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So the Emperor has a lightsaber

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He looks like a robot thats cold


Why does he where clothes? Anyone?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Because he wants to spin around like a blue-stance n00b for a while, shout some stuff in all caps, maybe find a place on top of a giant pit where he can sit and the other guy can't get to him, and then after ruining the game for an hour log off and gloat?

Yes. Alas, the JKII community coined 'n00b' as The Ultimate Universal Insult (only second to 'lamer') for new or poor players. It was impossible to play JKII for more than 5 minutes without hearing any of those words. Thus, n00b became the preferred word for '1337' players to call not-so-1337 players, rather than a shortened form of newbie. It's all about collective stupidity. :devil:"


And yes, that's Grievous. I'd like to know where did you get that pic from, though.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Because he wants to spin around like a blue-stance n00b for a while, shout some stuff in all caps, maybe find a place on top of a giant pit where he can sit and the other guy can't get to him, and then after ruining the game for an hour log off and gloat?

Yes. Alas, the JKII community coined 'n00b' as The Ultimate Universal Insult (only second to 'lamer') for new or poor players. It was impossible to play JKII for more than 5 minutes without hearing any of those words. Thus, n00b became the preferred word for '1337' players to call not-so-1337 players, rather than a shortened form of newbie. It's all about collective stupidity. :devil:"


And yes, that's Grievous. I'd like to know where did you get that pic from, though.

Yup, pretty much haha....



and yeah, Greivous doesn't look so menacing....and he has the cape/clothes becuase hes like 70% 30% alien I believe....


also to show hes the general of dooku's army and not some average battle droid...but man....it looks so overdone....the teaser trailer makes it look like revenge of the sith is gonna be old skool and look more like the "used universe" but now greivous looks like phantom menace polished shiny new gay crap all over again haha...this film better be dark....or I quit on starwars....

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supposedly Obi wan cant beat him in lightsaber combat, and is about to get killed....then supposedly he force pulls greivous's blaster off his own belt and then shoots him with it haha....


Clever Obi wan....

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