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Picking Revan's face too?

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I always use the black dude faces. I use the one with the corn rows because hes the one that resembles me the most.

i used the bald black guy once because he kinda reminded of Mace Windu. he looked good in the black robes, too B)

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I always use the black dude faces.  I use the one with the corn rows because hes the one that resembles me the most.

i used the bald black guy once because he kinda reminded of Mace Windu. he looked good in the black robes, too B)

He also makes one of the best-looking Revans if you're playing Dark Side.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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I don't even remember which face I used. :huh:

I used a few faces since I played the game through about 8 times. Besides I think Revan if he does make an appearance will have a mask, or will be hooded so his face is hidden. If he's a dark lord he will have a mask, and if he's a Jedi he will have a hood...kind of like Obi-wan in the origional movies.

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" But she's blonde. How can you expect a blonde to be a master of military strategy and tactics?"

*smacks you upside the head with a mackerel*

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I used the Mexican dude with the short, brushed up in the front hair, kind of big nose and sneaky eyes and a small goatee beneath the lower lip...

So did I! He is Mexican? Looked like Ben Affleck from Chasing Amy to me. I chose that face because it was the only one that looked kind of like me. Back to him being Mexican I thought Bail Organa was the only person of Hispanic decent in a galaxy far far away?.... :unsure:




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OK, the face I used was the dude with the scar. And the long haired dude....or as I like to call him "Mullet Man", "Billy Ray Cyrus" was a joke. I don't know if it was just my game or what, but EVERY male Jedi I saw, other then the main male Jedi, was the long haired dude....whats up with that? All the white characters looked goofy, except for scar face. The black characters looked just as goofy if not worse. Though, the asian characters looked much better. I'm sure they will factor in what Reavn looked like from the first game to the second.

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I used the Mexican dude with the short, brushed up in the front hair, kind of big nose and sneaky eyes and a small goatee beneath the lower lip...

So did I! He is Mexican? Looked like Ben Affleck from Chasing Amy to me. I chose that face because it was the only one that looked kind of like me. Back to him being Mexican I thought Bail Organa was the only person of Hispanic decent in a galaxy far far away?.... ;)




Yes, he's an Oriental Mexican...haven't you ever seen that Cheech movie where he's teaching the Oriental dudes to be Mexican, by making them say "Waas Sappening?" My dad and I love that movie...

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Well, the player character in KOTOR 2 did know Revan. He/she must have if he/she served in the Mandalorian wars. As I recall, Revan was the leader of all the Jedi in that war. Maybe early on, someone will come up to you with a Jedi Academy Class of 2003 Yearbook and ask you to point out Revan.

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Well, the player character in KOTOR 2 did know Revan. He/she must have if he/she served in the Mandalorian wars. As I recall, Revan was the leader of all the Jedi in that war. Maybe early on, someone will come up to you with a Jedi Academy Class of 2003 Yearbook and ask you to point out Revan.

I like that idea, just maybe something different then a Yearbook. <_< I hope Revan is not treated like a punk in Sith Lords. B) I always pictured Revan as a bald man, just because Bandon and Malak were both hair-impaired.

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For me, my favourite was always that Chinese/Japanese girl with the little Asian ribbon in her hair. I liked the way she looked DS and/or LS best. *shrug* My sister played the one with the black bangs and ponytail.


As a male, I played as that guy with super-short hair, beard and a scar.

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