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What the hell was with that ending?


Anyhow, the major problems I saw with the game:


Alignment was handled VERY poorly. It was way too easy to get LS points. To get DS points (I played ds) you were forced to act chaotic stupid: insult old women, slaughter bums, and kick my droid. Gaining influence, which is something I perceived a dark lord doing, was generally met with LS points, even though I intended to use them like tools. The only way you could get DS points, seemingly, was to tell them "I am using you like a tool," or "f*ck off, I hate you." :) Very un-Palapatine-esque... Oh yeah, did I mention that when I engage in revenge-based slaughter of Jedi Masters I gain NO DS POINTS, EVEN THOUGH IT IS OBVIOUS THAT I SHOULD BE GAINING- never mind.


What's with the quests? I did every quest I could find and never found the secret HK factory. Can someone tell me what I missed? I went to that cave, presumably that's where you're supposed to gain your prestige class, right? Nope, you didn't kick your droid enough to enter (mentioned above.) And that scene with the droids GOTO and Bao-Dur's, what was that? No idea.


And of course at the end, being the Sith that I am, I didn't want to give in to Kreia's demands and kill her, wanted to let her suffer for a while and was feeling too much like a puppet at that point. Nope, forced to kill her (through her epic level lightsabers?!). Oh yeah, wanted my lightsaber back from Atrius, but a cut scene had me back in space in two seconds flat. My love interest, Handmaiden? Who knows, that plot ended like a car hitting a brick wall.


And please, of all the bugs, couldn't you have fixed the cyan saber color glitch?


Verdict: 4-6 more months in development, imo.


I have to agree with your first point....as in the first game opportunities to be calculating and manipulative ala Palpatine and Visas presented themselves seldomly and you were forced to act like an testosterone-fueled teenager with a lightsaber to become completely evil.


Seriously, did anyone else get more plot revelation playing LS? What about the HK droid facility? Why did Revan abandon the Star Forge, other than "the price was too high?" What other threat was Revan seeking that was a greater threat than the DS?

Seriously, did anyone else get more plot revelation playing LS? What about the HK droid facility? Why did Revan abandon the Star Forge, other than "the price was too high?" What other threat was Revan seeking that was a greater threat than the DS?



I didn't understand most of the story....probably mostly because I was required to tell everyone to shut up half way through their little exposition to stay DS.

I didn't understand most of the story....probably mostly because I was required to tell everyone to shut up half way through their little exposition to stay DS.


I went the other way, sacraficing DS points so I could reveal the plot (which screwed me). I didn't find out anything. I wish they would delay the PC version for a few months and add some scenes, so we know what's going on.

I wish they would delay the PC version for a few months and add some scenes, so we know what's going on.


I agree with everyone above. The story was awesome until Malachor V. NPC interactions, especially the romance plots, were either bugged or poorly executed. The ending was poorly executed. I expected so much better from the designers of PS:T & Fallout. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, but I'd rate it as 9.5/10 for the first 38 hours and 6.5/10 for the last two hours and the ending.


I think if they had another 3-6 months to polish the npc plot lines and the ending, this game would be the masterpiece it should be. Now if they add some scenes and polish the endings for the PC version.... I wouldn't mind buying it all over again (hint hint). This game really deserves a more polished ending, without it, it's definitely not Game of the Year. Very close but no cigar. T_T.





I agree with everyone above.  The story was awesome until Malachor V.  NPC interactions, especially the romance plots, were either bugged or poorly executed.  The ending was poorly executed.  I expected so much better from the designers of PS:T & Fallout.  Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, but I'd rate it as 9.5/10 for the first 38 hours and 6.5/10 for the last two hours and the ending.


I completely agree. LucasArts screwed Obsidian and KOTOR fans over with a one-year timeframe.


The plot, for me, ended right at the Jedi Academy where Kreia knocks you unconscious. Then it was a rush to the end. I was agonizing because I couldn't visit any of the planets, like Korriban or Nar Shadda to upgrade my stuff or try a prestige class. Hell, one of the selling points on this game was envisioning myself, a Sith Lord, with a black robe and silver lightsaber. Didn't get the Sith Lord, no silver crystal, and no Dark Jedi Master Robe until the last fight with Sidon, right before the end. :p

I wish they would delay the PC version for a few months and add some scenes, so we know what's going on.


I agree with everyone above. The story was awesome until Malachor V. NPC interactions, especially the romance plots, were either bugged or poorly executed. The ending was poorly executed. I expected so much better from the designers of PS:T & Fallout. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, but I'd rate it as 9.5/10 for the first 38 hours and 6.5/10 for the last two hours and the ending.



So right.


I was so angry after the first time through I didn't want to play a second time, but playing through the second time (DS this time) I remembered how much I liked the first part of the game.


The beginning is so well done and the ending is so bad that that is all I remembered after first finishing it.


Someone said this earlier, but the end feels like someone wrote it for a term paper and was running out of time . . . so many things happen that do not make sense or follow through . . . a couple examples


Mira is on her way to help you, she fights the wookie says she is in a hurry (I assume to come help me out), and then nothing.


The little remote is standing next to G0-T0 looking like there is going to be a fight, and then nothing.


HK mentions the droid factory, sounds like you are going to go there and destroy it, and then nothing


G0-T0 destroys the little remote on the ship, and then the remote is back with no explanation.


Kreia revives the wookie and the colonel, i expect them to have some major importance, but no they appear again but do nothing important.


The entire game, you feel that you are fighting for or agains the republic and the jedi, then everything changes (which would not be that bad if done correctly) but the explanation of what I am fighting for is poor.


And finally, the companion interactions are not as good as 1. Characters are in love with you from the second they meet (especially if you pick them up late). There is no build-up. In the first one, there was a progressive feel to conversations. I think this stems from the random character pick-up for important characters (in 1 the important chars - Bastilla and Carth, are with you from early in the game and you have multiple chars before you havef an option of where to go, in this one you can pick up important chars very late) I picked up Mira just before heading to Dantooine to meet with the entire Jedi Council. This leads to silly conversation, interactions and fights where people talk like they have been travelling together for a while when you just walked on the ship with someone for the first time.


All of this comes back to the rushed feeling. I agree a couple more months of dev and testing would have fixed this.


I just don't like the way Obsidian hid the plot behind closed curtains. It doesn't matter if your LS or DS, they hide the plot from you anyways. Some conversations you have to be LS to get, others you have to be DS, and none of them really fit in the tone of the rest of the Star Wars universe. In KOTOR (the original) despite it having a lot of differences from the OT movies, the prequal movies, the comics, or the EU books it still felt like Star Wars. This game just doesn't have that feeling, at least IMO.




The cave on Korriban has nothing to do with you becoming a prestige class. You gain your prestige class at level 15 by speaking with Kreia.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.



The cave on Korriban has nothing to do with you becoming a prestige class. You gain your prestige class at level 15 by speaking with Kreia.


WTF, I spoke with her every damn chance I could. I explored every dialogue option that existed, gained enough influence for her to tell me about her past, Revan, etc. I spent the whole game focusing on gaining influence and furthering dialogue options with her. What did I have to do?



Also, what was in the cave?



edit: nm, just saw that you have to be extremely to one side or the other for prestige class. F*ck.


Anyhow, I'd still like to know what was in the cave, and why I couldn't enter.


You can enter the cave after you get your prestige levels.


What was in the cave? The darkside, your past, visions of what were and what may be.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.


I got into the cave before I had my Prestige class, I went in before I even had my lightsaber. It was the first planet I went to, and i got my butt kicked in there, but I did get in. It more likely has something to do with your LS/DS alignment than your prestige class.


In my opinion, K1 was pretty derivative of everything else star wars. K2 at least tried to be original about it. K1 had some interesting characters... but it, too, was incomplete, and it wasn't as ambitious with creating other sub-plots, many of them dynamic to the situation at hand.


They should've explained a bit more of what happened in these side-happenings, even though they can all be explained easily enough. It made the story feel disjointed, at the end, and it just sucks to start a sub-plot and never finish it.


I *so* agree with everyone here. It was like an unfinished novel. They had everything set out, rather well IMO, but then just cut the book in half and added a page at the end to sum up the other half of the book you're missing. Everything was left open-ended. It started into something, then was never touched again or resolved. I almost didn't want to play again either. But the beginning *is* so good that it deserves another play through. Maybe I'll make an LS character to get more plot stuff figured out.


And the DS was still childish. I played it, but I couldn't twist my characters how I wanted.


How do you get Mira? Both my brother and I got the wookie (though he got the wookie through a semi-glitch . . .) anyhoo . . .


Yeah, it definately needed polishing off. The story was amazing, but dropped off at the end to non-existance and just seemed to wrap up poorly. I've come across I think four massive glitches that would have ended my game if I hadn't saved at a lucky time (and used major brain power) to get past them. I think we can all agree that we really want a KotOR III, and I'd like it along the same lines as this one, but with better DS, better twisting of the characters, and a more flushed out ending.


Oh, and wtf was with Darths Nihilus and Sion?!?! We didn't even know them, they hadn't even really made an appearence in the story, they didn't really have any influence on anything (other than being a distant threat) and we then had to kill them?! They really needed to be more fleshed out.


Sorry for ranting o_O


Ranting is good. I think the poor ending execution is twice as painful in this game than a lesser game because THIS GAME WAS SO AWESOME through the Jedi Conclave on the Jedi Academy. I was playing LS, so the 3 masters turning on me at the last minute was a good twist. It was like, wtf, after all I done for you guys, this is how you repay me? Then the scene happened and I was like well, so she finally shows her true color (no surprise here... I would have been surprised if it wasn't her). The fight on Telos just built things up.... but then Nhilius was a real let down in that you have to plug in the holes for him to make him anything other than a prop... no real revelation about who he was beneath the mask (Luke, I am your father...), just a let down frim Vista about he was "just a man." Gee thanks. I just killed the guy who annhiliated a whole planet and an entire conclave of Jedi and he was just a cardboard guy?


Goes on to Malichor V, I was expecting something like a little quest for every NPC (after Mira and the Remote), they all get together, and I can maybe take the ones I favor into the final fight. Nooo... we get a solo run through the Academy and then an exposition by Darth Trayna before the 20 second FMV. The more I think about it the more annoyed about the spoiled potential of this game. It's like a masterpiece oil painting that didn't get finished in time, so the artist painted the eyes with permanent markers.


Truly awesome game with a great buildup. But what a let down the end was (and let's not even go to the poor execuse of a romance - I don't need a happy ending, but resolution and some sense of closure would be nice). T_T.


Bah. Still love the game, but boy the ending bites.






Unfortunately, I cant agree more with the previous posters.The ending after what was otherwise a great game, was just plain flat..Lucas Arts has done us (and Obsidian) a great disservice by rushing production.That is unless the plot holes are filled in KOTOR 3.


As I just posted in another topic, we shouldn't have to rely on another game to fix a previous one. A game should be able to stand on its own, and have a complete plot and wrap up on its own. It can leave continuations, but not gaping holes.


There were romances? I play DS female. Closest thing I got to a romance was Darth Sion n_n Would have liked that, that woulda been sweet. Unlimited power . . . Except against Revan, but we would have joined her, of course :D . . . or him . . .


Darths Nihilus and Sion weren't fleshed out properly. They were just . . . there. They could have been random people walking down the street for all we knew and felt for them.


It's like a masterpiece oil painting that didn't get finished in time, so the artist painted the eyes with permanent markers.
^ Best analogy I have come across ^_^ It's SO true.

Althought I haven't finished it, my biggest rant about the game is that it is ridiculously easy. I'm playing a Jedi Consular / Jedi Master - which seems to be a popular combo.


Once you get Force Wave (level 15) and Force Lightning (level 18) - it's time for mass slaughter. :lol: Because I'm a Jedi Master, I have like 400 force points, which means I barely expend any force energy killing massive numbers of enemy people.


I'm assuming I should play a sentinnel or guardian but the consular is my favorite class.


I would guess that the relative ease probably did not extend across all classes. If you were a ds guardian, you were probably alot less powerful than a ds consular. I think it was easy to give people that royally f*cked up their character a chance. I've seen some posts indicating that people had difficulty in places I didn't think were supposed to be difficult.


Oh, and Plague+Force Crush=omnipotence against bosses.

Force Wave + lightning = death to high level minions.


Wash, rinse, repeat, win game.


Master Speed (2 additional attacks), tier 3 dual wield feat, and dual wielded short lightsabers for the win (with the damage cranked WAAAAAAY up with a few key components).


It took me forever to get any short lightsabers, and when I finally got two, they both showed up at the same time. But after I got my hands on them and modified one of them to crank up the damage (the other couldn't be customized), and initially only tried them out on a whim, my character tore through the opposition.


Stasis dealt with most humanoid enemies, and Master Energy Protection (?) did a very good job of helping with the lightsaber equipped enemies that Stasis wouldn't work on.


I played consular with db saber, so don't know much about combat. Why are short bladed sabers beneficial as compared with normal sized ones? I know there is a to-hit bonus with the off hand, but there must be something that makes up for less damage.

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