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KOTOR II Planets

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Why wouldn't you want you get your PC drunk I mean you've heard of the legend of Drunken Master right? So it's time for a new breed of Jedi. Drunken Jedi Masters. The more you drink the better your force powers and fightings skills become. ;)

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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Here's so Hapes Consortium data, again from the net:




Hapans are a near-human species native to the Hapan Consortium, an independent group of worlds located in the Inner Rim near the Perlemian Trade Route. Hapans are similar to normal humans except for their strikingly good appearance and their poor night vision. Because Hapes has an abundance of moons that reflect light to the surface even at night, Hapans have lost a normal human's ability to see in lower light conditions. Consequently, many Hapans have a severe dislike (or even phobia) of shadows and darkness. Hapan troops often wear light-enhancing visors into battle to compensate for this weakness.


Personality: Noble, distant, proud.


Physical Description: As a normal human but generally much more physically attractive.


Homeworld: Hapes.


Language: Hapan.


Example Names: Kalen, Isolder, Ellian.



Hapan Ale


A mildly-intoxicating beverage brewed in the Hapes cluster.



Hapan Battle Armor


A highly-polished black armor with silver trim, it is worn by the cyborg warriors from Charubah.



Hapan Battle Dragon


These huge, red-hued, saucer-shaped capital ships are armed with forty ion cannons, forty turbolasers, dorsal- and ventral-mounted triple ion gun batteries, ten proton torpedo launchers, a tractor beam projector, and four pulse-mass generator tubes. This is not a large amount of firepower for such a large ship, and Battle Dragons must work in concert to throw up a wall of energy against their enemies. They are about 600 meters in diameter. The ship has two circular main sections linked by sixteen rotation support struts. The triple ion gun batteries rotate freely, allowing fresh cannons to fire while the other recharge. They have hangar space for three squadrons of Miy'til fighters, but many often carry a complement of X-Wings. There are 63 Battle Dragons at any time in the Hapan fleet, one representing each of the 63 Hapan stars and their life-supporting planets. The Hapan Battle Dragon was produced by Olanji/Charubah, at the direction of the Hapan royal family. Each Battle Dragon carryied three squadrons of Miy'til fighters, up to 500 troops, a crew of 1,200, and a gunnery crew of 190.


Hapan Consortium


This starship manufacturer is owned and controlled by the Hapan royal family. Their designs rarely leave the Hapes Cluster, and are inferior to most Imperial or Republic ships in terms of power generators and weapons systems.


Nova-class Battle Cruiser


Developed by the Hapans, these long, fast ships have immense firepower designed to help them supplement Hapan Battle Dragons. The Nova-class meaures 400 meters in length, resembling a two-pronged claw with a viper-like bridge, and are armed with twenty-five turbolasers, ten laser cannons, and ten ion cannons. They are normally equipped with two squadrons of Miy'til fighters and six Hetrinar assault bombers. The design of the Nova-class cruiser was a Hapan Consortium production, and was less than a decade old when Prince Isolder sought Leia Organa's hand in marriage. The ship's engines are designed to run a full year without refueling. The cruiser can transport up to 600 troops, with a crew of 1,700 and 90 gunners.


Hapan Paper Lamp


This delicate, decorative lamp was developed for use on the planet Hapes.


Hapan Stinger


A security escort vessel built on Hapes.



Hapan Water Dragon


An ocean-going repulsorlift battleship built on the planet Hapes.



Hapes Cluster



The Hapan Cluster is a large body of star systems, surrounded by huge, gaseous drifts known as the Transitory Mists. These Mists make hyperspace travel in the region well-nigh impossible, and the only feasible entrance to the Hapan worlds is through a small corridor (jealously guarded by Hapan patrols). The Hapan Consortium has only so far managed to colonize sixty-three of these planets, though perhaps dozen more remain to be discovered and settled. (Current estimates place the number of worlds in the Hapan Cluster near 119.)


There are four distinct regions within the Hapan Cluster: The Interior, the Rifle Worlds, the Rim Worlds, and the Transitory Mists region. The following is a brief overview of these areas:


- The Interior Region. The Interior Region of the Hapan Cluster consists of a group of closely aligned stars and planets, and is generally considered to be the heart of the Hapan Consortium. The infamous Lorell Raiders first used the region as a haven, forming bases and storingtheir ill-gotten gains throughout the Interior. Later the Interior was the first area conquered and controlled by the Hapan Queen Mother. Primary worlds of the Interior include hapes, Thrakia, Selab, and Galinore, though there are roughly twenty other worlds throughout the region.


- The Rifle Worlds. The Rifle Worlds - named because of an earlier attempt by that region to secede from Hapes - were settled primarily during the Hapan "industrial period". The Hapan worlds moved from quiet subsistence to true commerce, and the Rifle Worlds became the Consortium's primary manufacturing base, which the locals resented deeply.



- The Rim Worlds. This region - not to be confused with the Outer Rim Territories - lies on the border between the Hapes Cluster and the outside galaxy. Though still isolated from much of the known galaxy, the Rim Worlds by definition are more cosmopoliton than their interior counterparts.


- The Transitory Mists Region. This area consits largely of ioized particles and floating stellar bodies, which tend to confuse most starship sensors. As a result, mapping the Transitory Mists Region has been a painstakenly slow process for the Hapans. (Note, similar problems have been encountered in mapping similar phenomena, such as the anomalies near Kessel, of the Kathol Rift.) The region is "home" to the majority of the Hapan pirates. Terephon is the only member world located in the Taransitory Mists region.

"You shall not pass!"
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Thanks for the info. I should have chosen my words more carefully cuz it seemed my usage of words turned Zabrak Maul on. I didn't mean in control the way you were thinking, I meant ruled the planet or planets. Hapan Queen Mother thought I read that in a Star Wars book just wanted to make sure I had my facts straight.

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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Thanks for the info. I should have chosen my words more carefully cuz it seemed my usage of words turned Zabrak Maul on. I didn't mean in control the way you were thinking, I meant ruled the planet or planets. Hapan Queen Mother thought I read that in a Star Wars book just wanted to make sure I had my facts straight.

Well, I think just about anything would excite ol' Zabrak there.


As for the Hapans, they would definitely make things interesting, but they may be too late in the Star Wars Chronology. Does anyone know when they first showed up?

"You shall not pass!"
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You just want to get your PC drunk, don't you?

One of my favorites to do in BG was to get my party all drunk after every major quest and then go on a stroll through the city and do some minor unfinished quests.


Yay for roleplaying!

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There are sooooo maaany star wars location, that it will took 10 years if you want to make a game that will include all interesting locations. Just see: you need approximately 1.5-2 years to design 6-7 locations.



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There are sooooo maaany star wars location, that it will took 10 years if you want to make a game that will include all interesting locations. Just see: you need approximately 1.5-2 years to design 6-7 locations.



It's true. We're merely coming up with ideas, possibilities and suggestions. There's no way they could produce an entire galaxy's worth of playable worlds.

"You shall not pass!"
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I know nothing of the planet Ossus. Do you have any info on that planet?


Nice find by the way I never thought to check out Dantooine and see if they talked about it being destroyed in KOTOR. It was pretty sweet.

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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jedi archives on the official site at eu locations there isnt much but what they have is definately worth reading


the more expanded the base of the jedi archives only masters permitted dwell there dangerous things do

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Ossus, located in the Adega system (one of the six remaining Auril systems in the Auril sector), orbits the twin Adegan suns in a figure-eight trajectory. It was an important Jedi stronghold and learning center in ancient times, and there is some speculation that the Order of Jedi Knights began on this planet. Ossus was once covered with many cities and ground defenses, and the Knossa spaceport was located near a range of rocky mountains. Points of interest on the Jedi world once included the Great Jedi Library and the peaceful Gardens of Talla. The steep canyon walls are still covered with elaborate murals, and the planet's atmosphere is charged with occasional electrical storms. Although Ossus' golden age is long past, some of the ancient buildings that still stand include the library and a Jedi meditation chamber.


Nearly 4000 years ago during the Great Sith War, the fallen Jedi Exar Kun visited Ossus to recruit twenty Jedi knights into the Sith cause. Before he departed, Kun killed Master Odan-Urr and stole a Sith holocron from the Jedi Library. Later, an Ossan Jedi fleet was dispatched to the nearby Cron Cluster to defend the besieged station Kemplex Nine. The fleet was destroyed when the Cluster went nova, and the resulting shockwave threatened to devastate Ossus. An evacuation of the planet was immediately ordered, and as many ancient relics as possible were loaded onto transports. At the same time, however, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma appeared with their armies to loot the world of its valuables before the shockwave arrived. Kun battled the Neti Jedi master Ood Bnar, who turned into a unyielding tree to protect a trove of the earliest known lightsabers. Meanwhile, Ulic confronted and killed his brother Cay, and was seized with horror and regret over what he had done. The Jedi (with the notable exception of Ood Bnar) left the planet just ahead of the shockwave, which scorched and nearly wiped clean Ossus’ surface. Some Jedi survived, however, after hiding their families in Ossus' great caverns, and their descendants grew into the Ysanna, a tribe of warrior-shamans who use the Force to guide their primitive weapons. A 10,000 year-old lightsaber, given to Leia Organa Solo by Vima-Da-Boda, surfaced 800 years ago in an archaeological dig on Ossus. Six years after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker visited an arid, sandy portion of the planet and discovered the Ysanna tribe. Skywalker and Kam Solusar also fought the forces of Darkside Executor Sedriss and unearthed the vault of lightsabers long hidden beneath the roots of Master Ood, who bravely sacrificed his own life to end Sedriss'. At the time of Skywalker's departure, the New Republic was planning to send in excavation teams to explore Ossus' ruins. Soon after, several of the Emperor's warriors came to Ossus and captured three Ysanna leaders, whose bodies were to be used as raw material to create new clones for Palpatine. Skywalker and his Jedi trainees followed the darkside kidnappers and defeated them on Vjun, but were unable to free the captured Ysanna from their carbonite imprisonment. While on an undercover mission to Borgo Prime thirteen years later, Skywalker and Tenel Ka claimed that they needed Corusca gems to open a sealed treasure vault located on Ossus.


Sound about right? It's the only thing I could find about Ossus.

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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