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[RUMOR] Info on new TSL Character

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If the infomation is accurate

I think we can pretty much rest assured that at least the name is accurate. See any one of Akari's posts above.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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@Ivan: Is your current AV from The Big Lebowski? Great movie. ;)

Yep. A classic. ;)

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Perhaps I'm just using the Bioware school of thought; the guy they plaster everywhere, on the cover of the game and on their main page and so forth is always the MAIN villain.

Maybe KOTOR2 is going a Final Fantasy route, where you learn during the game that the apparent villain(s) isn't the real villain.............

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Darth Sion isn't the masked guy you've seen in all the artwork. :p But you have seen him somewhere...


I can neither confirm nor deny the rumor though due to lack of actually knowing myself.  :p



Then he must be the grey skined shirtless Sith in the movie on the lucasarts sight.


I didn't think it could be the masked Sith as in the painting he has a very healthy looking arm.


If Darth Sion is the leader of the Sith Assassins,


then is Darth ..... the leader of the Sith Marauders,


and Darth ...... the leader of the Sith Lords?

I like that thinking....one Lord for each of the classes....


One thing I'm interested in (as it's clear there will be plenty of "Sith Lords around") where in gods name are these guys coming from? Are they characters we know from KOTOR I? Will they all have backstories as to why they've taken over from Malek etc? I'm interested as to how they'll tie in with Maleks story....

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Why do they have to be ruling together? I always assumed they were squabbling for power in the outer rim.

That wouldn't make any sense either. If I'm a Sith Lord looking for complete and utter domination and I know where the competition is at then I'm looking to take out the competition. One pitly Jedi isn't going to distract me from two or three other rival SITH LORDS. It's got to be something else.

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I'm guessing they were around during KOTOR1. They were part of the reason Revan and Malak fell to the dark side.

and/or it could be that during Kotor 1, they waited for the Sith Lord-wannabe pretensious fallen Jedi, i.e. Malak, to destroy the Republic with the Star Forge; only then to eliminate him and conquer the galaxy more easily, now that the Republic and the Jedi were out of the way. Now this idea sort of works with both endings for Kotor: If LS, then they saw that they had to deal with an even stronger Republic -with Revan at their side- by themselves, and wreaked havoc on the Jedi during those mysterious '5 years'; if DS, then they either challenged Revan and killed him, or, used whatever it was that initiated his fall in the first place, to render him inert, sending him into exile, whatever. Maybe they joined forces with Revan and Bastila.


Remember that there was no mentioning whether Malak and Revan ever faced a powerful Sith as they 'rose to power'; and the only one Malak ever challenged was Revan, and that was an act of envy rather than their master-apprentice er.. 'tradition'. I think they were *definitely* around during Kotor 1; with the second episode we'll start seeing this greater picture.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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I'm guessing they were around during KOTOR1. They were part of the reason Revan and Malak fell to the dark side.

and/or it could be that during Kotor 1, they waited for the Sith Lord-wannabe pretensious fallen Jedi, i.e. Malak, to destroy the Republic with the Star Forge; only then to eliminate him and conquer the galaxy more easily, now that the Republic and the Jedi were out of the way. Now this idea sort of works with both endings for Kotor: If LS, then they saw that they had to deal with an even stronger Republic -with Revan at their side- by themselves, and wreaked havoc on the Jedi during those mysterious '5 years'; if DS, then they either challenged Revan and killed him, or, used whatever it was that initiated his fall in the first place, to render him inert, sending him into exile, whatever. Maybe they joined forces with Revan and Bastila.


Remember that there was no mentioning whether Malak and Revan ever faced a powerful Sith as they 'rose to power'; and the only one Malak ever challenged was Revan, and that was an act of envy rather than their master-apprentice er.. 'tradition'. I think they were *definitely* around during Kotor 1; with the second episode we'll start seeing this greater picture.

Very nice speculation if I must say. ;)

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