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Revan's Power

How powerful do your think Revan becomes by the end of Kotor III?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. How powerful do your think Revan becomes by the end of Kotor III?

    • The baddest kickas* ever!
    • Dead!
    • Who knows? I will wait Kotor 3 to see

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What you mean BECOME  ????


In SF alone I(as Revan) slew Hundreds of Sith acolytes and Combat droids without any difficulty....


Not even Vader could do that.



Vader does do that....during the clone wars. AFAIK, he has a pretty big role in the Jedi purge.


1. Vader Doesn't participate in Clone Wars, Analkin does.... <_<

2. Anakin looses his arm to an old fart like dooku for christ sake.... :D


Yep, he'll last about 7 seconds against my PC. B)

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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I think it would be a good idea (depending on your alliances and Revan's) being able to have him as a prty member for the last stages of the game. This could be the case both in KOTOR 2 and 3,

Besides Revan is such a popular character why would they waste him by killing him? Having him back adds value to the games..

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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i was kinda dissapointed when i learned i wasnt gunna be revan anymore, it would of been awesome (although unpractical) if you could of loaded your kotor revan onto kotor 2 and carried on from there developing him even more, tch he was like a brother to me. oh and hueva sed the pc would own evry1 that is so tru, id like to think my revan could of taken on the united powers of yoda, palpatine, vader and exar kun all at once, damn thatd of been sooooo koool

(eu fanatics plz dont hijack this by saying how silly it is to say something like that, i understand my pc is just a gaming character and cannot be compared to characters from outside the gaming worlds, i no that but its stil nice to think about fites like that)

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yoda in his prime (600 yrs old or so) wouldve destroyed him. the others wouldve mopped the floor with revan as well. i say this as a fan of revan

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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What you mean BECOME  ????


In SF alone I(as Revan) slew Hundreds of Sith acolytes and Combat droids without any difficulty....


Not even Vader could do that.



Vader does do that....during the clone wars. AFAIK, he has a pretty big role in the Jedi purge.


1. Vader Doesn't participate in Clone Wars, Analkin does.... <_<

2. Anakin looses his arm to an old fart like dooku for christ sake.... :D


Yep, he'll last about 7 seconds against my PC. B)



Padawan vs Master...big surprise Dooku beat him.


Doesn't Anakin become Vader during the clone wars? In any case, IIRC Vader is the one that hunts down the Jedi.

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The Vader vs. Revan topic always confuses me. If you look at Vader's D20 stats he's about 17th level. If you look at Malak's D20 stats(stuff on the WOtC website, not video game related), Malak is 20th level. It sounds like Malak would drop Vader, and since Revan thumps Malak(several times), I'm thinking Revan wins...

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The concept between a Vader/Revan fight is with the assumption that they're both real people. In which case those RPG stats mean nothing. There's no saving throws in a real fight,there are no numbers to judge someone's ability to fight or not fight,no FP or VP or levels.

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The Vader vs. Revan topic always confuses me. If you look at Vader's D20 stats he's about 17th level. If you look at Malak's D20 stats(stuff on the WOtC website, not video game related), Malak is 20th level. It sounds like Malak would drop Vader, and since Revan thumps Malak(several times), I'm thinking Revan wins...


Vader's 19th Level Character.

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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The concept between a Vader/Revan fight is with the assumption that they're both real people. In which case those RPG stats mean nothing. There's no saving throws in a real fight,there are no numbers to judge someone's ability to fight or not fight,no FP or VP or levels.


What gave you that idea :p

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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The Vader vs. Revan topic always confuses me. If you look at Vader's D20 stats he's about 17th level. If you look at Malak's D20 stats(stuff on the WOtC website, not video game related), Malak is 20th level. It sounds like Malak would drop Vader, and since Revan thumps Malak(several times), I'm thinking Revan wins...


Why is Malak listed as a 20th level? I just don't see him on par with the likes of Yoda or the Emperor.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Ooops, looks like we both missed. Dark Side Sourcebook: Fringer1/Jedi Guardian 11/ Sith Lord 6. So 18th. I still stick with Revan over Vader.


As to the real people part, since they aren't real people we only have fictional guidelines/numbers to base their abilities on. How else can you decide who would win, other than personal opinions based on wether you like or dislike the particular characters? If its all personal opinion, well, my dad can beat your dad, so there! ;)

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Ooops, looks like we both missed. Dark Side Sourcebook: Fringer1/Jedi Guardian 11/ Sith Lord 6. So 18th. I still stick with Revan over Vader.


As to the real people part, since they aren't real people we only have fictional guidelines/numbers to base their abilities on. How else can you decide who would win, other than personal opinions based on wether you like or dislike the particular characters? If its all personal opinion, well, my dad can beat your dad, so there! ;)


I only have the Core rulebook and in it Vader's fringer 1/Jedi Guardian 18 so...

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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As to the real people part, since they aren't real people we only have fictional guidelines/numbers to base their abilities on. How else can you decide who would win, other than personal opinions based on wether you like or dislike the particular characters? If its all personal opinion, well, my dad can beat your dad, so there!


If you're going by official SW info then Vader wins.


But that's flawed because Str doesn't always equal a victory.


The stats are also flawed,they use a system that even where you have some characters that are stonger then others,there's still a balance with in the system. The balance is there so any character has a chance to beat another.


And,having the better stats just like with Str doesn't always equal a victoty. Malak always has a great stats,how many people can't beat him?


In short,unless you're using official SW info as a guide,there is no answer. You can't find one and it all comes down too,as you said,personal opinion.

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If you look at the question I was answering. ;)



To say that someone in the movies is level 20 is inherently flawed, especially when video games allow you to reach that point in much less time.


If we just look at what level the players attained and say "oh...he's higher level" then I would say that Jolee, Bastila, and Juhani along with Revan could all wipe the floor with Vader since they are a higher level than him.




And from some quick looking around, Darth Vader does purge the galaxy of the Jedi.


So I suppose he probably wouldn't have had a hard time slaying "Hundreds of Sith acolytes and Combat droids without any difficulty."


Especially considering an "acolyte" isn't particularly powerful. Just like how Anakin got beat up on by Dooku.

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Ya Vader would have had more then the 40 hrs. or so to build up his power

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I think it's too hard to find out who is stronger between Revan and Vader no matter how you try. It's like comparing 96' Bulls to the 02' Lakers or Jordan in his prime vs. Kobe, you can't because it's too hard comparing people or teams from different era's. But we all know that Revan and Vader were powerful. In my opinion Vader is the stronger of the two, in his prime, but it in the end it all comes down to opinions.

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