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Korriban Fly-By

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Why is everyone getting mad at the valley? So what if it's diff from a comic or some pic in a novel...

I just like SW rpg's and the plot, and gameplay, and graphics. I don't care if a valley is mis-shaped.

You guys need to calm down.



This is my point exactly. The casual fan is NOT going to care, Nuke.



And besides, Obsidian is only following up on the continuity from Knights of the Old Republic I, so within that context, the Valley is perfectly fine. How the Valley doesn't match up with the rest of the EU is a topic for the Bio boards because they were the creators of the KOTOR Valley.



To change the valley, it's obviously too late.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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It doesn' even matter what the EU says the only things that are set in stone are the Movies. Show me one person who reads the novels but have never seen the movies.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Why is everyone getting mad at the valley? So what if it's diff from a comic or some pic in a novel...

I just like SW rpg's and the plot, and gameplay, and graphics. I don't care if a valley is mis-shaped.

You guys need to calm down.



This is my point exactly. The casual fan is NOT going to care, Nuke.



And besides, Obsidian is only following up on the continuity from Knights of the Old Republic I, so within that context, the Valley is perfectly fine. How the Valley doesn't match up with the rest of the EU is a topic for the Bio boards because they were the creators of the KOTOR Valley.



To change the valley, it's obviously too late.



Yep, what's done is done. Let's move forward then.

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KOTOR 2 is Exspanded Universe. All Star Wasr is EU except the movies. Games comics and Novesl are EU. That's it.


the Valley is wrong.


Right, that's why they asked the devs if the game would have references and elements of the EU...considering it is the EU already right?


Believe whatever you want; the Vong invaded the galaxy, the Force is something that can be forgotten or ripped from someone, the Republic is 25K years old, the Sith were an Empire-like military, there's such a place as the Valley of the Jedi where the Force can be injected into people like adrenalin, Luke chose Yavin to build his Academy, there have been 300 clones of multiple villains, planets can be moved with repulsor lifts, and no one can think outside the box and make anything their own because everything in the EU is established canon that can't be changed for any reason whatsoever, oh yeah Boba Fett is also alive and well after his digestive adventure.


There's hardly any point in continuing to debate something like this, according to you you're right and there's no possibility for any other point of view. Like I said I'm sorry you don't like Korriban in KotOR, live with it or don't, the choice is yours. When Feb rolls around the corner I very much will enjoy continuing to explore KotOR's Korriban, frankly I'm estatic it is one of the two returning worlds from the original, as Korriban was my favorite. And in case you're wondering I also liked the look of the Valley in JA, my fave level in that game, but I like variety. :)


That was intelligent, well thought out post. I agree. And I think everyone else would have to agree with that.

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is that sarcasm?

so you guys are saying you like talking about the valley because you have nothing else to do?


No, I just meant that it is a serious topic with a right to be discussed... :) (ad nauseam)

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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It doesn' even matter what the EU says the only things that are set in stone are the Movies. Show me one person who reads the novels but have never seen the movies.


Not even that is set on stone.


Looks at DVD versions of the trilogy


Why, Greedo, why did you shoot first? :)


Ya and tomorrow Lucas might decide to make a movie that makes almost everything in the EU pointless, and then where are we, The EU is a seperate world then the movies, but have the same events in a certain timeline, think of KOTOR like a movie, some of the same events, but its own world


Thats if its aspect hurt your feeling so

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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KOTOR 2 is Exspanded Universe. All Star Wasr is EU except the movies. Games comics and Novesl are EU. That's it.


the Valley is wrong.


Right, that's why they asked the devs if the game would have references and elements of the EU...considering it is the EU already right?


Believe whatever you want; the Vong invaded the galaxy, the Force is something that can be forgotten or ripped from someone, the Republic is 25K years old, the Sith were an Empire-like military, there's such a place as the Valley of the Jedi where the Force can be injected into people like adrenalin, Luke chose Yavin to build his Academy, there have been 300 clones of multiple villains, planets can be moved with repulsor lifts, and no one can think outside the box and make anything their own because everything in the EU is established canon that can't be changed for any reason whatsoever, oh yeah Boba Fett is also alive and well after his digestive adventure.


There's hardly any point in continuing to debate something like this, according to you you're right and there's no possibility for any other point of view. Like I said I'm sorry you don't like Korriban in KotOR, live with it or don't, the choice is yours. When Feb rolls around the corner I very much will enjoy continuing to explore KotOR's Korriban, frankly I'm estatic it is one of the two returning worlds from the original, as Korriban was my favorite. And in case you're wondering I also liked the look of the Valley in JA, my fave level in that game, but I like variety. :)



Yes, and it's all continuity. Bioware did make it's own story it's own enviroments, it's own planets. But when something like the Valley of the Dark lords is established in continuity like it is, then it shouldn't be changed. You can not do that. JA proved that the Valley stayed the way it, TOTJ proved it was wrong, and KOTOR proved it was the wrong Valley.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Point is everyone this Valley of the Dark Lords in KOTOR, is wrong. It's not apart of continuity.

post-1139-1097359278.gif Oh boo hoo. Poor baby. Get over it or shut the fcuk up! We got your point the first time you made it, now your on the 100th time, your just sounding like a cry baby.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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See the point is with continuity you can do what you want with anything except established continuity. The Valley is established continuity, it has a certain look. The way Mara Jade looks is established, she isn't blond she a red head.


When you have an established part of continuity like the Valley, you do not change it.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Or you can just ignore it like you have to do with most of the EU because it sucks and is written by cheesey authors

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Actually there have been depictions of Mara Jade as a brunette also. Though the vast majority do depict her as a redhead.


Oh I thought you were talking about the EU that established Boba Fett as a space cop who was frmaed by the intergalactic mob for his partner's murder...or the EU that claimed that Boba was in fact a woman like Metroid's Samus Aran...or the EU that claims Coruscant is 25K years old when the movies have clearly expressed it is 1K...rhe EU where Coruscant is a cest pool where the citizens have to live in the very peaks of the sky scrapers because ground level is filled with pollution, disease, gremlins and ewoks. We must be talking about two different EUs right seeing as the EU's continuity is flawless...


There is no continuity except what's set in the movies. Everything else is up for debate, change, modification, alteration, redesign and expansion. I fully respect your opinion Darth Nuke but that's all it is, just like mine.


Again take Korriban in KotOR as is or go play something else. You are making way (And I seriously mean way) too much out of the design of the Valley. Boy you'd think this were a topic as so critical as Han shooting first or something... :)

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Actually there have been depictions of Mara Jade as a brunette also. Though the vast majority do depict her as a redhead.


Oh I thought you were talking about the EU that established Boba Fett as a space cop who was frmaed by the intergalactic mob for his partner's murder...or the EU that claimed that Boba was in fact a woman like Metroid's Samus Aran...or the EU that claims Coruscant is 25K years old when the movies have clearly expressed it is 1K...rhe EU where Coruscant is a cest pool where the citizens have to live in the very peaks of the sky scrapers because ground level is filled with pollution, disease, gremlins and ewoks. We must be talking about two different EUs right seeing as the EU's continuity is flawless...


There is no continuity except what's set in the movies. Everything else is up for debate, change, modification, alteration, redesign and expansion. I fully respect your opinion Darth Nuke but that's all it is, just like mine.


Again take Korriban in KotOR as is or go play something else. You are making way (And I seriously mean way) too much out of the design of the Valley. Boy you'd think this were a topic as so critical as Han shooting first or something... :)





I almost wish I'd kept reading those crappy books so I could've said that

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Two things:


1- If anyone could answer my Korriban question, thanks! (the one about changes made to the Valley between the X-Box and PC version of KOTOR)


2- Nuke, you the same one that's been asking for a Mandalorian mention on the Dark Horse boards?

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Anyone got any ideas on what has happened on korriban or what we might do there? Instead of just saying the valley is wrong! post-1139-1097360972.gif

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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As someone mentioned in the thread on where you learn your new force power from, you might find scrolls or holocrons or even be taught and for ds powers, korriban is the place to be!

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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Eduardo: Sorry man, I'm not ignoring you but I don't have the X-Box nor have I ever played the original game in it. I only know how Korriban looks in the PC version.


Darth Sun_Tzu: As to what happened in the planet after KotOR 1; the Republic might have attacked it, the Academy was in complete disarray in LS version after Revan wiped out everyone there not sure of DS, maybe the Siths abandoned Korriban, maybe they killed themselves trying to get the mantle of Dark Lord. I suspect Korriban is not nearly as abandoned as we're being led to believe, I think there will be some surprises waiting for us there.


As to why we go there in the first place, the most logical assumption is pursuing Revan to find out what happened to him/her. We could be going there on clues of the Sith cults being based there or trying to find out who is leading the Sith and trying to wipe out the Jedi.


Sorry I can't be more helpful on this.

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