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So I did a google search as best as I could and I came with this (link) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/114915-aoe-carnage-inficting-afflictions/

"Also check the "community patch Add-on" : Phenomenom has found a way to display Carnage AoE when attacking. It is not the solution to your problem, but might give you ideas about how to tweak Carnage." @Elric Galad

I downloaded the a Community Patch mod, both basic and extra (link) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/335

It's installed successfully based on the notes and in game modifications working, but I do not get a visual range for Carnage when I hover the attack arrow over NPCs or Hostile NPCs. I've also initiated combat and see no visual range indicator for carnage.

Ultimately my question is; Is there a way or mod that provides a visual range to carnage in POE2 similar to how it was in POE1?

I would ask @Phenomenum but I noticed his activity in this forums seems to have dropped off. I know @Boeroer is always very helpful & insightful om these forums. Many thanks to anyone who can help.

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6 hours ago, Elric Galad said:

The problem is that I have no Idea where Phenomenum let his add on... If he uploaded it anywhere.

I was afraid you were going to say that lol. 

I don’t think he’s been on the forums since April =/ 

I know your a mod-er yourself and have put a quality mod in the balance mod. Out of curiosity would know how to do this? (Carnage) visual range? 

I would myself, if I knew how to, but I’ve never been a mod maker or computer savvy enough to figure stuff out like that. (Hence why I’m always grateful for peeps who mod) 

I take it might mean opening up files in POE1 and looking at the code for barbarians carnage and seeing how to duplicate that code into POE2? I really don’t know....

I’ll tell what though, if you were inclined to figure it out, I at least, would be the most grateful dude this side of Eora lol 

Btw thank you for replying sir, much appreciated. 😁👍

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Iirc he found a way to make it visible - but then he didn't finalize and uploaded that new version of the Community Patch... unfortunately. :(


I haven't heard from him for quite some time - same with @MaxQuest who also was involved in the making of the CP. I only gave feedback and made the custom unique icons for all the passives (that didn't already have one).

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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7 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Iirc he found a way to make it visible - but then he didn't finalize and uploaded that new version of the Community Patch... unfortunately. :(


I haven't heard from him for quite some time - same with @MaxQuest who also was involved in the making of the CP. I only gave feedback and made the custom unique icons for all the passives (that didn't already have one).

That's awesome that he did...and then you broke my heart with this news lol.

Double "ugh" that both guys that worked on that mod are MIA. Really appreciate you replying brother.

By any chance do you think it possible that a DEV could be persuaded to implement this small feature? Or I take that this game is now a back burner thing never to be touched again?


Small-Vent-Side-Note; I get that they nerfed carnage compared to POE1 and also lowered the actual effective radius of it as well, I just wish they would of left the visual radius in regardless. Feels like they were trying to hide the fact that it was smaller and just didn't want to deal with flak from players because of it? Just kinda of blows because with couple of my barbarian builds I can *kinda* guess my radius based on intelligence, but ultimately would love to have that visual tool tip to know for certain. 

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Devs: no way. That ship has sailed.

Phenomenum did post about how he achieved visibility for Carnage if I recall correctly. So it should be easy for most modders to replicate that. Maybe we can find that post of Phenomenum where he wrote about that. 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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7 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Devs: no way. That ship has sailed.

Phenomenum did post about how he achieved visibility for Carnage if I recall correctly. So it should be easy for most modders to replicate that. Maybe we can find that post of Phenomenum where he wrote about that. 

Triple “Ugh” lol

Well it looks like I got myself an assignment, find that post. 

When I get a chance I’ll comb through his post records to see if I can find that specific one. Give me a couple days, but I should hopefully find it. Like I mentioned earlier I’m not a modder. I have no experience in it. But if I were to find his post, would you know any modder(s) who might be willing to implement this? 

When I do find it I’ll give you an “@“. Also once again thank you for replying, it’s nice to see such a friendly & helpful community here. 

*Side note* apologies if this ends up being a double post. 

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11 hours ago, veteran81 said:

Small-Vent-Side-Note; I get that they nerfed carnage compared to POE1 and also lowered the actual effective radius of it as well, I just wish they would of left the visual radius in regardless. Feels like they were trying to hide the fact that it was smaller and just didn't want to deal with flak from players because of it?

it's frustrating, but probably best not to impugn malicious motives on devs who went above-and-beyond to support a game with less-than-stellar sales.

someone speculated that it likely has to do with the fact that unlike poe1 there are weapons and effects that have their own AoE, so due to engine limitations it meant a tradeoff between seeing carnage visual radius or those other relevant radius. i don't know if phenomenon managed to find a work around to this, or if their mod simply made the tradeoff in a different direction.

Edited by thelee
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4 hours ago, Noqn said:

Good news, was pretty painless to implement!

Download: Carnage Indicator.zip

Nexusmods: www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/448/



I love this community! As minor as it may seem, you literally just made this game perfect for me. Between the Enhanced UI mod, the Community MOD, and now this, the game is absolutely complete for me and now likely my favorite of all CPRGs at least from a mechanics, gameplay, multiclass way.

Super awesome man! Thank you again so much, completely unreal. Such a great community here on the forums.

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I missed the Druid shapeshift attacks, but uploaded a patch to Nexusmods. If there are any indicators missing, let me know!

4 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Cool. Did you check what happens when you use a weapon like Whispers of the Endless Paths?

Whispers of the Endless Paths works as veteran81 showed, but I've omitted Wahai Pōraga since it incorrectly made one AoE indicator for each enemy within its spin AoE, despite only triggering Carnage on the main target 😅


There's a way to show the correct indicators, but it causes Wahai Pōraga's spin not to trigger if the main target is missed, which I feel is far worse...

3 hours ago, veteran81 said:

Super awesome man! Thank you again so much, completely unreal. Such a great community here on the forums.

Thank you!! 🥰


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Very nice! Another question: if one uses the Comm. Patch where Stag Spiritshift has a passive (weaker) Carnage instead of the lame active one - would you

a) need to implement the AoE indicator separately (I guess) and 

b) would both indicators be shown on top of each other if you are a shifted Stag Druid/Barbarian and

c) if the AoEs had different sizes (I don't think so but just in theory) would that get displayed correctly as well?

Well that's actually 3 questions... ;)

Wahai Poraga is kaputt anyways. It only hits up to two targets (max) for me after the latest patches. 

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I forgot about the Community Patch Stag Carnage, ops.

Turns out both create AoE indicators by overriding AttackOnImpactID! So they'd be mutually exclusive.
I tried changing mine to use ExtraAttackID instead, for compatability, but that causes the same issue as Wahai Poraga...


I think I'll either add an instruction to place this mod higher in the load order than Community Patch Basic, or simply omit Stag Claws to ensure compatability. What's your opinion?

Edited by Noqn
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1 minute ago, Boeroer said:

They simply overlay or dies one replace the other?

In both cases I would be ok with that since they both have the same size anyway afaik.

One of them would be replaced.

If the Community Patch takes precedence, the indicator will always be displayed correctly. But if my mod overrides CP, the Stag Carnage indicator would only be displayed for barbarians.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Elric Galad said:

Just an idea @Noqn do you think you could the same for Clear Out and its upgrades ?

I'm having issues implementing it...

It does not seem to be possible to add indicators the same way as with Carnage, since (afaik) there's no Conditional that can be used to check properties of a parent attack (for Carnage I could just use HasAbility(Carnage) on the owner but that wouldn't work for only specific attacks...)
Besides, there's a limited number of slots that can be used for this, only AttackOnImpactID and ExtraAttackID. So even if there was a fitting Conditional there'd be no place left for both the cone and the 360 upgrade if you want Carnage compatability.

Trying to implement an indicator "natively" doesn't seem doable either. Clear Out isn't an GenericAbility like Spinning Assault, but a WeaponAttackAbility, which is why it uses the equipped weapon's targeting indicator. And it turns out that WeaponAttackAbilities won't display targeting indicators of attacks specified in AttackID (and from my limited testing, seems that they won't fire at all...)

Rewriting Clear Out as a GenericAbility is probably the only option remaining, I might make an attempt at it later...

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Sad news, I tried "downgrading" Clear Out to a GenericAbility and add the indicator that way, but it just bugged out. Probably not fixable.

Good nows, a guy asked about implementing Powdered Burns indicators which luckily did work:



Powder Burns Indicator.zip

powdered burns.png

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