Darth Abomination Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 I don't know were to begin 1: There would be enemy respawning 2: After you make your party members Jedi you can have Master apprentice Convos with them 3: Light Sabers would have a customization system like Jedi Academy 4: Atris would be hot and not such a biatch 5: the master that was dead would be alive 6: Mira would be a romance option 7: The romance options would have some depth to them Thats all I can think of right now.
SteveThaiBinh Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Keep your party with you right to the end, and make them more integral to how the ending turns out (more so even than the cut endings). Dramatically different LS and DS endings. Not only NPCs' appearances but also personalities and dialogue affected by alignment. "An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)
Padmi Skydrunkard Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 darth spock said: Padmi Skydrunkard said: Replace Bastila's role with a hunk, or in other words a pretty boy (w00t) :"> a girl-talk dialogue tree with Bastila, so you can properly discuss carth and the replacement hunk with another woman :D replacement hunk should look a bit like this: http://www.eric-close.com/data/gallery/now...nowagain03.html http://www.eric-close.com/data/gallery/now...nowagain04.html http://www.imdb.com/gallery/hh/0330913/HH/...,%20Christopher <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmh? You forgot something: http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/MMPH/C57535.jpg http://www.hotblogandrelish.com/images/Jakeg.jpg ^_^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heh, no those would be Juhani and Zaalbar's replacements
Darth Launch Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 Padmi... darth spock... I like the way you girls think DL P.S. I will overlook the Orlando Bloom suggestion however *shudder* [color=gray][i]OO-TINI![/i][/color]
Kata_mad Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 I would like it if you were bastilia's padawan (only became her padawan just before taris), so that at the begining you make your way to the escape pods with bastilia. Then when you crash land onto the planet you have to find your master.
Baley Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Darth Launch said: Padmi... darth spock... I like the way you girls think DL P.S. I will overlook the Orlando Bloom suggestion however *shudder* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How about the Baley sugestion? OH and I want special Kung Fu powers in the next game ..leet
Slipstreme Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 KOTOR I: You are Bastila (It would make more sense for you to be the one with the one with Battle Meditation) Custom Hilts (Oh look I've got a tube of power!) Real Jedi Powers And More Planets (The story was run way to close together) KOTOR II: A real Storyline and Ending. Custom Hilts once again Again Real Jedi Powers More exploration of Onderon (I read about the beast riders and the Planet Onderon and would have loved a chance to see the world outside the city. HK-50 Factor (We Needs It!) (w00t) Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept! In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said
Brickyard Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 K1 (from a guy-Revan point of view) 1 - I would have had you start the game with Bastila, as her padawan (or her as your temporary teacher, whatever), and then get separated, where you then must rescue her. Basically I would have made the beginning to the point where you STARTED as a level 1 Jedi, not a non-Jedi class. 2 - The mid-game is pretty solid. Make Manaan more interesting is really all I can really complain about. For a neutral planet, it's surprisingly straightforward. Though I loved the murder quest, the rest is pretty dull. 3 - The ending, I would have had it so that Revan was the one who was captured and in the process of being turned, and it came down to Bastila to save YOU. Or fail to save you. No possibility to turn her to the Dark Side. She either saves you, or dies trying. 4 - Less Wookiees. No Kashykk. I know it's "Star Wars", but that's really the only part of the game I disliked...Wookiees. I hated hearing their howls, and I didn't like that the return to ship feature was disabled on their planet. No problem with the quests there, other than the Wookiee "voicing", though. Beyond those, I would have of course liked more interaction with NPCs, a longer game, and tougher combat, but it was, overall, a very satisfying game. But Bastila should have been the hero, no matter how you played (as LS or DS), while you, as Revan, should just have been an enigma of some sorts. K2 This one's hard, because I wouldn't have done it in the exact same mold as K1, meaning you wouldn't be a former Jedi with memory loss. No Exile at all. I felt like I was playing a cloudy version of K1 the whole time. But assuming the story is basically the same... 1 - Make my choices matter to the story. Too many of the "plot" cutscenes felt totally out of my control, like I was watching a movie. Too much contrived stuff. Kreia gets owned by Sion, yet easily takes out all the Jedi, where one of them has a bit too much power for me to take out, yet I destroy Sion so easily. Atris has a lot to say, and you get to interact with her, yet no matter how you go about it, the result is all basically the same. In the end, the game drives you straightforward, very convolutedly and confusingly, to kill Kreia. And the first time I talked with her, I didn't like her, and wanted to kill her, and it wasn't long into the game (somewhere on Telos) where I realized she was the ulitmate bad guy, yet I couldn't DO anything about it. She never felt "gray" to me, always evil (as both LS and about 1/2 game DS). 2 - Don't take me from the first planet to a fixed-in-stone second planet (again, identical to K1). Let me choose once I leave the mining station. 3 - More lightsabers. I'm a Jedi, I should have a lightsaber. Visas should have a lightsaber, Kreia should have a lightsaber. Every time I get someone new to teach, the first thing we should do is make their first lightsaber. This is Star Wars and Jedi. Any plot that has you not having a lightsaber for a significant portion of the game is bad, and any plot that has you with 7 force users, technically "Jedi" per their class descriptions, but only 4 lightsabers, is bad. Each one should have their own customized lightsaber, so you don't have to switch out the ones you do have amongst the 3 members you take here and there. 4 - Finish up the HK-50 plot. Might give a purpose to HK-47. For that matter, finish up all the NPC stories in some meaningful way before M5. And for sure put in a finish to the Remote getting cornered, as well as give a reason why Mira was on the surface fighting Hanharr. I know all the cut material has something to do with all this, but I don't know what any of that cut material is, as I'm trying to stay spoiler-free for when Aurora's mod is done, so that hopefully things make sense. 5 - Write a plot that somehow involves GOTO, or leave him out of the game. Obviously should tie into the HK-50 plot, as Goto hired them. 6 - Either give Mandalore some interaction after he's part of your party, or don't force me to take him anywhere. A few sidequests would have been nice. 7 - The influence system should have made sense. It was a great idea, and at times was brilliant, but it simply should not be possible for me, at fully DS, to influence Handmaiden, also fully DS, by doing NICE things. But that's how it works. When she's fully DS, she should be influenced by DS acts. Playing through (even only partially) as DS really made me see how bad this system can work. I just realized I'm not really saying how I would rewrite K2, as much as complaining. I guess I would rewrite it from the beginning. This is Star Wars. There is Good and Evil. If you want to go the "neutral" route, I don't think you're really Star Wars anymore. You could go with the sometimes good isn't really good, or sometimes evil isn't really evil aspect, but in Star Wars, when good isn't really good, it's evil, and vice versa. Jolee worked in K1 because he, basically, wasn't important. Kreia, for me, doesn't work in K2, because she's central to the entire story. And in K2, it matters not one bit how you go from waking up on the fuel station to fighting Kreia. You can go the Light path or the Dark path, but the end is exactly the same. The journey, however interesting, simply didn't matter. And for me, the journey wasn't interesting enough to get to the predetermined ending we were given. If you are going to have the story based on Kreia, a neutral, trying to destroy the Force, it should either be with you, as a LS, working WITH the Jedi, or you, as a DS, working WITH Sion and Co (and then taking over for them). But the story as written, with you working WITH Kreia to run around and be chased by Sith and collect Jedi Masters for her to kill, only to eventually kill her on M5. Even if you know from the beginning she's up to something that you know you'll not agree with when you find out what it is (and can't even ask her about, either).
darth buch Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 In KOTOR 1 I would: - Make the Sith primarily use single, one-bladed lightsabers. Every other dark Jedi in the game uses a double or twin saber, which really doesn't fit with the Star Wars universe. And makes Bastilla's seem less unique. - Make Malak a bit less of a Darth Vader clone. And make Zaalbar, Vandar and T3 less like the original trilogy characters they bear striking resemblances to. - Do something about those robes. - Make the Ebon Hawk gunner game optional. - Introduce side-arms, as in TSL. - And remove the way lightsaber colours correspond to Jedi classes. Personally I don't like yellow sabers. I would have preferred if they were a rarity, like violet ones, and you were given the option 'What colour lightsaber do you want to create?' - Blue / Green. In KOTOR 2 I would: - Get rid of the yellow, silver, veridian, cyan and orange lightsaber crystals. It's BLUE or GREEN, dammit! - Obviously put in a satisfying ending which ties up every loose end and clearly explains the various subtle plot twists. - Have the option to wear Jedi robe hoods up and tie the robes instead of having them flailing about . Espescially when you're navigating a jungle in the rain. - Get rid of 3 or 4 NPC's. Probably GOTO, Hanharr, Handmaiden and HK47. There are just so many it's really hard to use them all, and harder still to record enough dialogue for them all to be of sufficient depth. I would have liked to have known Kreia, Handmaiden, Disciple and Mira's full names from the outset, too. - Scale down the importance and appearance of the random item generator and the influence system. Neither of these were properly utilised. - Tone-down Sion's appearance. He looks a little too cartoonish. He should be shorter, have two eyes and wear a shirt. - A few less references to KOTOR1, if you please. This is set 5 five years later, and is about different people, and shouldn't keep harking on about Revan. Also, I'd massively cut the number of little jokey references to lines from the original SW films. Except the 'We seem to have found it...' one, which I love for some reason. - A few less of the females portraits for Exile should have heavy makeup on. Some of them are so made up it's crazy. Most Jedi don't wear makeup, so why must mine? Also the Exile is a tortured traitor who's been alone in exile for ten years and is now the last Jedi in a broken galaxy, being hunted by a zombie. Picking up guys shouldn't be on her priority list. - Echoing one of the things Brickyard said - Kreia and Visas should start the game with a lightsaber each. If necessary they could be 'usable by: Kreia' or the Exile could only gain lightsaber weapon proficiency after building his/her own. - Stop Disciple from constantly yelling 'You have left me an opening!!' at people who clearly haven't. - And I'd find some way to make Atton less reminiscent of Han Solo. Sorry. Long post - got carried away there!
Darth Tater Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 What I would do is get rid of the neutral part you either start off light side and fall to the darkside or you start off on the darkside and start to redeem yourself. Or you could even stay on the light or the dark side with two seperate endings for both.
Darth Kavar Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 "- Get rid of the yellow, silver, veridian, cyan and orange lightsaber crystals. It's BLUE or GREEN, dammit!" Err... no. But it's your opinion. I like the many colors in the game and I hope they won't think of your suggestion as a good idea when they'll be making K3 lol
WraithStar Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 I love the various light-saber colors. My saber was Viridian and Atton had a silver saber and a cyan saber. Visas' was violet and Kreia's was bronze. With both games I would like to fix the bugs, obviously, although thankfully I did not encounter any game-stopping bugs. As far as the story goes, Kotor 1 was good. I can't think of anything I'd like to change at the moment. With Kotor 2, I can think of several things because I just finished playing it. I would want to fix the party members' dialogue and reactions to reflect their LS/DS alignment (i.e. the Handmaiden with DS mastery shouldn't yell at me for killing someone). HK-47 is my favorite character. I would definitely want to complete his quest and clear out the HK factory. This would also set it up for the showdown on Malachor V with the Remote so that the LS ending would make sense. I want more quests/dialogue with Mandalore. It would be interesting if HK-47 recognized Mandalore and they had a discussion. I would want the Jedi masters to slip and tell me something other than "I don't know" or "I can't tell you." Pretty much all of the cut material should have made it into the game, now that I think about it. The story in the game wasn't bad, it just made a lot more sense after I read/heard some of the dialogue that had been cut. At the very least, I think that after the final battle in the game the player should have been able to find the party members one last time and have some conversation discussing their next move.
darth buch Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 Darth Kavar said: "- Get rid of the yellow, silver, veridian, cyan and orange lightsaber crystals. It's BLUE or GREEN, dammit!" Err... no. But it's your opinion. I like the many colors in the game and I hope they won't think of your suggestion as a good idea when they'll be making K3 lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But they have to listen to me - I used capital letters! I really didn't like them. Admittedly on my first game I had an orange, Kreia had veridian and Disciple had cyan for some reason, but since then I stopped using them. I like the spin-off games and all the EU stuff to try and be loyal to the original six, which I love so much (even Episode 1) that I don't like seing other writers buggering about with them. In the movies, jedi have blue or sometimes green, except Mace Windu, and those on the dark path use red. I get very cross when some guy starts introducing twin lightsabers or silver ones. But as you say, that's just my opinion. And I'm only one of millions of fans, so. Myself, I like to stick to the blue and green ones, even for sentinals (except Bastilla, obviously) and rarely use a double-bladed saber. I don't want Darth Maul's entrance to lose any of its weight!
Brickyard Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 Didn't Qui-Gon use a yellow one? Myself, for my own character, I always use two sabers, a normal and a short (assuming I actually find a short in K2). Much more interesting than the double-bladers, IMO.
Wild Storm Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 Brickyard said: Didn't Qui-Gon use a yellow one? Myself, for my own character, I always use two sabers, a normal and a short (assuming I actually find a short in K2). Much more interesting than the double-bladers, IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was green. Definitly green.
Brickyard Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Wild Storm said: Brickyard said: Didn't Qui-Gon use a yellow one? Myself, for my own character, I always use two sabers, a normal and a short (assuming I actually find a short in K2). Much more interesting than the double-bladers, IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was green. Definitly green. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know what, I'm so glad I was wrong on that (just rewatched the beginning of Phantom to check). It means I'm not too far gone into Star Wars-mania. In anticipation of Ep 3, I realized I had seen Ep 1 only one time (initial theater viewing), and Ep 2 only twice (initial theater viewing, plus a revisit to watch Yoda again). Couple weeks ago, began hearing that Ep 3 was really good (and my brother-in-law has seen it, about 1.5 weeks ago here in Indy in a preview screening), and more and more people were stating it rivaled Empire. So I went and got Eps 1 and 2 to rewatch them, refresh memory, etc. Didn't find I liked the movies any better, but did repeatedly watch the various fights. Not knowing Qui-Gon's saber color after all that watching makes me feel better about myself, for some strange reason. Not that knowing it is bad, but my bro-in-law is so far gone into Star Wars mania, it's scary (he's been in line now for about 18 hours, still almost 5 hours til midnight, and he's ALREADY SEEN IT). He's got both a Jango Fett and Stormtrooper outfit (fully molded plastic, etc). And his license plate is STR WRS.
Count Cerebrum Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I would have organized it so that the Ancient Sith spirits would arise some point in the game, and you'd have to consult with one of the truest, most Ancient Sith, (which would be made up on the spot.. no association in the films or previous games or books).. I'd probably give him the name Count Shadow, or Count Cerebrum. I'd make the game more in depth at choosing sides.. I'd also let the opener be optional.. Wether you're aligned with the Sith ( not fully ) or republic ( not fully).. Youd be able to choose. AS to becoming a Jedi, you'd be able to be trained by either side of the Jedi. Sith or regular. Doesen't matter, but I'd like that for gamers to be able to do. They'd appreciate it more. I'd also re-vamp the characters. Work on the diaglogue though it is amazing, better than the first. I'd help it be relative more to the Era, and the past. More indepth, if you would say, storyline wise. I'd make it so that Revan was killed crushing a Sith Rebellion. His last pupil... Carth Onasi! would arise to be your Master. You were taken as his apprentice. That would be great. I'd also make it so Canderous had a showdown with a Sith Master. I'd also make it so Bastila would return, saving the main characters (you) life. She would die in the process. I'd also completely revamp the council with new Masters who returned from Meditation in a separate, unexplored Galaxy. You'd be able to jump from One galaxy to another, which would each host roughly 8 planets. I'd make it so you'd literally have to get an expansion for the XBOX. Sadly, budgets aren't very friendly to developers. Also... I'd make the main character a crazy suit which he dons.. Sorta like a light side darth Vader suit.. Which he dons in KOTOR3. The character would be neutral, however favoring the Light side more. He'd have to be sought out in order to complete the game. Of course there would be quests in between finding him/her and actually finding him/her. I'd add a scene where your Jedi confronts a Dark Jedi, after chasing him down.. because the Dark Jedi slaughtered an innocent child. The dialogue.. Not all, but short snippets. Dark Sith :: "Ahh.. Jedi. You've searched planet after planet to kill me.. but I must ask to you, why? Why kill a normal Dark Jedi when you have more important people to erase from the face of the Galaxy?" Main Character :: "I align myself with the light side of the Force. I uphold the laws of the Republic, and defend those who are in need... And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life, even if it costs me exactly that." Dark Jedi :: "Honorable, but foolish. Enough talk." Main Character :: (sad it came to this) "Revenge is never sweet; but nonetheless bitter. Indeed." Lol. Im a nerd!!! Hahaha, have a good one guys Edited: I'd have one lightsaber which was required to be handled with two hands. The blade would be increased in width. It would be a Purple colored with an inner blue light.. Lol My dudes form would be like Mace Windus lightsaber form, but he'd be crouched a little
Darth Tater Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Count Cerebrum said: I would have organized it so that the Ancient Sith spirits would arise some point in the game, and you'd have to consult with one of the truest, most Ancient Sith, (which would be made up on the spot.. no association in the films or previous games or books).. I'd probably give him the name Count Shadow, or Count Cerebrum. I'd make the game more in depth at choosing sides.. I'd also let the opener be optional.. Wether you're aligned with the Sith ( not fully ) or republic ( not fully).. Youd be able to choose. AS to becoming a Jedi, you'd be able to be trained by either side of the Jedi. Sith or regular. Doesen't matter, but I'd like that for gamers to be able to do. They'd appreciate it more. I'd also re-vamp the characters. Work on the diaglogue though it is amazing, better than the first. I'd help it be relative more to the Era, and the past. More indepth, if you would say, storyline wise. I'd make it so that Revan was killed crushing a Sith Rebellion. His last pupil... Carth Onasi! would arise to be your Master. You were taken as his apprentice. That would be great. I'd also make it so Canderous had a showdown with a Sith Master. I'd also make it so Bastila would return, saving the main characters (you) life. She would die in the process. I'd also completely revamp the council with new Masters who returned from Meditation in a separate, unexplored Galaxy. You'd be able to jump from One galaxy to another, which would each host roughly 8 planets. I'd make it so you'd literally have to get an expansion for the XBOX. Sadly, budgets aren't very friendly to developers. Also... I'd make the main character a crazy suit which he dons.. Sorta like a light side darth Vader suit.. Which he dons in KOTOR3. The character would be neutral, however favoring the Light side more. He'd have to be sought out in order to complete the game. Of course there would be quests in between finding him/her and actually finding him/her. I'd add a scene where your Jedi confronts a Dark Jedi, after chasing him down.. because the Dark Jedi slaughtered an innocent child. The dialogue.. Not all, but short snippets. Dark Sith :: "Ahh.. Jedi. You've searched planet after planet to kill me.. but I must ask to you, why? Why kill a normal Dark Jedi when you have more important people to erase from the face of the Galaxy?" Main Character :: "I align myself with the light side of the Force. I uphold the laws of the Republic, and defend those who are in need... And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life, even if it costs me exactly that." Dark Jedi :: "Honorable, but foolish. Enough talk." Main Character :: (sad it came to this) "Revenge is never sweet; but nonetheless bitter. Indeed." Lol. Im a nerd!!! Hahaha, have a good one guys Edited: I'd have one lightsaber which was required to be handled with two hands. The blade would be increased in width. It would be a Purple colored with an inner blue light.. Lol My dudes form would be like Mace Windus lightsaber form, but he'd be crouched a little <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think a jedi would chase down a sith some how, beacause he would be doing out of revenge and that in turn would turn him down the path to the dark side I maybe wrong
Slipstreme Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Revenge is the path to the Dark side, Revenge is a product of hate and as we all know "Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate... Leads to suffering) " Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept! In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said
Jedi Master D Murda Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 If I would change some things it would: -Revan did not sacrifice himself to the DS he just truly fell. -That "True Sith" crap. I hate hearing about them.
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