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"Last of the Jedi"

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The plot was the last known Jedi besides

Atris was the true last jedi. She just used you as bait.

(w00t) Revan wasn't the last jedi.


The movies 4-6 GL made with love and want. Movies 1 and 2 was to cash end on that love. Kinda like rushing KOTOR 2.

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I want KotOR  III to make you feel like you are part of somthing larger!


Maybe you could become a representative of Czerka corporation. They're fairly large :cool: And think about it, you could travel planet to planet protecting the corporation, all the while secretly hunting down and destorying sith bad basses. And if you go darkside, you could betray Czerka Corp. and fake killing Sith, when you're really giving them BONUS buys and discounts!! *Runs to copywright his ideas*


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i guess you missed the phrase 'hunted to near extinction'.  :)




Only Sith besides Palpatine that made a dent on the Jedi Order was Kun and despite his success he never brought the Order down.


There was a battle that almost destroyed the Jedi but then again it destroyed all Sith except Darth Bane.


So there is no base to the Jedi Order being almost gone, the movie strongly give the impression the Jedi Order is as old as the Republic and neither EVER ceased to exist at one point in history until The Empire.


And who defines what looks "right"? LucasArts... and they seem to think Kotor looked right.


Well we all know Rookie One did not destroyed the (first) Death Star, Luke Skywalker did.


The "Tales of the Jedi" comics are the definite source over that era, only the movies and the movies novelization can override then.


Also what is "right?" on it comes to the Valley of the Sith Lords?


JK:A or SW:KotOR.


Since after all JK:A display a diferent look of the Valley that SW:KotOR and LucasArts autorized both products ... that alone sould say something about LucasArts fact checking.


(JK:A is the one that uses the TotJ comics as basis so its the right one.)


the jk:a valley and the kotor valley were obviously not the same ones. the one in kotor was just there for fun.the one in jk:a was for burying ... btw jk:a single player had the worst dialogue ever...in fact the whole story plot was cheesy, predictable and downright rubbish. (the part i hate the most is where your in the underworks of bast castle and kyle says : good idea we can feed the energy back into the machine and overload it! '' why would you want to overload a giant thing with green energy beams shooting out of the bottom unless you had a death wish?!


and dont get me started on how ugly the saber stances looked....and how pathetically boring the main villain was...and how predictable it was that the annoying rosh character would fall to the dark side....and how innacurate the stormtroopers were..and how gay luke skywalker looks.....the list goes on....


sorry for this post...i have a lot of anger

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the jk:a  valley and the kotor valley were obviously not the same ones. the one in kotor was just there for fun.the one in jk:a was for burying ...


Sorry they are the same one, there is only one Valley of the Sith Lords that contains the tombs of the Sith Lords of the Sith Empire.


JK:A based their level on the comics as KotOR did not, JK:A is the correct one.

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