AI to join you to make a wookiee council or something similar with Jedi or bounty hunters, then having AI that carry on this story for all of your team. :D


Just some of my thoughts.......*shrugs*

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love it but i think it might be fun to have revan be arbitraily male and batilla to have a little papoose. I like your idea about holster's and such but we have to be realistic

It's actually really easy to do. Rick Burton did it in his community mods for NwN (and the KotOR engine is based on the NwN one); it is literally just a macro to equip / unequip the main weapon, triggered upon exiting / entering the town.


If you play Burton's Paladin trilogy (which he's only published two of :) ), he also gives your PC three different weapons (with different racial bonuses, like undead, demons and other), and then contrives a situation where you are attacked by all three different types at once, so you have to hot-key your weapons (and shields, helmets, etc: it's not such a big deal because you play a Paladin, so there aren't many spells to hot-key).


The result is a LOT of fun. Check them out if you play NwN:



Let's hope he publishes Dawn, soon (although Bioware have employed him for NwN2, so I don't know if this is even feasible anymore ...).




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I posted this elsewhere but just in case:



Right there are a few things KOTOR 3 needs IMHO to make it good:


First off make the beginning like Baldurs Gate 2 and it needs to be given back to Bioware (although I know it won't be) for that magical Bioware tough. Anyone who's played BG2 knows you get to play as your character from game one and you start the game at like level 9 so KOTOR 3 doesn't need some crappy explanation for Revan losing his memory, you get to play as Revan again (because the Exile SUCKS as does the utterly moronic 'wound in the force' story) and start in the outer rim battling sith.


Of course the exile arrives and you two form a force bond, revans uber connection to the force means you slowly heal the exile and gives the same XP bonus Exile and Kreia get in the 2nd game.


I think we need more planets and even more stuff ( ) as well as COOL looking robes for both light and dark side (Okay in KOTOR 2 the light side robes looked rediculous) with hoods that can be put up or down. Revan should get to wear his cool black robes whether he's good or bad (Luke Skywalker wears black and HE'S a good Jedi).





Secondly I think they should keep the Hawk, T3 and some of the characters like Carth and Bastilla along with some of the survivors from KOTOR 2.


There should be more lightsabre fights that should last longer and they should change the system so VISUALLY at least your character only takes a few lightsabre hits before going down. (You still take damage but it looks like you're just sabre dueling and not hitting each other). As cool as sabre duels already look there should be hundreds more moves that your character does during a fight to make it more visually impressive. Also if you're a high level combatting a low level and you kill him in one hit a nifty combo that shows you just slicing him up would rock and adding punches and kicks would be a big yes.


The option to turn on DISMEMBERMENT! Not for the kids maybe but would be damned cool.


The lightside powers have to kick ass as much as the Dark Side ones (So valour will last longer and so on) and BOTH sides of the force have hidden techniques (so not just crush) that do cool things.


The powers as they are, are cool and all the abilities like sight, breathing and the one that adds wisdom to your AC should be transferred.


The planets: More planets (New one's and one's in Star Wars EU as the sith strike at the outer rim and head inwards) and more of HK!!


IMHO Revan's story and the exiles needs to be tied up, the light-side will mention how the Jedi Council lighten up a bit (since they're always in trouble) and for ONCE THAT THERE IS PEACE FOR LONGER THAN A FEW YEARS IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE! It makes the light side look so weak.


The Dark Side ending should be Revan and Exile preparing to attack coruscant and a bunch of jedi boarding thier ship, the camera follows a dozen jedi to the new sith Lords who both ignite red sabre's, standing in some cool stance and the end.


This is just things I think they should add in to make it interesting, I don't know the full plot of KOTOR 3 (obviously) so I can't say that will be the ending but something along those lines with some FINALITY in good or evil will rock.




Addendum: NO MORE "WOUNDS IN THE FORCE" STORIES, honestly although it might be a bit dull they should stick more closely to what they're good at and to star wars and not crazy ass ideas like that, it just doesn't suit the setting. KOTOR 1 pulled it off where KOTOR 2 didn't. The moral dilemas are fun enough without some complex crazy ass story where all the jedi randomly die and some dude is a wound in the fabric of all existence itself trapses around like a lost sheep whilst his crazed mentor tries to destroy the universe (including herself!) this goes for people being the 'birth of the force' and all that. As the chosen one you've got to realise that Darth Vader has to have more impact on the force than anyone else in the history of star wars..... the CHOSEN ONE.. THAT MEANS ONE! They managed it with number 1... Revan was just uber powerful.

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It's a great idea; a cracker!; trouble is, I am led to believe, that LA don't like uncontrolled content based on their IP. It is they who have not allowed modding tools previously (the KotOR engine is practically the same engine as NwN, after all).


Is it paranoia? Anally-retentive control-freakery? Alien-abduction? Something else? Who knows?


Good idea, though.




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I almost think that some of this tuff is alittle tooo picky, I mean Obsidion has obvisouly proved that it can handle the KOTOR line, and when you start getting too specific, well, its just not gonna happen because they can't make everyone happy, you know what I'm saying here?

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we're allowed to be that way. we're geeks. i think that a portion or a minigame could be like a rts to either fight off the sith or to kill the republic's planetary defenses

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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with what? you snappy whit or by flying over here and actually shattering my back? I would still love to see a Exile or Revan lovechild

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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