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Didn't have time to stream today, since we're moving soon and I spent most of the day packing, but while theorycrafting on the side, mainly thinking about how to stack Walls of draining quicker vs Dorudugan, which I found an answer too with belt of Magran's chosen, I alos realized you can use Wall of Draining for Potions of the fiunal stand!

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<<how to stack Walls of draining quicker vs Dorudugan, which I found an answer too with belt of Magran's chosen,>>


Belt of Magran's chosen works how to speed up Wall casting?


The way that Wall of Draining extends effects shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone this long after the game has been released?  It's not like we're finding out something new ref potions, or are we?


When I tried it vs doru, he killed me too fast still - but I think I was also multiclicking Unbending, which as we've discovered gets rid of the stacks.  I've been to lazy to respec to a build just to fight him, but I suppose I'll tackle it some time.  Let us know how it goes.

Edited by brasilgringo
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<<how to stack Walls of draining quicker vs Dorudugan, which I found an answer too with belt of Magran's chosen,>>


Belt of Magran's chosen works how to speed up Wall casting?


The way that Wall of Draining extends effects shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone this long after the game has been released?  It's not like we're finding out something new ref potions, or are we?


When I tried it vs doru, he killed me too fast still - but I think I was also multiclicking Unbending, which as we've discovered gets rid of the stacks.  I've been to lazy to respec to a build just to fight him, but I suppose I'll tackle it some time.  Let us know how it goes.

The fire blight summoned by the belt only has 50 will, walls crit like crazy against it, while against doru you need to get lucky to even graze.

The fire blight also doesn't have a summon duration it stays there forever unless you kill it.

I stacked my Unbending to 1k healed and 700 secs duration in a few minues, potion of last stand actually had the same duration!

I also found out what recklicking unbending actually does:

It does not remove the stacks as I thought at first, but it replaces the duration of the actual buff ("33% of damage taken converted into healing for xxx secs" in the character sheet).

Since you can quickly gain hundreds of secs of duration with the fire blight replacing this with 20ish secs is quite bad and if you are not careful you just lose your stacks due to the buff running out.

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ah ok, it doesn't help you cast walls faster, it helps your wall tick faster because you have summoned a hostile (or perhaps several) with your hits ... so you've stacked 1+ hostiles alongside doru, to help your wall hit more and heal more.  Cool.


given the belt adds fire damage to your attacks, aren't you healing Doru tho if you're attacking him?

Edited by brasilgringo
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It's not even about the walls ticking faster, it's about them ticking at all, since against Doru's 160+ will you will have many many misses.

In about an hour I couldn't get my Unbending higher than 80 secs vs Doru, this takes several secs with the blight (less than a minute).


The belt adds 5% fire damage with essence interrupter I haven't seen a higher number than 5, while grazes do 30ish damage and crits 70ish. (if you have at least 25% damage from the curse club stacked and ofc the 25% from final stand pot).


From my quick testing it takes 1000s to get Doru to bloodied (50%) so a bit over 2k buff duration should be enough to kill him, will find out in my stream tomorrow. :)

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What I don't get though: Why can you only cast one Wall of Flames/Thorns etc. (a new cast wall will replace the old one) but have multiple Walls of Draining in place?


This seems to be an oversight. And once it gets patched...  :o  

Edited by Boeroer
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It wasn't a bug before, but perhaps it is considered now ^^


Most likely there will be a limit of one Wall X per one caster, as mentioned by Boeroer.

Or Unbending will stop stacking with itself. And just the duration will get prolonged)

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This is how i killed the boss, but i didnt use the belt/blights. I did it bruteforce spamming the walls constantly. It took ages to kill the boss but it died.


Why did you choose the weapon you have? I used the chromoprismatic staff for example.

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This is how i killed the boss, but i didnt use the belt/blights. I did it bruteforce spamming the walls constantly. It took ages to kill the boss but it died.


Why did you choose the weapon you have? I used the chromoprismatic staff for example.

I tried killing it like that before but just didn't have the patience, since it took me an hour to get unbending duration to 80 secs, which isn't even close to enough to kill it.

I took Essence interrupter because shock is the lowest AR, but Chromoprismatic might be better damage, I will check thanks!

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I thought you used the mace+shield you have equiped in the video. So you used bow in melee? The staff worked well for me. It has useful damage reduction stats, and high crush damage, crush armor on the boss is OK. With penetrating strike which i am spamming i have easily enough Armor pen. Also you can use potion to get extra +2 AR. Unless you can get enough AR to reliably overpenetrate, i am pretty sure the staff will be better.


The fight took me total little over 1 hour. With using your belt trick you could probably do it much faster.

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I thought you used the mace+shield you have equiped in the video. So you used bow in melee? The staff worked well for me. It has useful damage reduction stats, and high crush damage, crush armor on the boss is OK. With penetrating strike which i am spamming i have easily enough Armor pen. Also you can use potion to get extra +2 AR. Unless you can get enough AR to reliably overpenetrate, i am pretty sure the staff will be better.


The fight took me total little over 1 hour. With using your belt trick you could probably do it much faster.

The club is only for getting +25% damage from the curse, after that switching to the bow, yes.

I have no idea how you did this fight in 1 hour, your accuracy must be a lot higher for some reason (maxed Per?), because my wall misses a lot vs Doru and after 1 hour my Unbending duration is at 80 secs which is hardly enough to even visibly damage his hp bar.

With the belt I need several seconds to accomplish what took an hour without the blight.

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If the fight is way over hour long I would consider to cheesee it  :devil: . Rakhan Field Boots and No Quarter from stealth with  Lover's Embrace. ACC should be in high 150s with one handed, Ajaamut's Stalking Cloak and some pet with bonus to meele ACC. Damage is 8raw/6sec, run up, cast that Arkemyr spell (invisibility), run down, do the loundry and dishes :yes:  :yes:. Come back.



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I thought you used the mace+shield you have equiped in the video. So you used bow in melee? The staff worked well for me. It has useful damage reduction stats, and high crush damage, crush armor on the boss is OK. With penetrating strike which i am spamming i have easily enough Armor pen. Also you can use potion to get extra +2 AR. Unless you can get enough AR to reliably overpenetrate, i am pretty sure the staff will be better.


The fight took me total little over 1 hour. With using your belt trick you could probably do it much faster.

The club is only for getting +25% damage from the curse, after that switching to the bow, yes.

I have no idea how you did this fight in 1 hour, your accuracy must be a lot higher for some reason (maxed Per?), because my wall misses a lot vs Doru and after 1 hour my Unbending duration is at 80 secs which is hardly enough to even visibly damage his hp bar.

With the belt I need several seconds to accomplish what took an hour without the blight.



My accuracy against vessels was around 145 i think. Maxed perception yes, potion of deftness, all possible world buffs, but i think you had those too, +3acc gloves. 132 base accuracy + 10 for vessels from the necklace and 5 from potion of deftness. thats 147 acc. 13 base penetration +2 from penetration potion and +3 from penetrating strike, so thats 18 pen, more than enough. Also used potion of prefect aim. Havent used the last stand potion, i didnt realize i could abuse that, it would make a big difference.


With the staff i hit basically every time, no misses. With 3 walls up i was able to maintain steady buff duration. And also, i respeced actual properly optimized melee damage build specifically for this boss

Edited by Bhall
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@Bhall, my wall accuracy is only 128, I have 14 Perception, so only could improve it by 5, weird.


Todays stream brought forth another extremely important wall of draining cheese, using the cloak with 1% Brilliant chance actually gives you a buff called mind over matter and unlike the tactician brilliant, this buff has a duration and can be prolonged with walls, so you will have brilliant forever if you need it, without flanking, heck even without tactician.

(Priest/Blood mage prolly the best high level class out there now)

Dorudugan died in about 1:30h and Belranga can't even kill you with injuries if you have Final Stand, injuries just stop at 3 and you keep living. :D

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<<Priest/Blood mage prolly the best high level class out there now)>>


To extend BDD with wall of draining, and get Brilliant via the cloak? You won't get the fighter goodies tho....

True, but unbending is not necessary with BDD and the other fighter goodies are not as big as unbending.

Some stuff will maybe be missed but the priest brings other stuff in return.

(some of the priest buffs are insanely good and only one thing pissed me off about them, duration back when I played my cipher/priest, but with drain wall durations are infinite)

One of the biggest upsides for BDD compared to Final stand potion is you can apply it on full hp, while the potions don't work if youa ren't near death.

Also the priest has built in pen inspiration, so consumable slots can mostly be filled with grimoires.

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FWIW. arcane damper will still remove your BDD and you will, basically, instantly die.

I think HulkOSaurus mentioned this in his Electric Dyslexic build which was built around stacking BDD.

You have to push your will defense high enough that AD won't hit on POTD, which I think was like 192+.

That may mean not dumping resolve and stacking some items.

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@brasilgringo arcane dampener doesn't remove anything, it just suspends. Pick priest of skaen and when you see arcane dampener coming your way just "shadow beyond" and become untargetable and out of range(or even reset the encounter) . If you didn't see it and was hit by AD and you are quick enough You can "shadow beyond" before killing blow, only some DOTs on you can be a problem in this case. But keeping BDD, brilliant and full health isn't impossible, nobody says that You have to hang on 1hp during BDD.

Ps what's insane about that cloak (I've played skaen/wizard with that cloak just after it was introduced) that Mind over Matter (brilliant buff) doesn't end when combat ends, similar to lenghrat safeguard. So you could hit brilliant on first skuldr in old city and buff yourself with SoT into crazy durations ( brilliant and lenghrat safeguard) and be brilliant until giant curb. But it was hard to pull of, I was basically shooting myself with limited missiles to proc it(lots of reloads). Blood mage have way more missiles, especially 1st level ones...

Edited by Waski
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Priest of Skaen/Blood Mage sounds great. I don't like the Mind-over-Matter cheese too much, even for solo. That cape is bonkers anyways. I once equipped all the "do x AoE dmg on unconscious" items on myself and added Citzal's Spirit Lance or Draining Touch. When you summon the Living Illusions (and they sometimes cast Essential Phantom themselves) and suddenly have 7+ Citzal's or permanent Draining Touches on the field who do big AoE dmg when they get killed - it wipes most ads. And on top you get Brilliant occasionally.


I wish they had nerfed Brilliant as suggested (different ticks for different resources, e.g. longer ticks for spell replenishment etc.) instead of removing it from most abilities and then introducing it on items and as lvl-1 passive on a subclass. *sigh*

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Seems to take a long time because the to-hit is still very hard... I need to swap out some gear to see if I can do it any faster but Raven said it took him 90mins and I think I've been at it at least as long. The flame nights don't seem to spawn always and there is a lot of time casting walls to keep them up. And attacks miss a lot. I'm also not running away as much as I should so his fireballs don't heal him. I think Kaylon build did this faster and with much less active effort.

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@brasilgringo arcane dampener doesn't remove anything, it just suspends. Pick priest of skaen and when you see arcane dampener coming your way just "shadow beyond" and become untargetable and out of range(or even reset the encounter) . If you didn't see it and was hit by AD and you are quick enough You can "shadow beyond" before killing blow, only some DOTs on you can be a problem in this case. But keeping BDD, brilliant and full health isn't impossible, nobody says that You have to hang on 1hp during BDD.

Ps what's insane about that cloak (I've played skaen/wizard with that cloak just after it was introduced) that Mind over Matter (brilliant buff) doesn't end when combat ends, similar to lenghrat safeguard. So you could hit brilliant on first skuldr in old city and buff yourself with SoT into crazy durations ( brilliant and lenghrat safeguard) and be brilliant until giant curb. But it was hard to pull of, I was basically shooting myself with limited missiles to proc it(lots of reloads). Blood mage have way more missiles, especially 1st level ones...

I think Withdraw would also work to wait out Dampener and it even heals you if a dot is on you, all priests have access to withdraw.



Priest of Skaen/Blood Mage sounds great. I don't like the Mind-over-Matter cheese too much, even for solo. That cape is bonkers anyways. I once equipped all the "do x AoE dmg on unconscious" items on myself and added Citzal's Spirit Lance or Draining Touch. When you summon the Living Illusions (and they sometimes cast Essential Phantom themselves) and suddenly have 7+ Citzal's or permanent Draining Touches on the field who do big AoE dmg when they get killed - it wipes most ads. And on top you get Brilliant occasionally.


I wish they had nerfed Brilliant as suggested (different ticks for different resources, e.g. longer ticks for spell replenishment etc.) instead of removing it from most abilities and then introducing it on items and as lvl-1 passive on a subclass. *sigh*

Yeah when the game came out we really wanted brilliant to get nerfed, but neither wanted it to be removed or made useless, just less op, 12 secs to regain resources could be a thing, maybe even 18.



Welp. Looks like tactician and blood mage will be nerfed to hell next patch. Goodjob on this solo build though!


How long does this build take to kill Dorudugan?

I didn't stream my initial preparations, since sometimes it can take a while to get the flame blight, so I don't know how long that took me, but after that initial phase the fight took 1:30h.

Keep in mind most of that was a buff phase and the actual fight took a little over 30 mins, also I didn't know about brilliant cloak yet, accidentially discovered that in the next fight vs Belranga. 

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