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Drowned Kingdom stalled - missing wandering soul/credit



I emailed a save game two days ago with a bug stopping progress to the beast of winter.  The 4th wandering soul is missing / not giving credit (I think I actually saw it) so I can't summon the king.  I posted at the time but my post was put on hold subject to approval by a moderator.  That post has now disappeared so I am creating a new one.  I can resend the save game if I need to.  I have double checked online 4 the locations of the souls just in case.

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Figured out what the issue is.  The last soul fragment only spawns if you lower the water in the area where it is using the conch that is used by the spirits in the scripted sequence.  There is another conch that can lower the same pool of water where the spirit is that is accessed by a doorway near the pool of memories.  The issue is that conch does NOT reveal the spirit in question.  


So if you don't think to go and hit the first conch that can be hit at the start, then you're SOL and it looks impossible to complete.

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I encountered this bug and wanted to post a fix I figured out, which requires Unity Console. 

  1. Stand outside the Sunken Crown (where the King is supposed to appear)
  2. Open the Journal and expand Unity Console.
  3. Click Global Variables
  4. Click Filters
  5. Type "wandering" into the filter - you are looking for "LAX2_n_huana_wandering_soul_state"
  6. Change the value to 4 - the quest should immediately advance

That variable was at 3 for me.


There are also 4 variables called "LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_[01|02|03|04]". For me, 01 was set to 0 and the rest were 1. I did not change 01 to 1, but I was able to finish the interaction with the King. Maybe some dialogue options were missing but I completed the quest without changing it.


Hope this helps!

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Posted (edited)
On 3/22/2019 at 11:03 PM, Cannabat said:

I encountered this bug and wanted to post a fix I figured out, which requires Unity Console. 

  1. Stand outside the Sunken Crown (where the King is supposed to appear)
  2. Open the Journal and expand Unity Console.
  3. Click Global Variables
  4. Click Filters
  5. Type "wandering" into the filter - you are looking for "LAX2_n_huana_wandering_soul_state"
  6. Change the value to 4 - the quest should immediately advance

That variable was at 3 for me.


There are also 4 variables called "LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_[01|02|03|04]". For me, 01 was set to 0 and the rest were 1. I did not change 01 to 1, but I was able to finish the interaction with the King. Maybe some dialogue options were missing but I completed the quest without changing it.


Hope this helps!

I tried this out but I couldnt find this variable in the level  "LAX2_n_huana_wandering_soul_state" or anything LAX2 or "wandering".


Also, has there been any fixes yet for this? Or should I just leave? Can you fight the dragon without this quest?

EDIT:I answered my own question, shame I cant close the quest though)

Edited by Crocodrillo
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Hey, guys
Here is a tip that worked for me.
(google translator, sorry)

At the bottom of the map, near the Wingauro cave door, there are inscriptions on the floor. It seems to me to be important that these inscriptions are recognized by their companions. It worked for me to play with Tekehu, Rekke and Alof on my team, as they all interacted and generated a dialogue about the registrations.
As a result, the fourth spirit appeared at the cave door after activating the last shell, which drains the water at the cave door.

Hope this helps!

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If anyone still cares, I fixed it with a workaround.
1) Issue seems to be with soul at entrance
2) raise water so that it is above the soul
3) Leave the area back to the the shattered passage
4) lower and raise water outside
5) re-enter and then mine was touchable, even with the water raised

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