TentamusDarkblade Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 You're starting to sound like a broken record Laozi. Sorry if i hurt your tender little feelings elsewhere.
Laozi Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 No I'm not angry, especially since you've really seemed to take one of my ideas to heart It looks like they really screw up things with the "Revan went looking for the true Sith" crap. I hope Lucasarts told them they had to do it, because if Obsidian did it on their own then they really showed a lack of any sort of creativity. Unfortantly I think we are going to get some story like the only reason Revan was using the Star Forge to build ships and take over the Republic was too make the worlds he loved strong enough to resist the "True Sith". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.
TentamusDarkblade Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 No I'm not angry, especially since you've really seemed to take one of my ideas to heart It looks like they really screw up things with the "Revan went looking for the true Sith" crap. I hope Lucasarts told them they had to do it, because if Obsidian did it on their own then they really showed a lack of any sort of creativity. Unfortantly I think we are going to get some story like the only reason Revan was using the Star Forge to build ships and take over the Republic was too make the worlds he loved strong enough to resist the "True Sith". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> your idea? sure, i'll give you that...even though it's heavily implied in KOTOR2.
Laozi Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 Its sort of implied yes, I mean I didn't pull it out of my ass, but I think its more so like I said, kind of the only possibility left, or one of the only ones left. But the thing I don't like is that it kind of cheapens the DS experience, or even the idea of Revan's redemption if he was never really corrupted, just taking the only means available to meet his needs People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.
Thomas-Meyer Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 I have an idea for how KotOR 3 could work. The game begans with you be questioned on Revan and Exile's paths and appearances. After that you create your character and hit play. A movie opens in a bluish tint (a dream). You witness a lightsaber battle between two cloaked figures. As they fight one grows and the other shrinks. The larger delivers a crushing blow to the shrinking one. The shrinking slips and falls into a chasm. The camera's zoom in and you see Exile's screaming face. You awake in a cold sweat and recieve a message informing you are late (btw you begin as a jedi) for your shuttle to Coruscant. You rush out and your first two group members join you. You get on the shuttle and leave for Coruscant. While in hyperspace you are forced out by a ship similar to an Interdictor and attacked by pirates. Okay this taking way too long. Basically you spend the game searching the outer rim and unknown territories for exile. On your journey you meet revan (who is disquised) and he joins your party. He tells you the Sith have been quiet for so long because they are massing a force in the Unkown Territories. well it's late i can't think of the rest all the destinies are fulfilled Or when you meet revan you awake on the ebon hawk from the vision and realize you are exile and your destinies will then be fulfilled possibilities revan-dark exile-dark you-dark revan-light exile-dark you-dark revan-light exile-light you-dark all-light revan-dark exile-light you-dark revan-dark exile-light you-light revan-dark exile-dark you-light
TentamusDarkblade Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 Its sort of implied yes, I mean I didn't pull it out of my ass, but I think its more so like I said, kind of the only possibility left, or one of the only ones left. But the thing I don't like is that it kind of cheapens the DS experience, or even the idea of Revan's redemption if he was never really corrupted, just taking the only means available to meet his needs <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i just thought of it as he got mindwiped, you played out KOTOR1, then after that his original personality came back and over-wrote/intergrated the one you created/played. just my own way of suspending the disbelief though
The Crazy Freak Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 They also could make the sequal about what happend whitin these 5 years or about the mandelorian wars and revans involvment (problem will you then be revan? Could do that you choose from beginning to be light (Bastilla?) or dark (revan/malak)
Reveilled Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 The high levels of the Exile and Revan need not be a barrier to actually playing them in KotOR III. The second expansion to Neverwinter Nights carried directly on from the first with the same character, who so started the second expansion at a high level. KotOR III could fairly easily start out with the player playing Revan or the Exile at level 20 or higher. All that would have to be done would be to extend the levelling system even further with lots more powers. Considering that these true sith are supposedly more powerful than anything the Republic's faced before, PCs starting out at high level wouldn't be breezing through the game like they had god mode turned on. There could even be a facility to import the Revan character from KotOR I to be played in KotOR III, like with Baldur's Gate I and II. Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!
Ace Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Of course the Exile could still work as a character. Being alone in the Unknown Reaches would mean that there would be no one to siphon the Force from. Meaning that the Exile would slowly but surely lose his/her connection with the Force. Which might be all that saves the Exile from detection by the Sith. During the course of the game, the Exile regains power as s/he did in KOTOR2.
Muad'Dib Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Hmm I don't really know how many people might get on board with this, but maybe they could have a dfferent PC start as the main character up until a certain point in the game. Then from that point on the story would shift focus onto either Revan or the Exile or both if even possible?? It could be the new character is actively searching for Revan and Exile and halfway through the game you get something like the Leviathan level in K1 after you've explored x number of places or soething and here the new main character sacrifices himself/herself for the others and then the pov switches to one of the original two protagonists. Then KotOR 1 and 2's story could be finished completely and from one of the original protagonist's perspective and to some extent we can have either of the original protagonists return as main character in spite their high levels. The new guy doesn't even need to be a Jedi, just the guy that's exploring until you find Revan or Exile; soldier, scout, scoundrel...this way would of course limit how much either one of the protagonists can level up as half the game is played from one person's pov and the second from the other, so unless the game is 100 hours long neither of the protagonists will level up 40 times, course Revan and Exile can begin pretty high up anyway which is the point of having them come in later once all the lightsaber wielder enemies start popping up. I suppose many wouldn't be interested in that though, shifting protagonists so probably that wouldn't work...oh well still am hoping for an expansion for K2 then.
Dirk Benedict Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 As much as I would like to see Revan and/or the Exile as the main character, I think the basic appeal of KOTOR is for players to build their "awesome" character from scratch and exploring the unknown. Having to play a pre-defined character like Revan or the Exile would lose this apeal. Granted, the story with Revan and the Exile (and just what exactly is his/her name???) must be resolved, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have play them as a character. I think most of us get too concerned with their story that we forget that underneath it all, there's the actual gameplaty aspect that drives the story. So, I think it is completely sensible to start KOTOR3 with an entirely new character and somehow becomes entangled with the fates of Revan and the Exile. This character must have some connection with these two of course, but what this connection is exactly will be the core of the story. I dunno, maybe he/she is an offspring of Bastila or Carth, depending on Revan's gender (not Dustil, although he would be an interesting part of the story), or maybe he/she is just another young Jedi trainee who ultimately has to decide who shall live: Revan or the Exile, in which, towards the climax, find themselves at odds with each other. I'm kind of stretching it right now, but these are just examples anyways. If you think about it, the Star Wars OT/PT actually shifted protagonists... the OT originally centered around Luke, but by the time the PT are made, the story focuses more from Obi Wan and Anakin's point of view. Other examples that come into my mind are: Mary Reily, the story of Dr. Jekyll/Hyde from a different point of view; the Band of Brothers series, in which it constantly shifts points of view from episode to episode. Even Star Trek, where one episode focuses primarily on, say Kirk, then the next episode focuses entirely on Scotty. It's entirely plausible, an it's not shoddy writing at all.
Muad'Dib Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 Hi Dirk, I see what you are referring to but I disagree with you, here's why: In the OT as you pointed out Luke was the main focus, his sotry began in Ep 4, continued in Ep5 and concluded in Ep6. His journey came full circle. The same with the Obi-Wan/Anakin focus of the PT. In KotOR Revan's story came full circle but in K2 they pulled him/her out yet again into the fray thus eliminaing the closure he/she had. Exile is worse: he/she didn't even get any kind of sense of closure, Exile just goes off in search of Revan and the True Sith, mind you while still banished from the Jedi to top it off . Now in the Ot Luke didn't begin the journey then had some new character take over for him in Ep5, then another in Ep6, that's where what you say doesn't apply. It's not that a new PC can't coe in to fight the new threat, it is that the new character can't finish Revan's or the Exile's journeys for them, or at least a new PC shouldn't. With a tv series like Star Trek, you have substories focusing on different people every week, but everyone is part of the same crew and are always together, which is not the case of K1, K2 and potentially K3. It's as if Captain Kirk was commanding the Enterprise in one episode, then the next some other captain is commanding, then the next another, then another, see my point? You are absolutely right, some people such as myself focus too much on the story. That is precisely because that's what RPGs are about for me the story, gameplay is a secondary element as far as I'm concerned. There are people who as you say think differently and all they care about is making a new character from scratch but not me, I'm more interested in the story and storyline aspects of these types of games than I am on how many points I'm allocating into which skill, what class I'm playing, etc. Just because the charcater is predifined in terms of identity and backstory (Like Revan and Exile), it hardly means you can customize said character with whatever class, skills, feats, powers, you want. After all it is your character and you are playing it as you like, no one will define the stats for you. In essence it'll be exactly the same as if you played a new PC, the only difference is that the story will pick up where it left off from the perspective of one of the original characters as opposed to being some new guy that wasn't involved before. Anyway that's just my pov. Oh and Galactica lots of memories when I was a kid just flew back right now haha.
Darth Nuke Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 That's right. Plus the only thing that wouldn't be available to the player in the start up would be the name. But many RPG character already have names anyway. A new PC just wouldn't work for a STAR WARS game. That's the biggest point we have to remember. This is Star Wars, not your everyday RPG. KOTOR has been put into a Trilogy format. It needs and ending that has closure, and the only way your going to have closure completely is by being either the Exile, Revan, or both. KOTOR 2 must be completed
TentamusDarkblade Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 I think Hades and i argued this same point before. My stance is that the KOTOR series story revolves around the EVENTS not the PEOPLE. Reven tells one act of the story, then the perspective switches to The exile to tell the middle act, then a third and final character tells the final act. The actual arching storyline between the series is the struggles of the Republic during this period starting with the Jedi Civil war in KOTOR1, the Republic teetering on the edge of destruction and pulling itself back from the brink in KOTOR2, and most likely the True War with the Sith and the rebirth of a stronger republic in KOTOR3. Revan was a min-arch within this arch. Revan's story of War, controlling his destiny through defeating his past. Exile's mini-arch was of Acceptance, accepting his past so he can find his destiny. Who knows what mini-arch will be thought up for the character in KOTOR3, but i can guess that his theme will highlight either Rebirth or Unity (or both). Of course, this is just my view. I Don't think the characters were the main focus of the overall story, just the focus of the individual game's story. The actual game trilogy's story finale can easily be told by a brand new character.
Laozi Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Though we rarely do I have to agree with Tentamus on this. Revan isn't the essential character in Kotor just a major player, his story has been told, and now so has the exiles. Their ultimate fates will have to be told, it doesn't require that it should be told through them. A new character can learn their fates just as easily and in the best interest of the title, should People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.
Muad'Dib Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 We can just agree to diasagree Tentamus. To begin with these games have nothing to do with the Republic itself, they have to do specifically with the Jedi. If anything that should be your position; the actual Republic, its condition, the people within it or the situation of it are a simple backdrop for the events happening in the story. At no time does the story focus on the political situations of the Republic, the struggles of its senators or motions that are trying to be passed, the only representation of the Republic is one or two characters who belong to it and K2 didn't really have many of those at all, only Disciple is an active member of the Republic. To see the story in your pov Tentamus would be to say the OT doesn't revolve around Luke, Han and Leia but instead revolves around the Rebellion. That at any time within any of the three movies those characters could have been replaced by completely new ones and maintained the same sense of storytelling continuity, because they are not the focus, only pieces of it. The same would be said of Anakin in the PT. Personally I didn't see the movies that way, as such neither do I see the games in that fashion. The Republic is just a setting, the people make the story, not any particular faction or government within it. The struggles of these games are specifically about these characters' choices, their lives and how these have affected them and the galaxy. You yourself just posted on these particular character's arcs; Revan and Redemption, Exile and Acceptance. That these are a lead up towards these characters finding their destiny, precisely. They are finding what their destiny is but have yet to fulfill this destiny, ie to end the story. These destinies are the focal point of the games, now we have to see them through, and thus get closure, everything with a beginning has an end. That's what I want to see in K3, a fraking end. As cheesy as K1's ending was I'd take it a thousand times over the non-ending of K2, why because there is nothing more to tell, it's done and finished. A new story with new characters can always be made, there's plenty of Old Republic era to go around, but leaving K2 as it did, Exile's story got no closure at all, in fact all K2 did was set up where he/she was going to next to finish the job. While you may believe that K3 can come along with some new PC now being sent off looking for both Revan and the Exile, I would find that cheesier than any ending in K1. Then what K3 ends with the True, True Sith coming as a threat and all three protagonists jetting off to face them and K4 is yet another damn Padawan looking for the first three and so on and so on until you have 10 games with the same drawn out storyline, no defined protagonists and so many plot holes it actually gives the Star Wars movies are run for their money. Laozi I know that a nw PC can learn their fates without us having to see it first hand, that's precisely what I don't want. I don't want to learn about it I want to live it, to experience the end of their journey as I was supposed to. What's the point of going through a character's journey if you aren't even going to finish that journey with them if they are so replaceable any new character can just come in and pick up where they left off in their adventure. This is why I wanted an ending to K2 so it wouldn't depend on K3 to have an ending, particularly if I wasn't going to be able to use that character ever again. In any case, we'll just establish our views and tastes as different and there's nothing wrong with that at all.
ChaosRose_x Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I've been reading a lot of debating here, and am intrigued to write one of my own. So, here goes. As many of you have pointed out on this board, (I believe) a third PC would be silly. Some of you have stated that Exile's and Revan's respective journies have been completed. I don't believe that to be the case at all. In KOTOR II, they never really gave true closing to Exile's. Just a battered ship, sauntering off into the depths of space to search for Revan. And although Revan was given some closure to the first KOTOR, they've completey written that off in the second game. In fact, they decided to give Revan a whole new role: fighting the Sith threat that borders along the edge of the galaxy. So, Exile's in incomplete and Revan has yet another to tell. What would be the point in adding a third PC into the story? What would their role be in relation to Revan and the Exile? Some of your argue that the point would be to finish Revan's and Exile's stories. But why have some schmo take the burdens the first two characters upon themselves to finish? Then, my question(s) that I pose to you would be this. What would be the point in having Exile (or Revan for that matter) go out and search for the True Sith only to have another person find them out and finish their quest for them? What the heck were Revan and Exile doing while this third PC is running around doing their thing? LA wouldn't be getting as much 'green nicotine' as they would hope for, if that were the scenario in KOTOR III. (imo) I don't think a background could establish another character as Force sensitive. In KOTOR II, the Jedi are near extinct and not many remain and are either in hiding or have forsaken the ways and code of the Jedi. To have some novice punk all of a sudden come in tune with the Force and go out searching for your previous PC's would be folly from where I'm standing. And why would any Jedi (who remained in hiding duirng TSL) sprout up now and take on the challenge posed by these "True Sith" when they would not even rise to aid the galaxy against the three Sith aligned against you in TSL? To those who turned from the code - they chose to turn from the code. Why return to something they willing turned from? The Exile is pardoned because s/he felt as though the Council exiled him/her and was unaware that it was a matter of choice - not a sentence (at least according to Disciple it was a matter of decision and not a verdict) And why have someone else do what was already comissioned to the Exile? To go out and find Revan (AND now, Exile). Is the Exile that incompetent? Bleh. Revan needs to finish the story newly appointed to him/her, and Exile needs to finish theirs. So my opinion for a third installment would be to have alterations between Revan and Exile on their journies (of course, after meeting up with each other). Perhaps some new party members and run-ins with old characters could be integrated in as your crew begins to grow/form in your perspective party. I believe the point of the KOTOR series is to develp the plot/storyline given, and character appointed to you at the beginning of your campaign. How would the third PC's character become developed accomplishing what Revan and Exile set out to do? (give me some insight, I'm really too tired to try and think this one out) Bah, thanks for your time to read my ho-hum ramblings. If these fail to make sense to you in any way, my apologies. I am half awake and trying to think - pretty dangerous combo there.
tanstaafl28 Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 When KOTOR was in production under Bioware way back when, did they have the Sith Lords story in mind? I'm pretty sure that Obsidian was founded by former Bioware developers, but I could be wrong about that. Having said this, I sure that the story concept was all Obsidian. IMHO, the storyline in TSL should be completely discarded and any sequel should pretend it never existed and start over. I suspect that the developers were under some serious pressure by corporate types to get the game out by Christmas, and in so doing, they sacrificed the storyline and crippled the gameplay. The characters are shallow and flat, there are scenes that make no sense, and the decision trees are so fractured that it is difficult to tell what choices will end up giving one darkside or lightside points. In some places, I'm not even sure what happened, or why I was supposed to do things. I never had these sorts of problems with the original. Having finished the game, I am inclined to go back and play KotOR and forget that a sequel was ever created.
Reveilled Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 When KOTOR was in production under Bioware way back when, did they have the Sith Lords story in mind? I'm pretty sure that Obsidian was founded by former Bioware developers, but I could be wrong about that. Having said this, I sure that the story concept was all Obsidian. Black Isle developers. IMHO, the storyline in TSL should be completely discarded and any sequel should pretend it never existed and start over. I suspect that the developers were under some serious pressure by corporate types to get the game out by Christmas, and in so doing, they sacrificed the storyline and crippled the gameplay. The characters are shallow and flat, there are scenes that make no sense, and the decision trees are so fractured that it is difficult to tell what choices will end up giving one darkside or lightside points. In some places, I'm not even sure what happened, or why I was supposed to do things. I never had these sorts of problems with the original. Having finished the game, I am inclined to go back and play KotOR and forget that a sequel was ever created. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, what they should do is just pretend the ending never existed and instead pretend that the ending you can read in the "Cut Ending Stuff" thread was how it actually ended. Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!
Celeborn Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Here's my two cents. If a possible KOTOR3 has Revan or the exile as the main character then I'm not getting the game. I pray that KOTOR3 will actually be a real roleplaying game where my character and his fate won't be etched into stone right from the beginning, apart from a tiny choice of whether or not I want to follow the light side or the dark side. (The journey is pretty much exactly the same regardless, which makes that choice worthless anyway. Oh wait, yippee, I got a different ending.) And for KOTOR3 to be an actual roleplaying game I should be getting to make a character that I can actually call mine, from the beginning and to the end. No stupid turnaround where I get to hear that my character is actually someone else, no grandma dragging me into something I don't want to do. Basically, just let me make my own damned character.
Plano Skywalker Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Here's my two cents. If a possible KOTOR3 has Revan or the exile as the main character then I'm not getting the game. I pray that KOTOR3 will actually be a real roleplaying game where my character and his fate won't be etched into stone right from the beginning, apart from a tiny choice of whether or not I want to follow the light side or the dark side. (The journey is pretty much exactly the same regardless, which makes that choice worthless anyway. Oh wait, yippee, I got a different ending.) And for KOTOR3 to be an actual roleplaying game I should be getting to make a character that I can actually call mine, from the beginning and to the end. No stupid turnaround where I get to hear that my character is actually someone else, no grandma dragging me into something I don't want to do. Basically, just let me make my own damned character. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I generally agree that a totally opened-ended approach for the PC's identity would be preferred. I would like to have non-humans and even non-Force users. HOWEVER, the story is where it is. In my view, we need Revan's story to be totally wrapped up (which can only be done right by Revan or the Exile in my view). Then, in KOTOR IV (or whatever they call it) we can have a less epic and more open-ended approach. Plano
Saint Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I totally agree with Celeborn on this - the story is really something that exists to feed the gameplay and not the other way around. In both K1 and K2 we get a character to call our own and to develop how we see fit - this character fits in or changes events and characters around him as YOU develop him. I think someone was right (perhaps in another thread) when they said that the KOTOR series IS Revan's story - if it wasn't Revan's story then there would be no need for him to be mentioned in K2 at all - as some have said, this would just be teasing us. Instead, K2 continues (or perhaps more than continuing, it fleshes out the story) from the perspective of the Exile, who was never just some random guy who went searching for Revan. The Exile was one of Revan's Generals and as such his destiny is very much wrapped up in Revan. The point of K2 was not searching for Revan, that just happens to have been what the Exile ends up doing, but the game itself is about the Exile figuring out what he is and also sets him up as an important character in Revan's overall story. I don't think it would make sense to play as Revan or The Exile in K3 because what we've been doing the whole time is seeing Revan's story while playing as different people within that story. K1 we were introduced to Revan and got to play as him because we were introducing Revan's story. K2 we played as one of Revan's fallen Jedi, who obviously has an important part to play in Revan's destiny - but in the spirit or KOTOR, that part of the story isn't going to be seen until the character is established, which is what we've done in K2. In K3 there should be another character whose destiny has also been intertwined around Revan and who has a pivotal part to play in Revan's destiny - what we will see by the end K3 (assuming this is a trilogy, which makes sense) is Revan's destiny come full circle as told by 3 different people. The gameplay elements that make KOTOR fun (i.e. developing the character and choosing his path) will be intact, while also incorporating Revan and the Exile and concluding Revan's story. Or.. perhaps it is isn't really Revan's story either.. it is the KOTOR story, of which all 3 characters play equally important roles that must be in place for the story to end. Revan starts it by becoming Sith Lord, etc.. that results in the Exile's story and as a result of both stories the third character's destiny is formed. When all three are put together, KOTOR is complete. Just because there is a third characters also does not mean that he is going to have to go searching for Revan and the Exile either. Their destinies are involved with each other but there is no reason but that doesn't mean they intentionally look for each other - they are thrust into each other's stories while playing out their own.
DSLuke Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 KOTOR 3 will be about the true Sith. Revan and the exile are gone looking for them, so if we can't have Revan and the exile in our party I will be extremetly And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom
Jedi Master D Murda Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 First I have to agree with Muad'Dib that playing with a new character would be pretty lame but would help with the starting of a new character that gets to start out neutral. I would have to say that the Kotor story is Revan's story, especially after playing K2. I wanted to play as Revan in K2 but we had to play as one of his General's from the Mandalorian Wars and got to see Revan's story, as someone said, more fleshed out. Problem is I don't see K2 standing on it's own as a game like ESB could stand on it's own like a movie. I also see where you are coming from Saint with it not making any sense to play with the Exile or Revan but having a new PC being neutral waking up from somewhere who has to go looking for the Exile and Revan and sees the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War in K2 from another point of view would be too much to take in.
Darth Nuke Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I totally agree with Celeborn on this - the story is really something that exists to feed the gameplay and not the other way around. In both K1 and K2 we get a character to call our own and to develop how we see fit - this character fits in or changes events and characters around him as YOU develop him. I think someone was right (perhaps in another thread) when they said that the KOTOR series IS Revan's story - if it wasn't Revan's story then there would be no need for him to be mentioned in K2 at all - as some have said, this would just be teasing us. Instead, K2 continues (or perhaps more than continuing, it fleshes out the story) from the perspective of the Exile, who was never just some random guy who went searching for Revan. The Exile was one of Revan's Generals and as such his destiny is very much wrapped up in Revan. The point of K2 was not searching for Revan, that just happens to have been what the Exile ends up doing, but the game itself is about the Exile figuring out what he is and also sets him up as an important character in Revan's overall story. I don't think it would make sense to play as Revan or The Exile in K3 because what we've been doing the whole time is seeing Revan's story while playing as different people within that story. K1 we were introduced to Revan and got to play as him because we were introducing Revan's story. K2 we played as one of Revan's fallen Jedi, who obviously has an important part to play in Revan's destiny - but in the spirit or KOTOR, that part of the story isn't going to be seen until the character is established, which is what we've done in K2. In K3 there should be another character whose destiny has also been intertwined around Revan and who has a pivotal part to play in Revan's destiny - what we will see by the end K3 (assuming this is a trilogy, which makes sense) is Revan's destiny come full circle as told by 3 different people. The gameplay elements that make KOTOR fun (i.e. developing the character and choosing his path) will be intact, while also incorporating Revan and the Exile and concluding Revan's story. Or.. perhaps it is isn't really Revan's story either.. it is the KOTOR story, of which all 3 characters play equally important roles that must be in place for the story to end. Revan starts it by becoming Sith Lord, etc.. that results in the Exile's story and as a result of both stories the third character's destiny is formed. When all three are put together, KOTOR is complete. Just because there is a third characters also does not mean that he is going to have to go searching for Revan and the Exile either. Their destinies are involved with each other but there is no reason but that doesn't mean they intentionally look for each other - they are thrust into each other's stories while playing out their own. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We don't need another point of view, or a fresh perspective. If that was so then why didn't Lucas just ditch Anakin and Luke for newer characters each movie? This is Star Wars, KOTOR is Star WArs. IT's being based off a trilogy, trilogies have one dominant hero. Revan is that hero. To not be him,and not to finish the story from his point of view is lame and make's Revan useless in the end. His story would never be concluded in the way it should if a new pc, with some lame excuse for not having powers, comes along. KOTOR doens't need 3 hero's. You want to choose things you can. You can make Exile or Revan look a different way, do their stats and etc. Only thing you wouldn't be able to do is name them, and naming Exile was dumb anyway. Many RPG's have their main characters already made. So it's not right to say that the fun part RPG's is building the character, because in many cases that isn't true. This is Star Wars, and KOTOR should end with either Revan or the Exile. No other, because another would just get in the way. Not to mention a cliche, of repeating itself in 3 games. KOTOR 2 must be completed
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