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Holy Crap...sucks to be in Southern Asia.


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No, seriously. When you spin a spin(?) it wobbles slightly. That on planetary magnitude is an "orbital wobble", AFAIK.


So did it happen and then fix itself or is it still wobbling? :devil: :ph34r:

It has probably fixed itself, otherwise we would have known by now, but I'm no expert...

I just read a lot of books :devil:

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Hey, the planet will survive and so will the human race.  Worrying about such things will give you an ulcer.  Go rent The Day After Tomorrow and relax.  :D


Who are you, and what did you do to the real Visceris ??? :devil:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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He's been brainwashed by Ioweegens :devil:


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, I fell compelled to say some things, as I have several relatives from Phuket, and my mom is there right now, working at one of the hospitals...


First off, incredibly pessimistic statement. The confirmed death count has risen from under 10,000 to around 60,000 in three days. It's only gonna be somewhat accurate after a month,and that is realistically a maybe :)


Secondly, about why tsunami warnings weren't given: there's no systems or organizations for this kind of thing, as it has never happened to this part of the world before, in recorded history, IIRC. Some people will criticize this, but that criticism is not fair, because there is not really any way to warn people of something this disastrous and devastating effectively. The credibility of such a statement would also be quite questionable, due to the above reasons.


I'm sorry if I've come across as harsh, or perhaps offensive, but I've been honest. This event has quite greatly affected my life the past couple of days, and especially that of my brother. As for the disaster itself, I'm at a complete loss of words. There is nothing I could say that would come close to what I feel right now.

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I'm sorry if I've come across as harsh, or perhaps offensive, but I've been honest. This event has quite greatly affected my life the past couple of days, and especially that of my brother. As for the disaster itself, I'm at a complete loss of words. There is nothing I could say that would come close to what I feel right now.


Don't be harsh on yourself. We are all realizing the terrible situation down there. Our thoughts are with the people who are dealing with the tragedy, loss, and destruction. Both with the families who lost everything, and the people who are there trying to help.

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If they don't clear the bodies out fast enough it'll get higher from disease.


They also have the problem with identification. Due to the lack of the proper body-storage (i.e - morgues with freezers - too many bodies, no electricity, things like that), they have to be identified quickly. Which is problematic considering the body-count and the fact that people/bodies where moved long distances by the water.

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Who are you, and what did you do to the real Visceris ???  :-


I lost my job, penniless, and no girlfriend. I decided to take a more up beat look on life. Over the last few months, okay years, I have been way too negative. A new year is coming and its time for change. :)


In the midst of tragedy like this you just gotta know it just couldn't be avoided. We are nothing but specks of dust when facing the awesome power of nature. Sure we can take precautions but precautions can only do so much. Draakh, you are right and good to hear you mother is okay. I know they have a system of detecting earthquaks in the Pacific so warnings can be issued but warnings are only as good as those who follow them. Hopefully they will put such a system in place in the Indian Ocean. A ten minute warning might not seem like much but that is ten minutes more you have a chance to find cover.


I saw some of the footage and people were taking pictures and video taping as the tidal waves were coming in. That is just plain stupid in my opinion.

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Who are you, and what did you do to the real Visceris ???  :-


I lost my job, penniless, and no girlfriend. I decided to take a more up beat look on life. Over the last few months, okay years, I have been way too negative. A new year is coming and its time for change. :)


In the midst of tragedy like this you just gotta know it just couldn't be avoided. We are nothing but specks of dust when facing the awesome power of nature. Sure we can take precautions but precautions can only do so much. Draakh, you are right and good to hear you mother is okay. I know they have a system of detecting earthquaks in the Pacific so warnings can be issued but warnings are only as good as those who follow them. Hopefully they will put such a system in place in the Indian Ocean. A ten minute warning might not seem like much but that is ten minutes more you have a chance to find cover.


I saw some of the footage and people were taking pictures and video taping as the tidal waves were coming in. That is just plain stupid in my opinion.

...That man has made a 180 degree turnaround in mentality...

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