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Your favourite movie of 2004.


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"We would return to the rated-R fashion that Pitch Black was shot in."

sorry, that just shows they're going for more graphic violence, not PB's noir style ... i think you're reading more into that than is there.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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did kindergarten cop stop schwartzenegger's career? no. they'll doubtless greenlight a COR sequel at some point once they've counted up the returns from the international release, the DVD and the video game.


Um, his career went down hill quick after that, even with T2 being his next movie. He has had only 3 hits in 14 years since Kinder. Now I'm not saying thats all being of Kinder, but it didn't help.


'gritty' don't build franchises. just compare the receipts for aliens with those for alien 3 and you'll see what i mean. cheesy CGI-style epics with hot chicks is the way to go.


Really, well WBs seems to be banking pretty heavily on gritty for the new Batman movies

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Riddick was never nor will he ever be a goodie.  He has and always maintained his own code of behavior.  For example he would never personally harm a kid.  That was shown in Pitch Black and it continued in CoR.


I thought the character was very consistant between the two films.


Another example of me choosing my word incorrectly.


In PB he is a wanted man. Through the story he is in conflict with this Bounty Hunter (Johns), who is in the green legally but isn't a good person himself, and Riddick comes of as the better of two evils if you will.


In CoR, all they do is put him in a position to be the semi-dark hero with a heart of gold. His actions in the movie reflect that. I mean, in CoR there is the funny scene where he kills a guy with a tea cup. In PB he wounds Johns and leaves him to be shreaded by the aliens. In CoR, he comedically kills on guy on the sled on the way down to the prison. In PB, he allows an innocent lady to make a run for it, and after she is eaten he casually dusts himself off and walks to the downed ship.


And in terms of him being seemingly more than human/generic action star:


In CoR, he has to out race the rising sun, he comes out unhurt & in another scene he gets a giant dog to be his friend. In PB, he gets caught between two aliens and comes out bleeding and limping.


So the charecter may have not changed drastically, but how they played the character off did.


O, and the "move the camera as fast as you can" action scenes sucked in CoR

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If you look over at imdb.com vin is working on that pacifier move, but his next two roles are: a mobster movie and some roman movie. Looks like it will be a while before he starts on another chronicles of Riddick movie.


Also taken from the imdb.com forums:


Tonight, I watched a special showing of The Pacifier. It was terrible. Kids loved it because they are too young to understand good entertainment, but it's basically like Mr. Nanny (another bad movie). Diesel plays a military soldier who is protecting the life of a man that has a chip named "Ghost". The innocent victim was murdered, but 2 months later, Diesel has to look after his kids when the mom is gone. He's secretly setting up cameras to find whoever is out to capture the kids and in the meantime, the children set traps and try to get rid of their bodyguard. Even the maid leaves. Soon, they realize that he's a likeable guy and they get along with him. He helps every kid out personally, one needs help with the play Sound of Music, another needs help selling Girl Scout Cookies, etc. The jokes are predictable and desperate and I can guess almost what will happen verbatimly since it follows so closely to Mr. Nanny. Vin Diesel has no personality for a comedy, he one note and boring. The note is to be tough and he rarely lightens up, but then again, the screenplay wouldn't have been better even if he did. The reason it's called The Pacifier is because a bullish teacher in one of the kids' schools, picks a fight to wrestle with Diesel and he shows the teacher a wrestling move known as "The Pacifier." *

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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It was more of a cat than a dog and did you look at the eyes of that beast.  Very similar to that of Riddick's.


Well, I can clearly see all my points are now invalid ;)


Riddick is intune with his inner animal side, his instinctual side. There was a kinship between himself and the big cats. Like a Ranger has with his animal companions. The aliens in PB were more like mindless eating machines, similar to the pirahna (msp?) while the beasts in CoR were more like large hunting cats.

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sorry, that just shows they're going for more graphic violence, not PB's noir style ... i think you're reading more into that than is there.


I think you're reading more into it than I am, Newc. You're making the assumption that an R rating automatically equals graphic violence. Pitch Black was R rated after all, so make of that what you will. You say that an R-rating means more graphic violence and not the noir style of PB, yet PB had an R rating, so I'm not quite sure of where your argument is going.

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You say that an R-rating means more graphic violence and not the noir style of PB, yet PB had an R rating, so I'm not quite sure of where your argument is going.

apologies, i meant to write 'not necessarily the noir style', if that makes any more sense.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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It was more of a cat than a dog and did you look at the eyes of that beast.  Very similar to that of Riddick's.


Well, I can clearly see all my points are now invalid ;)


Riddick is intune with his inner animal side, his instinctual side. There was a kinship between himself and the big cats. Like a Ranger has with his animal companions. The aliens in PB were more like mindless eating machines, similar to the pirahna (msp?) while the beasts in CoR were more like large hunting cats.


Um, soooooo I guess that mean all animals, being in touch with their inner animal and instintual sides, wouldn't attack another animal if they were hungry. ;)


O wait, YES THEY DO! :p


But this is all besides the point. I was trying to show how the movies were different in theme and tone. They CHOOSE to have this big pussycat instead of a monster come after Riddick. Again, they put him in a position to be a hooker with a heart of gold in CoR.

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i don't think CoR was a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it was certainly one of the movies i most enjoyed in 2004 & i'm looking forward to the sequel.



You'll be waiting for awhile. Vins next film is The Pacifier. He plays, no I'm not kidding, a Navy Seal assigned to babysit a group of kids. It's a comedy in the grand tradition of Suburban Commando. He's ****ed.



:) (words cannot express the horror)

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Im actually finding myself agreeing with Hades :Spiderman 3 and Chronicles of Riddick were my fav's. I do love the Incredibles too.


Didn't get to see Bourne Supremecy though.

As capable of inconvenience, and of some damage and debt to those that would act against my interests, I cannot f*^ng argue with dangerous.

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Well, speaking of favorite movies of all tiime its a tie between Blade Runner and Strange Days, but we are talking about best movie seen in 2004.  :D

I just finally got around to watching Strange Days a few weeks back. I was impressed, I thought it was a cool idea and liked it. Is it Blade Runner quality? No way, Blade Runner rules!

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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I think my favourite this year must be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But I think 2004 has been kind of a weak year for movies.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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