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European Football Championship 2004


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and they look good at it...


...umm. meaning their moves...


...er, game-moves... i mean tactics... n stuff.


we played 1:1 today. (germany - holland)


and i lost a bet because of it ... :angry:

It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.

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I'm waiting for Italy vs Sweeden.  I hope they play Cassano, Fiore and Pirlo (or Gattuso) from the start though.

Yeah, me too! It will be a blast to watch! Zlatan, Ljungberg, Larsson against the likes of Cannavaro and Nesta.. Geez! I still consider Italy as having the best football defenders in the world. Will be fun to see if our offensive force can breach that Italian granite wall.

Unstoppable force vs unmovable object and all that. In reality though, the Italian defence looked creaky at times and they didn't keep the ball well. Didn't see the Sweeden match, though they're definitely the highest scorers in a generally low-scoring competition. However, the Swedish team doesn't have the quality of the top teams (not saying they aren't good, which they are). With the way the "favourites" have been playing, there's no telling what'll happen though.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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I'm waiting for Italy vs Sweeden.  I hope they play Cassano, Fiore and Pirlo (or Gattuso) from the start though.

Yeah, me too! It will be a blast to watch! Zlatan, Ljungberg, Larsson against the likes of Cannavaro and Nesta.. Geez! I still consider Italy as having the best football defenders in the world. Will be fun to see if our offensive force can breach that Italian granite wall.

My prediction:


Ever Ready Freddie will make one of his trade mark runs from midfield, & pass to Larsson who will poach a goal from just outside the six yard box. :p


Bye-bye Italy. :blink:

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Greece has a change of finishing first in the group. Also a fact! :ph34r: :ph34r:

Quite the truth. Greece has been a surprise. While i'm supporting Portugal (despite their glaring flaws), i'm also following Greece with curiosity, and somewhat supporting them as well.

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There are rumours that Totti will be suspended from the game against Sweden on Friday. Apparently he spit in the face of one of the danish defenders during their game this week. The referee missed that. Of course, Totti should have been evicted from the game (and suspended) for the assault he did in the final minutes of the game. Tackle feet first with his shoes on the danish guys knee.. Sigh.


He's a skilled football player, but he's a couple of cans short of a sixpack in his head anyhow.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Damn it, Italy managed to screw themselves over again. If Moreno's not around to join the fun, it's something stupid like this.


Well, at least Trap will be able to squeeze in either Cassano (preferbly) or Fiore then push Del Piero into his preferred centre.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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My prediction for tomorrow:



England 2 (Rooney, Scholes- he has to score soon) Switzerland 0



France 3 (Trezeguet, Henry (2) Croatia 1 (Prso)

I'll agree with your 3-0 prediction. I reckon we'll see goals from either Henry, Zidane, Trezeguet or Pires.

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England - Switzerland is about to start. If England loses this game they're out of the tournament!


Go, Svennis :)



Ok, England won 3-0. Rooney scored two! 18 year old and pretty skilled..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'm watching France self-destruct as I type. It's quite funny really...and it may throw Group B wide open (except for the Swiss)



Though I must say I think the Croatian Olympic Diving Coach will be giving Rosso a call to see if he's interested in going to Athens.



EDIT: D'oh! Poor Igor Tudor. He's not having a very good day.

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Ok, the match is over. Italy - Sweden 1-1. Italy dominated the first 80 (!) minutes and the last 5.. But Sweden has Zlatan and he scored an unbelievable goal, using his heel in an impossible angle to score. The result wasn't fair, and Sweden should consider themselves lucky to get away with one point in this game.


Damn. Before this game (and right after Sweden - Bulgaria) it really felt like the Swedish game had been greatly improved. But against Italy we again showed our old playing style. Sigh. The Great Danes await on tuesday. At least all we have to do is grab a point in that game and we're through for the next round.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Hey mkreku.. I thought the result was fair. The italians dropped back to defend much too early and they paid the price. Zlatans goal was sweet ;)

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin temple." Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon

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Italy was playing great for 75 min, then they started taking off Cassano, Del Piero (who played well). Then things went downhill after that.


The Italian midfield had great balance and things were going great till the last 10 mins. Hope they can qualify now. Italy actually have to go out with all guns blazing since goal difference is important now.


Best result would be either Sweden or Denmark win, Italy win and they squeak through in 2nd and goal difference doesn't count. Of course, Sweden and Denmark could go safety-first route ending up with a cagey draw.


How did Vieiri miss 4 headers? :)

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Italy was playing great for 75 min, then they started taking off Cassano, Del Piero (who played well).  Then things went downhill after that.


The Italian midfield had great balance and things were going great till the last 10 mins.  Hope they can  qualify now.  Italy actually have to go out with all guns blazing since goal difference is important now. 


Best result would be either Sweden or Denmark win, Italy win and they squeak through in 2nd and goal difference doesn't count.  Of course, Sweden and Denmark could go safety-first route ending up with a cagey draw.


How did Vieiri miss 4 headers?  :(

I'm not sure if it was Italy doing the wrong thing or Sweden doing the right thing, but I do remember that Sweden upped the tempo once they got Jonson/K

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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That's why foreigners don't respect the US. We can't play soccer/football.


Well, our women can.

so true; the us su** as*. baseball? come one? american football? get real? u guys need to realise that football(soccer) is the real deal; until you do, the rest of the world will laugh at you. and believe me, we do.


btw; Arsenal is the best team in the world and it is good to see vieira, ljungberg, campbell, pires and co doing well. now if only the best player in the world, thierry henry, would step up to the plate(a baseball expressien, yeah i know, it sucks...)... <_<

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so true; the us su** as*. baseball? come one? american football? get real? u guys need to realise that football(soccer) is the real deal; until you do, the rest of the world will laugh at you. and believe me, we do.

Tough talk. Go ahead. Pad up. Let a 350 pound lineman plow into you as hard as he can. Go ahead. I'll let you get set too. Then come back and tell me the guy who just put cleat marks up your fat ass is a ****.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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so true; the us su** as*. baseball? come one? american football? get real? u guys need to realise that football(soccer) is the real deal; until you do, the rest of the world will laugh at you. and believe me, we do.

Tough talk. Go ahead. Pad up. Let a 350 pound lineman plow into you as hard as he can. Go ahead. I'll let you get set too. Then come back and tell me the guy who just put cleat marks up your fat ass is a ****.

Why is this the single most common answer you get as soon as you criticize anything even remotely american? (not remotely in this case) "My dad could beat up your dad" and all that childish nonsense..


I don't know which is worse; the "random evil guy" troll or the childish (bordering on retarded) reply?





ANYHOW.. The Czech Republic defeated Holland earlier tonite, despite Holland leading the game 2-0 at one point. Nedved was fantastic in his midfield/attacker position and Holland made the exact same mistake that Italy did against Sweden this Friday. They backed home way too early when they were in the lead. The Czech Republic scored three well deserved goals (one, the half volley, a real beauty) against Holland who had to play with one man less on the field. This might have been the best game so far in this tournament. Both teams created a lot of chances and we got to see 5 goals all in all.


The early game today was a real snore though. Latvia - Germany played another 0-0 game, and both teams looked.. unimpressive. Except Ballack.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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so true; the us su** as*. baseball? come one? american football? get real? u guys need to realise that football(soccer) is the real deal; until you do, the rest of the world will laugh at you. and believe me, we do.

Tough talk. Go ahead. Pad up. Let a 350 pound lineman plow into you as hard as he can. Go ahead. I'll let you get set too. Then come back and tell me the guy who just put cleat marks up your fat ass is a ****.

Why is this the single most common answer you get as soon as you criticize anything even remotely american? (not remotely in this case) "My dad could beat up your dad" and all that childish nonsense..

And why is it that every time American sports are mentioned, somebody has to go and shoot off their mouth about how European sports are tougher or better?


And my reply wasn't meant to be "My dad can fuck your mom better than your dad can." It was simply a reply in kind. I wouldn't try to take anything away from soccer/football or rugby or any other physically demanding sport. I'm just saying that rugby doesn't make your balls hang lower than football (American).

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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