Retnuh Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 I would like to see Canderous. Besides HK-47, he was my favortie NPC. Though Carth (he grew on me) and Mission (is she legal now?) would make great cameos. I'm sure Revan and Bastila already have their place in the game.
Kdy-worker 1138 Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 I would like to see jolee,and dislikes seeing HK-47... :angry:
Soda Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 Dude, u should have a "none of the above" option.... As it is now, im not voting. But, some kind of re-use could be fun... It would be nice if Carth could sit and whine with his new group of adventures and they collective dicides to 'put this whining dog down'... or.. One could overhear the endless whine of Carth in a cantina and be able to choose the - You take of from the planet and nuke it from orbit..... option. or.. One could meet a spacecaravan of refugees fleeing the whine of Carth on some moon. Mby one could pick up some side quest to hunt the blackhole of plot enjoyment down. "The purpose of abstracting is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise." -Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002 LARGEST SIG WINS !?
EnderAndrew Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 Revan is almost guaranteed to return in some form, because there are so many questions that must be addressed. I really doubt Bastilla would return because how easily she domianted the first game, she can't be allowed to have the same impact on the second.
Retnuh Posted May 21, 2004 Author Posted May 21, 2004 Well, I guess I could have put a "none of the above" choice on the poll, but I didn't so deal with it. I purposely left it out so all would suffer by having to make a choice. Just trying to aid in the destruction of society. BOOHAHAHA BOOHAHAHA
jaberwocki Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 All I want is hk and the buility to build additional hks. That would make the best game ever made.
Taran'atar Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 I'd like to see Bastila, Jolee, and Mission return. However, the only non-droid likely to play a major role in KOTOR 2's storyline is Canderous. He's the only one that can't be killed off in the first game.
EnderAndrew Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Companions weren't the only NPCs in KOTOR. What other NPCs would you like to see make the leap?
Adria Teksuni Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Yuthura Ban. While I realize she too has the possibility of a death in KoTOR, I loved the character and would really like to have additional development for her in the second one. I want Griff back with a proper "Torture" option this time round. I'm also curious about the Outcasts, although as a minour sidequest in 1, they probably won't be in 2 at all. Having Dustil make an appearance I think would be awesome. It could so easily go light or dark with him, which fits in perfectly with the fact that you can alter your NPC's alignments. Will you try and help him forgive his father, or will you continue to fuel his feelings of betrayal and hate? No romance option, though, if you please, that would be creepy. Ick. Never assume malice when stupidity is to blame.
Retnuh Posted May 21, 2004 Author Posted May 21, 2004 Ok, other NPC's. I want to see that Sith girl that I found in the cantina on Teris, that is if she didn't get blown up. I hope she isn't mad about the whole armor theft thing....would like to put a little "Jedi" in her. Also, I want to be locked in a 20' by 20' room with every damned Sand Person I didn't get a chance to kill. They're sorry bastards and need to be shot and cut a little....till they die.
Dead Skin Mask Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Canderous because he is the freakin candyman and nobody else is the freakin candyman. Cheers!
tripleRRR Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Hk-47 most definately. And either Juhani or Mission. TripleRRR Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.
Tricky William Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Because she was such a prominent character in the previous game, I think Bastila should make just a small cameo appearance. Someone else who I think really should make an appearance is Suvam Tan, even if he's not at his Yavin Space Station, I think it would be cool to be able to meet that Rodian inventor again. The Yavin Space Station would also be a cool place to be able to revisit, even if Suvam isn't there and some other guy is. I dunno.
Naso Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 HK-47. He wasn't game defining in Kotor, but when I think about the game and fun times, he is the first thing I think of. HK is just too good to not bring back whether you play light or dark
Plutospawn Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 I almost don't want any of the main characters to make an appearance. Sith Lords is an entirely new game with an entirely new cast of characters. I'm afraid that any cameo of a known and loved (or hated as some of the cases may be) may degrade them to a static caricature of what they were in the first game. (Ex. Jolee: Damn kids!) There is a part of me, however, that's incredibly curious. I don't think it would be a good idea to cameo Bastila, or any of the other Jedi for that matter. Firstly, Bastila had such a monumental role in the first game an appearance by her may overshadow the new characters and/or events of the game. And secondly, the entire premise of Sith Lords is that the Jedi are being hunted down and exterminated.
Darth333 Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 The only npcs we're sure stayed alive no matter which path was used in Kotor 1 are: Revan, Canderous, T3 (we know he's back) and HK-47. All the others could be dead. - Learning to mod - Kotor modding en espa
Naso Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 I agree about it being a new game, except for the fact that the *possible* romance with Bastilla and whatnot really does need some tidying up due to the incredible ambiguity, though I'm more curious how they're going to integrate the DS ending with the starwars universe generally. If Revan slaved his ships together and did something stupid I will not be happy, and currently I can't see any other explanation for how he did not gain total dominion.
jedimaster1141 Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 bastila did kinda control you in the first game but i think she should make like a small cameo like you find her in the shower or in a bikini on the beach:)
Meshugger Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 I have a slight feeling that once you meet up with Revan or get hold on what happened to him/her, you'll found out Bastilas fate too (presumely dead IMHO). "Some men see things as they are and say why?""I dream things that never were and say why not?"- George Bernard Shaw"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."- Friedrich Nietzsche "The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." - Some guy
Seth Tansill Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 But we already know T3 and Hk47 are coming back?? Uh?! Canderous, because he's such a dude. I didn't like him on my first play through, but on the second (dark) playthrough he was a cool guy to have around. I felt justified in my evil-ness despite the options being pretty, well... OH and 'now this is MY kind of place' (salve quarters) hehehe...
Alyt Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 If all the player will get is a verbal explanation of what happened to characters that they liked, i will be very surprised if they just make a short "She died in a such and such manner.."-statement. Obsidian respects the fans of the original game and will be considerate towards those fans in whatever choices they made in the first game. Having the verbal explanations vary in accordance with the information the player gives about his KotOR I experience is not technically challenging. The writers may find it challenging, but also all the more enjoyable as they are looking to make their first game an unforgettable epic. I for one would love to find out that everything turned out alright in the end for Revan-Bastila/Juhani/Jolee/Mission/Zaalbar as i'm sure others would be equally delighted if the same was true for Revan-Carth and the others. This is Star Wars, it should have a happy ending with a beeping droid in a mushy end-sequence. Sorry for this unabashedly optimistic interruption.
kumquatq3 Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Quote I don't think it would be a good idea to cameo Bastila, or any of the other Jedi for that matter. Firstly, Bastila had such a monumental role in the first game an appearance by her may overshadow the new characters and/or events of the game. While I don't care if I see these npcs again, I do want to learn their fates tho, I think the logic people are using here is off. I mean, how many sequels to RPGs had someone who played a LARGE part in the story come back, without hurting the game?
Retnuh Posted May 21, 2004 Author Posted May 21, 2004 Do you guys think that if they brought ANY of these characters back for part II, they may overshadow the new characters? You already know these characters. They would be part of the "group", where as you might not spend as much time with the new characters. In my opinion this would weaken the that I have thought about it. BUT....I do want to know their fates and maybe a small cameo would be nice. Although a game full of cameos is too much like a family reunion and in my experience....those are usually boring and lame with too much "remember the good old days".
Seth Tansill Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 If Carth ever came back I'd like to see him running away from a brigade of sith soldiers and then being beaten after falling over...
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