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KOTOR I or II fanart

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Whoa... even I'm starting to fancy Bastila just from that picture... :rolleyes:


Nice find Hildegard :thumbsup:


Zulu... what can I say that hasn't been said before... and doesn't make me sound like a gushing idiot?... just amazing stuff... please do more Futurama/KOTOR cross over stuff... and please at least try Bender (my personal hero if anyone cares to know) :D


Ermm... nice pic julianw... should I be flattered? :p




P.S. Anime girl appreciates your kind words and promises to stay with you all for as long as possible... :-"


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Do you guys allow for fan-made character art to be posted here?  That's really where most of my SW art comes from.


Yes, that is allowed and encouraged. If you have any fan-art, please post it!



Comp recently died on me and I'm w/o Photoshop right now. Maybe I'll post up pencil sketches, but I never like posting anything unfinished. Plus, I'm working on a followup wallpaper to one I recently posted on Lady Crimson's site.


Hmmm... gimme a few weeks.

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Don't you,by any chance,still have the ones posted on other forums uploaded somewhere?


Me? No, 'fraid not. To be honest, I've never uploaded any of my own original SW art on the net because... well, I have this nasty habit of comparing myself to professional concept artists who work in games and movies (exactly where I want to go, btw... You hear that, Obsidian?) and I continually realize how unbelievably behind I am in skill level. Oh well, practice makes perfect.


I guess I could post some pencil sketches tomorrow of a Jedi character I made up.

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Don't you,by any chance,still have the ones posted on other forums uploaded somewhere?


Me? No, 'fraid not. To be honest, I've never uploaded any of my own original SW art on the net because... well, I have this nasty habit of comparing myself to professional concept artists who work in games and movies (exactly where I want to go, btw... You hear that, Obsidian?) and I continually realize how unbelievably behind I am in skill level. Oh well, practice makes perfect.


I guess I could post some pencil sketches tomorrow of a Jedi character I made up.


Upload what you can, we're always eager for more art. I can't post my art because don't have a scanner or a digital camera. I might make a five minute copy and paste job one of these days, who knows. :huh:


@ Vall Konnar: I can see by your post count you're new (or have just been lurking). Allow me to be the first member of the welcoming party. *rolls out red carpet*

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Zulu... what can I say that hasn't been said before... and doesn't make me sound like a gushing idiot?... just amazing stuff... please do more Futurama/KOTOR cross over stuff... and please at least try Bender (my personal hero if anyone cares to know)  :D


I'll see what I can do ;)

Though still slightly worried about attempting Bender :ermm:


Great Sion, Kor, I really like how you've done it :p

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I've only been gone for one day and this thread jumps 6 pages?! Great work everyone! And welcome back Anime Girl!!!


EDIT: I would add some art too but i don't have any :p:lol: Been too busy making signature thingies recently :-"

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