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eventually there simply won't be any more feasable new color choices and everyone will have to accept what they have.


A kinda crazy idea would be having a crystal that let you entirely choose its color using the Red, Blue, and Green range values (0-255). That way everyone could have exactly what they wanted once and for all.


Lowbaaca has a gold blade. Tenel Ka has turquoise i think. I forget the rest of them. O wait, orange and there's also the lighter purple color that Anakin has.

Something else that might be cool would be having TWO color crystal slots for double-bladed sabers... so that one end could be a different color from the other.

That'd be cool. Or better yet being able to control when the second saber came out like Darth Maul did.

A kinda crazy idea would be having a crystal that let you entirely choose its color using the Red, Blue, and Green range values (0-255). That way everyone could have exactly what they wanted once and for all.

That's a hell of an idea! I doubt it will be included in the game, but its a good idea all the same.



What about saber length? :p

In I Jedi Corren Horn builds himself a lightsaber with an ajustable length.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!


If I'm not mistaken Corran uses the throttle assembely from a speeder as a crude "shift" mechanism to adjust the length of his lightsaber blade mid-combat. It is also silver to the best of my knowledge.


To be honest all these different colors for lightsabers is a bit much. Sith have red. Jedi have blue or green. Silver/white comes from having two crystals for altering saber-length.


Thing is, though, in a real-time game system there'd be a point in changing length (much like changing stance in the Jedi Knight games) but in turn based system it doesn't really work. Not unless you implement a stance/style system with specific counters to attacks or differing strengths/weaknesses for those stance/styles.


If you want multi-colored lightsabers just stare at a strobe light for 30 minutes then play the game.


About corran's saber, he uses a dual phase lightsaber. They are much rarer than the usual sabers, but were used. They are alot harder to make.


Okay, this may be blunt, but here it goes...


If you want a shorter lightsaber, use a short lightsaber... :rolleyes:


If you want a bigger lightsaber, your obviously compensating for something... :p

Okay, this may be blunt, but here it goes...

... it had to be said i suppose...


side note: i personally could care less about its length or its color. Make them all blue and "x" length long for all i care.... I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN AND CLOSE MY LIGHTSABER AT MY OWN DAMN DISCRETION.


Im not all that concerned about lenght yes it would be a fun feature but that doesn't mean im not gonna buy the game if it doesn't have this feature



Ps: I don't think anyone used the short sabers anyway

Okay, this may be blunt, but here it goes...

... it had to be said i suppose...


side note: i personally could care less about its length or its color. Make them all blue and "x" length long for all i care.... I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN AND CLOSE MY LIGHTSABER AT MY OWN DAMN DISCRETION.

I don't see that as much of a problem, I mean it turned off at least 2 seconds after the fight...useless, I say! ;)


I used the short sabers, it said it would reduce they penalty...but I think that you're mainly right... :p


By the time I got to the end of the game, my to hit was just as high on my off hand lightsaber as it was on my on hand. There was no reason to use a short lightsaber.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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