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Found 11 results

  1. My game won't load, it will launch grounded in the public test but never loads, I've tried both in steam and in pc game pass, being out of the public test grounded launches fine, on steam task manager says it's not responding and game pass just loads
  2. So when I first boot up the game, everything is normal. I click continue game and pick the save I want to load into. Then I get a loading screen and I hear the theme song playing in the background and all of a sudden, the audio stops playing and then the game force quits without an explanation. The Xbox app said the game would be great to play on my computer but clearly not. I used to play it on my computer with no problems but after a certain update it wouldn't let me play anymore. I tried to start a new game and the same issue is happening. I'm not the only person who's experiencing this and it's clearly a bug within the game. I know that this game is not done developing yet but I can't even test the game anymore. I'd be great if I can get any suggestions on fixing it. I already went to Microsoft Support and the lady said it has something to do with the game itself. If you want to see footage of what's happening then here's a link to my YouTube Channel (I can't upload it here)
  3. While up on top of the fallen oak branch my toon is sling shooting off the screen. I'm in 3rd person. The toon is not 'moving' the character graphics keeps moving off screen then coming back. Rebooting the game seems to have fixed it.
  4. Hello this is just a technical issue when I placed things in my world and build them, friends are sometimes not able to see what I've built or they will see the object in a completely different spot sometimes under the base even and they cannot access it. Hope this can get sorted out, having to waste alot of resources lol. Thanks like the new update !
  5. I'm not trying to **** on the game, maybe I just got a bad disk, but it won't stop crashing. Everytime I'm in a shootout with more than 3 people, I can't save or it will crash, I can't leave or it will crash, and I can't complete a quest or mission with out it freezing and crashing. For example, I litterally can't complete the quest "Who goes there?" because it will freeze after all the enemies die. And I've already tried only killing MacRedd and taking his finger and then leaving, but the game either freezes before I can finish transitioning, or it transitions but loads forever. Once again I'm not trying to **** on the game, it's super fun, but this has prevented me from completing so many quests now that it has become a problem.
  6. The crashing started when I started doing nyoka quests. First, the game crashed when I travelled to Edgewater but loweing the resoution fixed it but now when I go to Scylla(my first time) the game crashes and I cant even go to Scylla. Any suggestions to fix this? Savefile is bigger then 512kb and can't upload it. Thanks.
  7. Hopefully, people are still visiting the Pillars 1 forum. I really need some help. I am trying to replay Pillars of Eternity 1 while I wait for the bugs in 2 to be ironed out and I am suffering from periodic stutters every 30 seconds or so. The framerate's almost locked at 60 everywhere but it still stutters. It's quite annoying. Doesn't matter where I am, it still stutters. This and Pillars 2 are the only games I am having issues with on my system. Everything else runs fine. My system specs: OS: Windows 7 Professional (64 bit) CPU: i7 3770K (overclocked or not, it makes no difference) GPU: Geoforce GTX 1060 6GB (I have tried switching this with an older GTX 780. No change in stutter) Storage: 1TB SSD RAM: Kingston HyperX FURY 16GB (2x8GB) 1866MHz DDR3 Motherboard: Asrock Z75 Pro3 I do not have a Gsync Monitor. I have a "Generic PnP 60hz Monitor" Temps never go above 60 degrees Things I have tried: Vsync On/Off Lowered setting to the lowest it was possible to go. Capped framerate to 30 Ran game as administrator Tried running the game with each different compatibility setting Verified game cache with steam Updated nviida drivers Complete uninstall and reinstall of the game Tried the different launch parameters (-force-d3d11, -force-opengl) Double checked that the game was using my actual GPU. Temporarily disabled my integrated gpu to force the game to use of my dedicated gpu Ran with high cpu priority Fiddled with the cpu affinity (disabled and re-enabled the working cores to trick it into using my other cores, which HAS worked for different games before.) Overclocked the GPU Underclocked the GPU Removed any and all overclocking from GPU and CPU Tried to disable any non windows services Made sure everything else was closed with task manager before running the game. Checked to make sure I was using "Maximum Performance" power option. Disabled both Steam Overlay and the in-game telemetry. Turned off all my monitoring software(MSI Afterburner). Temporarily disabled my antivirus disconnected my ethernet cable removed any usb devices removed audio devices (certain older games crash when using certain audio devices) I don't know what else to do. Some people with lesser hardware are getting better performance while others with stronger hardware are getting worse performance. I am welcome to and appreciate any suggestions you might have. DxDiag.txt
  8. I've been watching some streamers play, most notably itsmeJP who has the best PC money can buy (SLI GTX 1080ti / i7 6800K) and he cannot maintain even 60fps (which is the minimum these days with 120Hz and especially 144Hz becoming so popular), I've seen him drop as low as 24fps and in general he's sitting around 35 - 45fps which is really awful considering his hardware. If the best PC money can buy can't play this game properly what chance do the rest of us have? If Steam is to be trusted the average user is using far, far less powerful hardware so it'll be interesting to see the experience most people end up getting. I'm hoping the build the streamers are currently playing isn't the build we'll receive tomorrow, because if it is I'll have to hold off playing until it's patched.
  9. Description: I recently purchased and installed and have been really enjoying the game since then without any noticeable issues playing directly on my laptop. When connected to my TV via HDMI cable (working perfectly fine as I type this) and in the game, the UI seems to be partially unresponsive or buggy for mouse commands and doesn't seem to respond at all to my wireless keyboard. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Plug TV into Laptop's HDMI slot 2. Gather snacks 3. Load up game via Steam 4. Frown inconsolably at the lack of functionality Savegames As I have played fine without the TV before and after I discovered this problem, I don't think this is applicable. System Specs See attached Feel free to let me know if there is anything further I can provide. Thank you in advance for any guidance and support. 0831 Kreaken Comp Specs.txt
  10. Do we know exactly how retaliation works with paired weapons, yet? In particular, I'm wondering about weapons' special properties. For instance, if you have one Draining weapon, and one Rending weapon, which property will get applied? One? Both? Neither? What about damage? Interrupt? Which weapon gets used? When? Any information would be appreciated.
  11. Hi, so i'm at the point in the game where i need to or go and hand in a quest in Ondra's Gift but whenever i try and go into either zone my game crashes really hard on the loading screen and i need to go and shut it down in task manager. This is making it impossible to progress, despite me being able to go into other zones just fine. Wondering if this is a known bug? I've tried verifying the game cache over steam.
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