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Weiser_Cain's Concepts

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It was a quick sketch before work but in my head, juhani is a brusier but the fact she's an alien and looking at how big male cathar are(see below) i feel I have a little leeway in how she looks anyway. Plus with her breast comming out of her top and one look below the waist should clear up any misunderstandings.



Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Your first two sketches weren't as good as the last one but, yes, your style isn't to my tastes. It reminds me of an Image comic book, Youngblood maybe. I like more relaxed, naturalistic human figures. That said, your drawing show skill, they're just not my cup of tea.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I'd say from the first drawing that the anatomy needs a little work. The legs are too short, noticeably the calfs and feet. That and she does look very masculine, I'd slim the waist a bit and define her breasts more, maybe slim her neck down to give her a more feminine look. But the latest drawings look better, I like the line quality.

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Thanks for the compliments. The first and second sketches was just me working out the designs, perhaps I shouldn't have posted them...


Modeling is basicly done, some clipping at the waist but I'll fix that.

The model is 3830 polys.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm not 100% on the arm, but then it's better than jar-jar. He's wearing a sleeveless jumpsuit(which looks a little painted on at the moment). He has a trench coat(also sleeveless) but I drew him without it so I could concentrate on the rest of his clothes. In addition to the missing arm He has a replacement eye. The gun(cannon?) can connect to his basilisk for continuous fire of the top barrel.


Crit & Comments?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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They are when they get their arms blown off. Vaders a cyborg, luke too, so stop rolling your little pixel eyes at me!

Oh yeah Luke and Vader were kewl and they were cyborgs so now everyone must be! :lol: Of course they didn't replace their hands with guns. In fact no one in the SW mythos has. And a bionic eye. :p Oh brother. How about making it less like a bad comic book and try being a little more innovative? The gun for an arm thing is stupid. The only place Ive seen that is cartoons and really bad movies/tv shows.


Gawd one thing happens to a few characters and suddenly its a MAJOR feature of SW. Its not true SW without limbs getting chopped off and being replaced with robotic parts! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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They are when they get their arms blown off. Vaders a cyborg, luke too, so stop rolling your little pixel eyes at me!

Oh yeah Luke and Vader were kewl and they were cyborgs so now everyone must be! ;) Of course they didn't replace their hands with guns. In fact no one in the SW mythos has. And a bionic eye. :unsure: Oh brother. How about making it less like a bad comic book and try being a little more innovative? The gun for an arm thing is stupid. The only place Ive seen that is cartoons and really bad movies/tv shows.


Gawd one thing happens to a few characters and suddenly its a MAJOR feature of SW. Its not true SW without limbs getting chopped off and being replaced with robotic parts! ;):rolleyes::rolleyes:

You mean like how I made Juhani a cyborg? Out of all the starwars characters I've made only three are cyborgs, though now I'm tempted to make them all cyborgs just to spite you(mmm, cyborg ewok...). There's nothing that says you can't replace your hand with a blaster, in fact it's in the starwars D20 rules that you can(I belive you take a hit to charisma or something). Anyway his hand isn't replaced by a blaster, he's holding one. Admittedly it isn't the clearest doodle but then I did put a better drawing of the gun right next to him clearly showing a handle! And if you look on page two you can see an early version of the gun with convenient handle.


Bionic eye? Also in the rules.


Is it my fault you watch a lot of bad tv? Watch more anime you'll see a lot more gun arms. The thing about being innovative is you still have to try to maintain the feel of starwars(or whatever you're doing). The first arm I made was awesome, but it didn't fit starwars. So I changed it to an armored peice of junk. Smacks of starwars to me!


Name some of these bad comic books with these super cool bionic guys, I think I'd like them.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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The head is way out of proportion compared to the body.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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You mean like how I made Juhani a cyborg? Out of all the starwars characters I've made only three are cyborgs, though now I'm tempted to make them all cyborgs just to spite you(mmm, cyborg ewok...). There's nothing that says you can't replace your hand with a blaster, in fact it's in the starwars D20 rules that you can(I belive you take a hit to charisma or something). Anyway his hand isn't replaced by a blaster, he's holding one. Admittedly it isn't the clearest doodle but then I did put a better drawing of the gun right next to him clearly showing a handle! And if you look on page two you can see an early version of the gun with convenient handle.


Bionic eye? Also in the rules.


Is it my fault you watch a lot of bad tv? Watch more anime you'll see a lot more gun arms. The thing about being innovative is you still have to try to maintain the feel of starwars(or whatever you're doing). The first arm I made was awesome, but it didn't fit starwars. So I changed it to an armored peice of junk. Smacks of starwars to me!


Name some of these bad comic books with these super cool bionic guys, I think I'd like them.

No you just made Juhani a man. :lol:


Youve made 3 cyborgs! God what are you 15? Grow up. Or go watch the bionic man. :) I liked that when I was a kid too.


Just because the rules allow something doesnt mean its 1. kewl. 2. Something a lot of characters should experience.


Unfortunately I have seen plenty of anime. Why else would I be tired of the gun arm/cyborg s***. :) 90% of anime sucks. Its incredibly childish.


Now if hes just holding a big stupid gun that goes up to his elbow thus limiting his ability to fire whithout pivoting his entire body that is different. But theres many good reasons no intelligent soldier would be using such a weapon unless it was the only way to bring in heavy enough firepower to a certain situation. I would love to see him try to fight in close quarters with that stupid thing. Or get involved in a situation that requires the dextral manipulation of two hands requiring him to drop this big stupid unrealistic weaponry. If Mira can have a rocket launcher on her wrist why would Canderous need a big, stupid, limiting weapon like that.... Unless he's overcompensating for something. Ill buy the bionic eye grudgingly since Canderous strikes me as the kind of guy that would get one to help him in combat. Im sure itd offer bonuses to finding traps and such. But the gun is dumb and always will be.


Oh and these "superkewl" bionic guys are not super kewl. I see them on covers and such and thats how I know to pass them by. :( But like I said go watch the bionic man. No stupid body parts as guns though. And unfortunately you are right a big dumb piece of junk does fit into SW but why should we continue this? Lets try and improve starwars.


I dont mean to insult your drawing ability. Heavens knows I struggle with stick figures which is why I think you should get away from this cartoonish drawing and try and draw some less comic book themed pictures. If you have talent why use it in the most degrading possible way? :) I think Mira using a wrist mounted rocket launcher is much kewler and a much smarter weapon for a character to use.

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If you're doing it for other people to enjoy, well... repeating some theme like that that doesn't have any (universal)character to it is going to hit a brick wall with anyone that doesn't care for that theme. It's really not a matter of if it's possible, it's if it's plausible and seems like something that WOULD happen - COULD happen is fine, sure. Think about it this way: if luke or darth vader had gotten their missing hands replaced by lightsabers, would that have the same character as if they both just had normal cybernetic hands? No. That would reek of a kid who reads too many crappy (in some people's opinions) comic books - that's what he has a problem with. Not you drawing it, not in the sense you take it. It would honestly feel false and forced by someone's fanaticism for cybernetic stuff, and that's what he's criticizing. It's an expression of what he thinks - if you took it the way it were intended, there'd be nothing there to hurt you in it. He really isn't criticizing you in the way you think he is.


And believe me the problem isn't that it's a foreign idea - but rather that it's been done too much. As he said about anime and such, well... I'll let HIS talking do the rest.

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This stuff is horrid and whoever made it should have his fingers broken.


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"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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