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I'm not sure. But there is probably a point in the game where you get Visa no matter what. Or maybe after Kreias/your own slaughter of the rest of the jedi, she comes on board.

  Wild Storm said:
I'm not sure. But there is probably a point in the game where you get Visa no matter what. Or maybe after Kreias/your own slaughter of the rest of the jedi, she comes on board.


Visas comes after you on your second last planet I think.


But why stay neutral? Kotor 2 doesn't seem to really encourage neutral jedi with the whole second class idea..


Why would you just not change classes?


I am not saying being neutral is bad, but it's patheic to do all these light side acts just to hit 75% to become a weaponmaster, watchmen, or jedi master and than start going on an evil spree to go back to neutralness


Trying to stay neutral is a futile exercise, and sort of putting the cart before the horse. You'll need to do strangely contradictory things to maintain the balance: one moment you'll be saving a drowning puppy, the next you'll be stealing sweeties from small Rodian children. Choose a concept for your character, the kind of person you think he or she is, then play consistently. If it works out that the character does indeed hover around neutral, I'd love to hear about it, because I don't think the game awards LS/DS/no points consistently.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


I was going to ask the same question. If you think about it, Kreia seems to encourage neutrality with her constant spouting: The smallest touch causes ripples in the force, do not too much good for you will weaken them by taking their challenges, and do not cruelties for you will take not just from them but others as well.


Of course neutrality will only give you so little in the game. You will not be able to pick a prestige class, you will not be able to do Ludo Kreeshes tomb, you won't get Visas for a long time, since the game is the way it is your character will seem inconsistant and perhaps a little insane.


Of course in the ending I think you will have the option of returning to exile, that might be one of my missing movies.


There should be more of a nuetral option in these games, throwing credits around at the poor is silly and kicking someone in the bottom just for the sake of it is equally pointless in my opinion. :) Both sides need to more intelligent and cunning. Grey is cool, it's undecided or going with what is more convenient or seemingly going with the flow. ;)


I played a neutral character in K2 and the only thing I didn't like about it was that I didn't get a prestige class. I was like 5% lightside when I got Visas - it was after I've taken the gland from the guy in the cave at Dantooine.


You don't have to be a one-time-puppy-savior/the-other-time-puppy-killer - I thought my character to be one who does most of the stuff for the good of the Republic and thinks what he does is mostly right plus is willing to sacrifice as many ppl as needed for a good reason. -> that's how I played it and I even liked it better than my DS playthru and my recent LS game.


Oh and I was rather weak in combat that time cuz I invested alot in charisma and Persuade.

I was a Jedi Sentinel BTW and the game ending was LS so no Jedi Master killed by me.


You will get the Visas scene when you are either 75% towards lightside or 75% towards the darkside, or when you've gained 50 dark/light alignment points regardless of direction, or when you have found 3 of the Jedi Masters.

  SteveThaiBinh said:
Trying to stay neutral is a futile exercise, and sort of putting the cart before the horse.  You'll need to do strangely contradictory things to maintain the balance: one moment you'll be saving a drowning puppy, the next you'll be stealing sweeties from small Rodian children.  Choose a concept for your character, the kind of person you think he or she is, then play consistently.  If it works out that the character does indeed hover around neutral, I'd love to hear about it, because I don't think the game awards LS/DS/no points consistently.

It worked out pretty well for my exile i think; she rarely swayed past 1/3rd of the middle and never broke the character i picked for her with the choices. At the very bottom she still held the same 'good' values that made her go to war in the first place, but also the same short temper which played arge part in disagreeing with the council ... then on top of it there was the results of being exposed to war and Revan's manipulative tactics: little compassion if not plain disdain for weakness (especially the whiny kind) and not shying away for violence if it was believed to be the most effective way towards a goal. And then finally atop of it all there's result of living for long years on her own -- looking for self-interest first and everything else later in regular circumstances.


With a setup like this you can have occasional moment of compassion, choose the 'good' path if there's nothing to gain from acting opposite, kick someone's teeth the moment they annoy you, and rarely turn down offered opportunity to make some money... all in character.


(and no drowning puppies were saved while playing the game... cats are way nicer all-around, anyway :-"

  tmp said:
  SteveThaiBinh said:
Trying to stay neutral is a futile exercise, and sort of putting the cart before the horse.  You'll need to do strangely contradictory things to maintain the balance: one moment you'll be saving a drowning puppy, the next you'll be stealing sweeties from small Rodian children.  Choose a concept for your character, the kind of person you think he or she is, then play consistently.  If it works out that the character does indeed hover around neutral, I'd love to hear about it, because I don't think the game awards LS/DS/no points consistently.

It worked out pretty well for my exile i think; she rarely swayed past 1/3rd of the middle and never broke the character i picked for her with the choices. At the very bottom she still held the same 'good' values that made her go to war in the first place, but also the same short temper which played arge part in disagreeing with the council ... then on top of it there was the results of being exposed to war and Revan's manipulative tactics: little compassion if not plain disdain for weakness (especially the whiny kind) and not shying away for violence if it was believed to be the most effective way towards a goal. And then finally atop of it all there's result of living for long years on her own -- looking for self-interest first and everything else later in regular circumstances.


With a setup like this you can have occasional moment of compassion, choose the 'good' path if there's nothing to gain from acting opposite, kick someone's teeth the moment they annoy you, and rarely turn down offered opportunity to make some money... all in character.


(and no drowning puppies were saved while playing the game... cats are way nicer all-around, anyway :-"

Interesting. I might try that, next time I play (which will be after the movie/music patch comes out).

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


You get vVisas when you are strongly comitted to an alignment. I usually get the visas cutscene after querying Kreia on he rtrue nature, and I usually get Visas on Nar Shadda (my first planet usually). The final ending is determined by whether you annihilated the jedi masters or not. What happens if you slaughter, say, vrook, but spare Kavar and (insert overly complex name).


I was DS, didn't kill a single master so I could get crush and I still got the DS ending bud. I listened to all of Kreias speaches and crap before I made a choice, then my only choices were DS.


If you only kill a certain one, then you still get crush...I think. If you spare them all, you *will* get crush. That's all I know of.

  Andkat said:
You get vVisas when you are strongly comitted to an alignment. I usually get the visas cutscene after querying Kreia on he rtrue nature, and I usually get Visas on Nar Shadda (my first planet usually). The final ending is determined by whether you annihilated the jedi masters or not. What happens if you slaughter, say, vrook, but spare Kavar and (insert overly complex name).


I you kill only one jedi master, you will meet the other ones at the Dantooine enclave, but they will know what you did and will attack you. Sounds scary, but it happened to me once (more an oversight then intention) and it was a pretty easy fight killing both of them (I had killed the guy on Nar Shadaa).


My current character is pretty much neutral, just as a result of roleplaying. She just pretty much dislikes everyone, and suffers no fools. If people are respectful, she'll respond, otherwise they can go hang. So, she liked the Ithorians and hated the corporate scumbags, but can't stand Vrook.

She's ended up pretty much neutral in alignment, but is usually solving the quests in the LS manner. It's odd.

Also, Visas appeared quite early, I think you get her one you have acquired a certain number of alignment points, whatever side they are for.



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