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Darth Scion is a sexy mofo

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That tight, ripped body. Those intense, powerful eye, er, eye. You know you want him. I'm hoping he'll be a DS love interest.






Darth 'Sighin' and Mary Sue got Married (A fanfic)


The Kebreaa Samet slithered through the inky gut of space; its tentacle like aft drives flickering with the brilliant blue fire of its ancient engine. Its surface presented a smooth, metallic face but it innards were as torn and mangled as the man who lorded over the ship.


Darth Scion.


A sith lord whose destroyed body was fueled only by the force and unrelenting hatred. But that was not all...Deep within the smoldering fires of Darth Scion's soul still resided a beam of cool and ever present starlight. A gentleness that even the darkness could not touch. It was love.


Love for Mary Sue. Mary Sue, whom he loved.


He watched her now. Her bare body floating unconsciously in the warm, red mucus solution that kept her alive. Like him, her body was damaged beyond repair but she lacked the strength, the power, which Darth Scion commanded.


Her lips had fallen off during the night and now she grinned constantly as wisps of blonde hair floated around her face. He had the face of an angel, even then.


"Sir, here are the five prisoners you requested." From behind Scion, the young, attentive voice of Officer Third-Class Ban. Scion did not turn for he did not need to. He could feel the prisoners and taste their drug-clouded but growing fear as well as the edgy aggression of the officers who surrounded them.


"Excellent. The offering chambers." Scion responded, the words somehow coming clearly from his rotted throat.


There was a scuffle then as a prisoner tried to flee. Two guards held him down as another beat his head with the end of his ion rifle until he stopped moving. The dull thud of metal against skull echoed through the large chamber. Blood pooled from the prisoner's temple and down his face onto the gray shirt of his uniform as the guards shoved him into the offering chamber. The others stepped in without a fight and the metal doors of each chamber hissed shut and sealed.


"We're ready when you are, sir." Called Scion's head Medical Officer from behind his console.




The Medical Officer began to work his console and thick, red mucus poured into each chamber, quickly filling to the top. For a moment, the prisoners struggled to hold their breath and then Darth Scion raised his hand. Their bodies began to seizure and bubbles of air burst from their spasming chests and lungs. Their bodies continued moving for several more minutes until at last, a spurt of blackish blood came from their mouth, their eyes became waxy, and they crumpled to the bottom of the chamber.


Darth Scion lowed his hand and relaxed. The Force surged through him like wine and fire in his veins. He studied his handy work. The woman in the chamber was whole again, her youthful, porcelain beauty unblemished by time or disease.


"How many more?" Scion asked.


"We have five more prisoners in holding, sir." Ban replied.


"Not enough. I need twenty to make it to Talos." Scion turned to Ban for the first time. "Find a merchant or passenger ship."


Officer Ban found himself unable to meet the eyes of his superior, "Yes sir!" He said without stammer.


Scion only nodded and walked out. The officer relaxed as soon as the Sith Lord exited. "Get those bodies out of here and down to reprocessing." He said to the head guard. "Man, I hate to see what happens to people he doesn't like." Ban muttered to himself.


The head medical officer chuckled. "First time seeing what a Sith Lord can do to the human body? I find it fascinating myself."


"It's only fascinating when it's happening to the other guy... Say, what's her deal anyways?"


"What do you mean?"


"Does she have a disease or what?" Ban asked.


The medical officer shook his head. "No. Nothing like that."


"Then what is it?"


"Well... Spend twelve years without food, water, or sleep inside a glass prison, floating in your own remains, and see how well your body does."

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Well, each to its own i guess...

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I've got his phone number, if you're up for it.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Okay, for those of you who appreciate Darth Scion for the chunk of man he is, I've added a fanfic to my original post.

Where the f*ck do you get this sh!t?!! Someone needs to put a fanfic disclaimer in the title of this thread. <shuddders> You've just up and ruined Darth Sion's badassedness. :)

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I agree with you, Maria.


Men don't realize that what we truely love and what is a man we can connect with. Part corpse? His charm and wit makes up for it. Lazy eye? A soft kiss on the cheek from him is nicer than anything you'd get from that walking STD Atton Rand.


Men don't realize that if they got all injured we'd be over them like a pack of wolves. Heh.


Ahh, well. The world needs some pansy males.


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