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About Edonidd

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. As everyone else has said, take your own games for that. Leave the few real RPG's we have left to us AS RPG's.
  2. I gained as much infleunce as I could with him, and it was enough to get him to be a Jedi. but never a shield.
  3. 85% of the time my only dialog option with Bao Dur was "Never Mind" another 5% of the time, would be random conversations and after everyone I would always get "gained influence; Bao Dur" so I know I had as much influence with him as I could (turned him into a Gaurdian) the last 10% of the game ( ) he would say something had changed, but he didn't want to talk about it. I never had the option of having him make shields for me. But it didn't really matter, because the only shield I ever used was a Mandalorian power shield ( ) All other shields I sold at the begining of the game when I still thought I would need money, at the end of the game I broke them all down for components to make useful stuff.
  4. Why don't you just max out your INT, and then use implants and belts to make up for your DEX, STR, and CON. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Items that affect your INT don't affect your skill points per level. And I am actually playing a Sentinel right now with maxed int (he's gonna be a blaster Jedi, and use Snipere Shot, so I wanted high INT) pretty fun so far, but I am still just starting.
  5. Nope. I got the old colors, and lighter versions of (most of) those colors, but no darker colors.
  6. I was level 28 at the end. But just barely, like 15 minutes before the end.
  7. I got into the cave before I had my Prestige class, I went in before I even had my lightsaber. It was the first planet I went to, and i got my butt kicked in there, but I did get in. It more likely has something to do with your LS/DS alignment than your prestige class.
  8. I just don't like the way Obsidian hid the plot behind closed curtains. It doesn't matter if your LS or DS, they hide the plot from you anyways. Some conversations you have to be LS to get, others you have to be DS, and none of them really fit in the tone of the rest of the Star Wars universe. In KOTOR (the original) despite it having a lot of differences from the OT movies, the prequal movies, the comics, or the EU books it still felt like Star Wars. This game just doesn't have that feeling, at least IMO.
  9. Have you not finished the game? On the last level I must have killed 500 people carrying Lighsabers, some of them carrying two sabers, and one with 4 different lightsabers. Not really that exclusive.
  10. If it makes you feel any better you could have just bought a new DVD drive, for around $80 :0 Actually I don't know if they are still that price, but when the Thompson disk drive errors ere first "discovered" and the fallout from that whole mess were going on it was about $80 for a new drive if you installed it yourself, and about $110 for someone else to do it profesionally for you. Stupid Microsoft!
  11. I decided high Con was a must, and finally got it up to 18 on my final level up. Some of the D Package implants are just too nice to pass up (universal +2 to every stat, and skills +6 to every skill, plus the mental and physical packages that were like +3 or 4 to all the important stats) Also as a weapon master with 20 natural strength (and a ridiculous 42 str with bonuses) I found my master crit strike would stun everyone, and with Juyo and master speed letting me get 4 hits a round anyways I killed nearly everyone in one hit. Actually Sion took 2 hits most of the times (I did 1 hit him once) and Treya took 2 hits then three hits (her lightsabers were one hit wonders as well though) I can't say this is even close to the "best" build for a weaponmaster, but it sure did make the game easy (ier)
  12. I also got the Ultima pearl WAY before malachor V, but I don't remember it being anything special. I know I got some kind of crazy ore that worked as a crystal on Malachor, it added something like 2-20 damage. That was a nice crystal.
  13. The more I think about this game, the less it fits into the Star Wars Universe IMO. All the Jedi Masters were human. Kreia conjures up 3 lightsabers out of thin air. Some weenie (Nihilus) can kill a whole planet with just the Force, but he is a wimp compared to at least 3 other people just in this game (plus every single person in my party beisdes myself could have taken him 1 vs. 1 and i could have taken on 5-6 of him at once). Sith Assassins (at least the other ones who are coming after you) absorb the force from people and get stronger when they fight force sensitives. The Exile is repeatedly told that he can't feel the force... despite the fact that even as a Weapon Master he had enough Force Power to wipe the floors with loads of Sith. You repeatedly face more Sith Lords/Assassins/Maulers than there were Force Sensitives in the entire Jedi Civil War, and thats just on one planet. It's a fun game, but there were just too many idiosycracies (sp?) for it to fit in with the rest. Overall it may be KOTOR 2, but it's not Star Wars: KOTOR 2.
  14. Just finished the game as a 15 Guardian/13 Weapon Master, with a 2-handed saberstaff. 41-72 +50 35-65(ish) +48 Was also doing well over 200 dmg on a good Master Critical hit.
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