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KOTOR I or II fanart

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Good work everyone......more :D



I don't know if you saw this pic on some other forum, if so forgive me for my ignorance but when I saw this Bastila pic I just had to post it here :) :








:lol:  :-  :p


Wow super nice pic you find there Hildegard!


Mmm....Bastilla :wub::wub:

"I'm pretty sure if they took all the porn off the internet there'd only be one site left, and it'd be called 'Bring back the porn'" - Perry Cox

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Speaking of, major props to all of the artists in here.  From Julians sketches to DL paint prowess, its wicked good. 



I wouldn't exactly call myself an artist... I mean have you seen my Paint doodles!?! :-


Great Sion pic... that's the best picture I've seen done of Sion... its most excellent :shifty:


I'll see what I can do ;)

Though still slightly worried about attempting Bender :huh:

Yay! Bender! :D


I can't wait to see it! I'm sure you'll do a great job of him... hell, if I can do him semi-decently on Paint, just imagine what you could do on Photoshop!


I like the Carth ones better, although he looks a little old...

What Carth ones do you speak of? May I see them, or at least be pointed in the right direction?




P.S. I love all your signature thingies Arky... you should showcase them or something :thumbsup:


P.P.S. This post is giant! :o


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Well, I've figured out how to take screenies.

Here's my first. Just a piccy of my party. Best group shot I could get with them all facing the camera.


That is a sweet screenie, Fanatic. It even has the Revan face I chose! :rolleyes:



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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That is a sweet screenie, Fanatic. It even has the Revan face I chose!

I'll tell you how I took it. It's actually fairly simple.


On my keyboard, and probably yours too, there is a "Print Screen/SysRq" button near the top. You press that and voila! A screenshot. However, there may be some delay from when the screenshot is shot and the time you press the button, but only like a millisecond. Do you have paint? If you do, select the icon that allows you to cut parts out (the dotted rectangle called 'Select'), and you right click and select Paste, then save the file as a JPEG or a PNG.'


That's how I took the screenie.

Simple eh?

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Well, I've got another piccy.

A kind of a 'spur of the moment thing', so it isn't really as good as my other work.


A real angst pic. Revan leaving for the unknown regions, leaving his friends, leaving Bastila...


I'm not normally one to draw angst pics, but I heard a song (Mariah Carey-We Belong Together) and this image just hit me straight in the face.

I did plan to put the whole song on there, but there wasn't room, so I only put on the chorus.


I think the song fits the parting of Revan and Bastila really well.


(Full song lyrics here))

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I guess think Carth as a half-elf then. :p

Thanks, DL. I am just drawing for fun and enjoying others' work here, but your approval just doubles my enjoyment. :x


KotorFanatic - Didn't know you were the sensitive type :D . Nice one!

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Oh, that's super sweet KOTORFanactic :D


A part of me can't relate to it of course... because Revan will always be LSF to me :x


Great art people :p




P.S. Does that mean you're going to do more pictures for us julianw? :cool:


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Well, here are the pencil sketches. It's a Jedi character I made up for a story that I will either write, or draw out and digitally colour in a series of scenes. Probably the former, though. So, here she is w/ and w/o her robe. Will colour this later and post that up.




I wanted to add a Cirque du Soleil look to her since I regard Cirque to be the great pinnacle of design in the entertainment biz. I think everything would look better if they had a bit of Cirque in 'em.


And just a little blurb for that story, currently titled Star Wars: Oracle (which would probably take a couple years to write, anyway): It has been foretold. The powerful Sith Lord, Apophis Mara, will die at the hands of a Jedi. He has one saving grace. If he can find the identity of his killer within three days, that Jedi will fall beneath his blade.

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Well, not quite Baley...


Your style is scarily similar to that of Weiser Cain... I always thought his style was so individual :p


It's not to my personal taste... but great nonetheless :D


Keep posting your stuff :rolleyes:




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Weiser Cain... Couldn't find his work on these forums, but did a Google image search. I don't see the similarities, but I'd be interested in reading about what you see. Actually, I was greatly influenced by Iain McCaig's work for this one, heh...

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Here's his thread... of course, it would be wrong for me to say your work is totally similar, as its only based on that one post of yours... :rolleyes:


I'd love to see more of your stuff as would everyone else I suspect :p


Iain McCaig is a concept artist for Lucasfilms isn't he?




EDIT - FFS Baley!


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Here's his thread... of course, it would be wrong for me to say your work is totally similar, as its only based on that one post of yours...  :thumbsup:


I'd love to see more of your stuff as would everyone else I suspect  :p


Iain McCaig is a concept artist for Lucasfilms isn't he?




EDIT - FFS Baley!

I thought that it was Ralph Macquarrie who was there concept designer? :rolleyes:

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