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There's nothing wrong with Dragonball Z! If the Exile wants to Kamehameha Wave someone then that's her choice! ;)




P.S. Sorry for the semi-spam plus outburst :">


P.P.S. Cute pic Saraya :lol:


  Darth Launch said:


There's nothing wrong with Dragonball Z! If the Exile wants to Kamehameha Wave someone then that's her choice!  ;)




P.S. Sorry for the semi-spam plus outburst  :">


P.P.S. Cute pic Saraya  :lol:


Darn tootin'! (Edit: that was a joke, just to make sure;)) to the first PS en thanks to the second :D


Just a question to everyone really. Doesn't her cape look like some horribly misplaced wing of a bat?

I had that impression .:D





Doesn't her cape look like some horribly misplaced wing of a bat?

I had that impression

Did you leave it overnight and look at it again? ;)


I would love to do a little KotOR fan-art for all of you to see, like you and some others, but alas I aint got a scanner :"> :lol:

  Darth Sirius said:
Doesn't her cape look like some horribly misplaced wing of a bat?

I had that impression

Did you leave it overnight and look at it again? ;)


I would love to do a little KotOR fan-art for all of you to see, like you and some others, but alas I aint got a scanner :"> :lol:


You're right :D Tomorrow it will look better :D (Prolly cause my eyes will still be all puffy *shut up self!*) :(

Ow, ;) do you have a digital camera? If so then you could take pictures :D


Just a question, have you been drawing for long?





I don't have a scanner either so I resort to using my digital camera for pics...


Come on, do some pics... all FanArt is welcome :lol:




Just a question, have you been drawing for long?

I have been drawing and painting all my life, some people say I'm quite gifted, but as with most alledged 'gifts' I don't see it myself enough or apprieciate it enough.

I also actually taught a friend how to draw while in junior school, by making him copy each line that I made on the page, and he is quite accomplished now...Which I am very proud of. :)


I don't have a scanner either so I resort to using my digital camera for pics

I have a digital camera, but it is uber**** (**** AKA Excrement :lol: ) I may have a go at it though, in the near future. ;)


Yeh, my digital camera definitely has its moments ;)


It hates taking photos of my doodles in focus, but I tend to clean them up on the only graphics *ahem* program I've got... MS Paint :">


I definitely suggest you have a go at taking photos of some and posting them, your work has to be better than the excrement *hee hee* I've posted :lol:




P.S. Sorry Saraya sweetie for spamming, please forgive me :">


  Saraya said:
She's supposed to be determined, but do tell me if it comes across differently... :">
I know my facial expressions, and that is definitely determination. :thumbsup:



Nice hair!


To Roger: Thanks :D


To Darth Sirius: I envy you, I've been drawing for four months now and I'm finally starting to experiment a bit, rather then following a book. :">

And that means that you're gonna post your stuff in the near future too? Cause honestly I'm quite curious now :D


To Darth Launch: You can spam this thread anytime you like! Meaning you're forgiven and all that.


Just saw Ep3 :'(

Great ride tho.





Damn straight,


Episode III owned the other two episodes bigtime. (w00t)


A must-see!!!!

To Darth Sirius: I envy you, I've been drawing for four months now and I'm finally starting to experiment a bit, rather then following a book.

Well the talent is definitly there, you seem very good, and to have only been at it for four months is remarkable to say the least. Keep at it for a year or two and you will be something special :thumbsup: (If I seem patronising or suckyupy (A word I just made up :lol: ) I am telling you what my eyes see, nothing more.


And that means that you're gonna post your stuff in the near future too? Cause honestly I'm quite curious now

I may well do that, granted that means I will have to get to work on some material (I've never actually produced anything for KotOR 2, or for that matter any other game) So now may be the time. :)


Hey i like the art.... :thumbsup:


...was that just sketched on paper an then scanned in or edited as welll??


To Darth Sirius: You're not suckuppy or patronizing at all. It's actually a quite pretty comment you made so I really appreciate it :D

(Liking the word, might actually use it myself, in daily life that is, which would be kindda weird cause the general population in my part of the country speaks Dutch :D)


To Petay: Well, if by editing you mean 'clean it up a little' like guidelines and such, then it's edited :D

Other then that, I just draw and scan :D Oh! And glad you like it :D







my two cent's on the pic's:


Exile: There seems to be a slight mishap in boobs-section, as they seem to be sticking out her sides more, but as you said, it's a fast sketch, so I understand.

Her lightsaber wielding hand needs some more practise, but for the rest of the picture, I like it :)


Miss Padme Skywalker-Amidala :D :

I like her better then the exile pic, and I believe you put more time in this one.

nice accentuating the shapes(bellywise). And although it seems her legs are a bit on the long side of the for..oh wait... a bit on the long side, period. :ph34r: :-" *good thing nobody saw that :D :ph34r:

the rest seems to be in order.


As said before, practice makes perfect, and practice is what you need, or so I believe. I have said it before, you have talent, you just need to practice and hone your skill.

Keep up the good work, Saraya :luck::p


I like 'em, keep up the good work! :-)

Wow, that was a duzy of a spoiler! I don't think i'll bother seeing the movie now! (kidding :cool: )

  Telrunya said:
Exile: There seems to be a slight mishap in boobs-section, as they seem to be sticking out her sides more, but as you said, it's a fast sketch, so I understand.

Darn plastic surgeons can never get those to look right... ^_^

As Telrunya said, all u need is a bit of practice...

I'm in the same boat, believe me! It takes a lot of time and effort to draw figures correctly... :p


Cool pics Saraya... you make me so proud *tear*


I also prefer the Padme pic, but they're both pretty awesome :p


Don't worry about the boob thing... the Star Wars universe seems to have a weird take on the whole underwear issue (just recall Princess Leia's issues in the OT) so blame it on that :-


Keep drawing and posting sweetie


DL :(



Oh, that pic is too cute :-




P.S. Sorry, I have nothing actually constructive to say in this post... :(


P.P.S. Yes, I know, that makes no change to my usual posts... ;)


P.P.P.S. Hmm... thats a lot of Ps.... oh, yeh, cute table cloth :p


  Darth Launch said:
Oh, that pic is too cute  :-




P.S. Sorry, I have nothing actually constructive to say in this post...  :(


P.P.S. Yes, I know, that makes no change to my usual posts...  ;)


P.P.P.S. Hmm... thats a lot of Ps.... oh, yeh, cute table cloth  :p


Yes, you did say something constructive! You think it's cute :D





  Saraya said:
To Telrunya and Sentry:

You guys are very right, I do need practice! I'm really happy with these comments, these are the kind that help a gal make some progress.


To Launch: Awww, thanks and wish granted! :D


This is a piccie I drew during the Eurovision Song contest. For you non-Europeans out there, it's a song contest featuring lots of crappy songs, some are funny, outrageous outfits and funny hosts. :D

I had to take a pic because I don't have my scanner here. At the side you will notice some of my kitchen table, which is a piece of art on itself :thumbsup:


SPOILER! (Yeah, it's another doozy Sentry, but still :lol: )



  Reveal hidden contents



I'll scan it on monday and I'll try to touch it up a little too then :D





I like, I like, your hands getting better.

Keep up the good work, says I.


Heh heh! Going for Padme from now on, uh? Must say, I liked her somewhat more when she ran around shooting at stuff. All she did in this film was the waterworks. Frankly, most people can get enough of that at home. :D


About the Exile: Nice hair, belt, and shoulder pads! :) But her left hand does look a bit like it belongs on her right arm. :"> Also, about her *ahem* bust... You erased something from the middle? :)


Nice Padmes, both of them! :shifty: Did she really have dreadlocks on Mustafar? :)



Additional: What an elegant table! Is it granite, marble, or MDF? ;)

  Roger said:
Heh heh! Going for Padme from now on, uh? Must say, I liked her somewhat more when she ran around shooting at stuff. All she did in this film was the waterworks. Frankly, most people can get enough of that at home. :D


About the Exile: Nice hair, belt, and shoulder pads! :) But her left hand does look a bit like it belongs on her right arm. :"> Also, about her *ahem* bust... You erased something from the middle? :)


Nice Padmes, both of them! :shifty: Did she really have dreadlocks on Mustafar? :)



Additional: What an elegant table! Is it granite, marble, or MDF? ;)


Hehe, it's marble. And indeed, the one Exile pic is a little off :"> Aye on the erasing...

And about the Padmes then.

Yeah, but I said I took some liberties with her hair :D

Indeed I'm currently briefly into Padmes, because it's the movie, still surging through the system, and the current inability to draw men, but I'm gonna work on that :D


I'll try and get those hands level! Thanks for the tip!




Besides the fact that the forehead is quite large, I completely like this picture

But you said it yourself (the forehead thing)


keep it up!

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