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Wern't we told that Darth Nihilus was not the SMG?  If so why do you guys keep acting like he is?


We were told Darth Ni or something like that wasn't the name of MSG when these forums were new and supposedly a dev let the name out by mistake the same as happened with Atris, this is also the same dev that confirmed that MSG is a male. There has also been no official confirmation that WHC (White Haired Chick) is named Atris yet everyone has settled into calling her that.




What says he's one of the Sith Lords? :unsure: Hey, maybe popes right about it just being a mask.


I think it looks good, except it's a little empty looking compared to the original box cover, and the Sith Atris is fighting has a lightsaber that sticks out waay too much.


I agree with the "perfectionist" that even little things like that should be corrected. I mean, how professional is that? There's not any reason for it, it just feels wrong, and it feels like LA doesn't really care enough about the game to make the cover perfect.

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Well nightcleaver I certainly doubt so much publicity would be wasted on some random guy with a real neat outfit. :unsure:


Besides they are giving him too much importance (Posters and artworks) for him to be just some guy with a mask.


I think Atris' lightsaber is the one that looks a little too long.

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Is it just me or did you guys think Sion's saber looked orangish.  I don't know.

Wow I didn't notice that at first... Although OJ sabres haven't been confirmed it is a possibility... many new sabre colours have been added. I hope it is orange in the game. Sith using red all the time is getting boring... why not give them orange? :unsure:

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Wow I didn't notice that at first... Although OJ sabres haven't been confirmed it is a possibility... many new sabre colours have been added. I hope it is orange in the game. Sith using red all the time is getting boring... why not give them orange?  :o



Orange sabers were in the first game. It required a special crystal available in Yavin Station.


New confirmed Saber colors IIRC are: silver, light blue, lemon-yellow...any others?


EDIT: Fixed colors.

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Orange sabers make me think about Sunburst


Man that stuff was good

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Is it just me or did you guys think Sion's saber looked orangish.  I don't know.

Wow I didn't notice that at first... Although OJ sabres haven't been confirmed it is a possibility... many new sabre colours have been added. I hope it is orange in the game. Sith using red all the time is getting boring... why not give them orange? :wacko:

I agree. When I played DS, I used the orange crystal and not a red one.

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hmm are teh sith gona live on the sun or something? YOu think the star in the background is simply there for effect?


its not a star its a burning planet, or a sun goin nova which might be the main focus of why ur goin across all these planets, the sith maybe found an ancient power to burn entire planets amd suns using the force

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Compared to the previous boxshots that i've seen, this one is heading to the right direction, colorwise atleast.

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