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Found 9 results

  1. Welcome to the new and updated list of current builds from these boards. Each of the eleven classes in the game is listed below in alphabetical order, with each build listed alphabetically underneath. For each build you'll find a short descriptor, an indication of the game version it was built for and/or it uses gear and abilities from, and whether it has been meant or tested for solo play. DISCLAIMER: In drawing up the list, I assumed solo play to be untested for all builds that did not explicitly mention solo play in the OP. If anyone tested any of these builds for solo play and would like their experience to be reflected in this thread, please PM me or Tigranes specifying the build you used, the difficulty you tried, and whether you could beat the game. Similarly, if you want your build's descriptor updated, contact us with the updated descriptor. DISCLAIMER II: Included in this list are what builds I could find scavenging the boards, plus any builds that were PMed to me. If your build is missing, please PM me or Tigranes with the relevant information (link, descriptor, game version, solo play) and we will add it. FORMAT: Build Name [links to the build's thread] Short descriptor of what the build does or specializes in. Author: The user who made the build. Game version: What game version the build was created for, and/or uses equipment and abilities from. Solo: Whether the build is suitable for solo play. "Yes [Difficulty]" - The build was either created or tested for solo play on the specified difficulty level. "No [Difficulty]" - The build was tested for solo play on the specified difficulty level and the game could not be beaten. "Untested" - The build wasn't born with solo play in mind, but for all we know it might as well work—except nobody's tried yet. BARBARIAN Accident-prone Squire, The Low-Resolve, low-Perception build that relies on extreme Endurance regeneration and Firebug for AoE damage. Author: Braven Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Cauterizer, The Firebranded Barbarian lusting for blood. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Golden Dragon, The The wild, unconventional, but also posh counterpart to a usual bodyguard. Author: Boeroer & Jojobobo Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Leech, The Time bandit tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Interrupt Barbarian Dual-wielding Barbarian focused on interrupting and debuffing enemies. Author: MountainTiger Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Immortal Martyr, The Twisted Barbarian DPS decoy Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: No Trashman, The Single-axe Barbarian built to cleave through trash mobs. Author: Odd Hermit Game version: 3.03 Solo: Untested Very Annoying Barbarian, The A Barbarian that uses carnage to pile as many on-hit/crit status effects as possible on the enemy as well as passive auras and effects from being hit. Author: kungapa Game version: 3.05 Solo: Untested CHANTER Chillfog Cool soothing Chanter tank. Includes The Last Unicorn variant. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Drake Ambassador, The Searing and mesmerizing Chanter tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Gunslinger, The Guns-only Chanter. Author: Jojobobo Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] CIPHER Backlash Beldam, The Melee multi-retaliation Cipher tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested NOTE: Retaliation no longer generates focus as of 3.02, thus undermining the foundations of this build. Dichotomous Souldbenders, The Twisted twin CC/DPS mophers. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: No (it's two guys, so...) Mr. Speedo Ranged frenzied maniac. Author: ottffsse Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested DRUID Batsh!t crazy Disabling Druid tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Hungry like the wolf Spiritshift aggro Druid. Author: AndreaColombo Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Thundercat, The Spiritshift off-tank Druid that's also good and slinging spells. Author: L4wlight Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested FIGHTER Engineer, The Shocking DPS Fighter artillery tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Glass Tsunami, The High-DPS glass cannon that relies on Endurance regeneration to outlast their enemies. Author: Braven Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [Easy] Lady of Pain, The High-speed, high-DPS, heavy-armored Fighter. Available in four five variants: 0-recovery, Lord of the Crits, Hulk Smash!, Glass of Pain, and Tank of Pain. Author: AndreaColombo Game version: 2.0+, updated to 3.0+ Solo: Untested Unstoppable Wave, The Siege-breaker Fighter. Author: Elric Galad Game version: 3.05 Solo: Untested MONK Anvil, The Toughest Monk around. Author: Dr <3 Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] Ascetic, The The rules of this build are quite harsh. You are not allowed to use any items (except for consumables). Author: Harpagornis Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] Fulmineo Prondroni Duelist that runs super fast and can pick off priority targets and disable them with super-fast attacks and prones. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Juggernaut, The Non-min/maxed approach to making a heavily armored Monk that is durable and damaging. Works for Zahua as well. Author: KDubya Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Monksterlash Elemental lashing and retaliating offensive tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Shaolin Dragonslayer A beast-slaying Monk. Author: Undesirable Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [? not sure what difficulty setting] Uber Disabler, The DPS/CC hybrid build that relies on bestowing as many afflictions as possible on enemies. Author: AndreaColombo Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested NOTE: This build relies on equipment that is currently (as of patch 3.03) bugged. Unless Obsidian fix those items, this build will remain not viable. Witch Doctor, The Mid-range DPS Monk disabler. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested PALADIN Counselor Ploi Diplomat/supporter/mind controller jack of all trades. Author: Boeroer & Jojobobo Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Darcozzi Commendatore A variant of the Darcozzi Forward Observer. Author: PrimeJunta Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Darcozzi Forward Observer, The Designates targets for the heavy melee party by increasing their Accuracy by large amounts. Author: Torm51 Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Dull Runner, The Caster clipper Paladin tank. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Rauatai Captain, The Paladin tank that makes their allies tankier. Author: SimpleEnigma Game version: 2.0+ Solo: Untested Sh!t's on fire Basic off-tankish Paladin that deals a lot of fire damage and also pretends to be a Fighter with some gear found in PX1/2. Author: limaxophobiacq Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Bleak Walker Melee dual-wielding Paladin monster. Author: Blunderboss Game version: 3.0+ Solo: No PRIEST Fire Priest Priest focused on buffs and healing, and capable of some serious damage. It comes in 3 flavors: The Godhammer; Mecwyn, the Slave Queen; the Falling Moon (aka Moonfire.) Author: MaxQuest Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Schemer's Needle, The Rogue-like Skaen Priest. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Support Priest, or How I Buffed The Others Pure-support buff/debuff build that can contribute to combat too, but is better off casting anyway. Author: AndreaColombo Game version: 2.0+, updated to 3.0+ Solo: No Unfaithful, The Solo Priest build with strategies. Author: MimeTactics Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] RANGER Apex Predator Firearm ranger. Author: MasterCipher Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Noober's Revenge The rules of this build are simple: You will never level up and remain at level 1 all game long. Author: Harpagornis Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] Riptide & The Pit Fright DPS & off-tank melee Ranger double team supreme. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Storm & Plague Caller A slight variation of the good ol' Stormcaller Ranger that focuses on maximizing Stormcaller's proc and disabling/interrupting foes. Author: L4wlight Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested ROGUE Don Juan Dedicated trap/secret finder; laid-back passive build. Author: K-Slash Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Fast Assassin, The A rogue who goes for full offense, moves and attacks as fast as possible and does lots of damage. Author: Madscientist Game version: 3.0+ Solo: No Flaming Porcupine Rogue that takes advantage of full attacks' having 0 recovery via Riposte and full-attack abilities. Author: MasterCipher Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Mad Hornet, The DPS ranged Rogue. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Twisted sneaky DPS scroll user. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Yellow Flash, The Riposte off-tank Rogue. Author: mosspit Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested WIZARD Bilestomper Tanky & corrosive drainer Wizard. Author: Boeroer Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Coldhearth Solo Ice-Wizard Author: Dr <3 Game version: 3.03 Solo: Yes [PotD] Frozen Lance, The A melee Wizard that engages his opponents head-on. Author: grausch Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes [PotD] Royal Court Battlemage, The Veritable jack of many trades, and perhaps even master of one or two. Author: ottffsse Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes Skeletor, The Spellcaster and spellbreaker. Author: Mlok Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Vecna's Legacy Solo blaster build. Author: Baron_Bathory Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Yes Witted Wizard, The Efficient spellcaster with high mental stats. Author: Ben No.3 Game version: 3.0+ Solo: Untested Zeblastian Hurtstacker Autoattacking double trouble DPS Wizard. Author: Boeroer Game version: 2.0+, suitable for 3.0+ Solo: Untested
  2. I am stuck in early Act 2. I rushed to Sagani and GM and then wanted to start clearing the surrounding areas. Only, no matter if Woodend Plains or Stormwall Gorge, I canNOT get past the groups of lions (especially the one with the Adragan and the other new humanoid monster). I tried surrounding them, I tried Alpha-striking different enemies (can't insta-kill anything there), I spammed all of my limited spell arsenal, I ate food. Nothing works for me. I don't think it is a problem that I am too weak (level 5), I firmly believe that either my party setup just doesn't cut it (which would suck) or that I just can't come up with the proper strategy here. My party consists of Ranger MC (20/4/17/18/15/3) Boreal Dwarf with Wolf pet Sagani Eder Kana Grieving Mother Durance (who I want to ditch because he just doesn't fit my goody-two-shoes heroine) Considering how easy Maerwald was with Ranger/Eder/Kana/Durance/Aloth, I am at a loss what exactly is my problem now. Am I gimping my combat prowess with 2 Rangers maybe? My current plan for this party would be that all but Durance are my permanent companions, and 1 slot I switch around as I please. Is Kana a good enough replacement for a priest (for buffing and such) or would some other class be a mandatory addition to my team like this?
  3. Welcome to the new and updated list of current builds from these boards. The actual list is down below (scroll down a bit). Each of the several classes and multiclasses in the game are listed below in alphabetical order (single classes first, then multiclasses), with each build listed alphabetically underneath. If there's no build yet for a class/multiclass then you won't find the class name/section. I will add those once class builds come flying in. I don't order by subclasses. If you think I should and can tell my why I will consider it. For each build you'll find a short descriptor, an indication of the game version it was built for and/or it uses gear and abilities from, and whether it has been meant or tested for solo play. --- DISCLAIMER: SOLO PLAY I assume solo play to be untested for all builds that do not explicitly mention solo play in the OP. If anyone tested any of these builds for solo play and would like their experience to be reflected in this thread, please PM me specifying the build you used, the difficulty you tried, and whether you could beat the game. Similarly, if you want your build's descriptor updated, contact us with the updated descriptor. DISCLAIMER II: THREAD NAMING/TAGGING Included in this list are only builds that got send via PM or posted with the "class build" or "build" tag or with [CLASS BUILD] in the title. Since there is so much info posted atm I can't search the forums for every untagged build/build idea that is floating around. If your build is missing, please PM me with the relevant information (link, descriptor, game version, solo play) and I will add it. DISCLAIMER III: LABELS Builds can get tagged with different labels. At the moment there are three: |HOT| marks builds that got a substantical amount of feedback from the community (in form of responses, currently 20+), |POPULAR| will be put on builds that have surpassed a certain number of likes (currently 10+). Unmaintained builds or builds that won't work anymore because of patches will get tagged with |DEPRECATED| until they get updated. If they don't get updated they might get removed eventually after some time. Builds that need a mod (for example to unlock certain subclasses that are otherwise only usable by NPCs or companions) to work will be labeled with |MOD| . --- FORMAT: Build Name [links to the build's thread] Subclass(es) Short descriptor of what the build does or specializes in. Author: The user who made the build. Game version: What game version the build was created for, and/or uses equipment and abilities from. Difficulty: On which difficulty level this build was played Solo: Whether the build is suitable or intended for solo play:"Yes [Difficulty]" - The build was either created or tested for solo play on the specified difficulty level. "No [Difficulty]" - The build was tested for solo play on the specified difficulty level and the game could not be beaten. "Untested" - The build wasn't born with solo play in mind, but for all we know it might as well work—except nobody's tried yet. Companion: Does this build fit any of the official companions or sidekicks? If "yes", just add the name of the companion/sidekick here​. Usually it's only one name I guess. If you are searching for a companion-build you can simply use the search funktion of your browser (ctrl+f) to search for a companion name. --- SINGLE CLASSES (bold=there's a build): Barbarian, Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard MULTICLASSES (bold=there's a build): Arcane Knight, Ascetic, Battlemage, Beastmaster, Brawler, Brute, Cantor, Celebrant, Cleric, Contemplative, Crusader, Fanatic, Geomancer, Harbinger, Herald, Hierophant, Holy Slayer, Howler, Hunter, Inquisitor, Itinerant, Liberator, Loremaster, Marauder, Mindstalker, Mystic, Oracle, Pathfinder, Psyblade, Ravager, Sage, Savage, Scout, Seer, Shadowdancer, Shaman, Shepherd, Sorcerer, Spellblade, Spiritualist, Swashbuckler, Tempest, Templar, Thaumaturge, Theurge, Transcendent, Universalist, Votary, Wanderer, War Caller, Warden, Warlock, Wildrhymer, Witch, Zealot COMPANION & SIDEKICK BUILDS (bold=there's a build): Aloth, Edér, Fassina, Konstanten, Maia Rua, Mirke, Pallegina, Rekke, Serafen, Tekehu, Vatnir, Xoti, Ydwin Ok, fire away! ------------------------------ ----------BUILD LIST---------- ------------------------------ ---------SINGLE CLASS--------- Barbarian The Ultimate Suicide Bomb |HOT| |DEPRECATED| an offense heavy build that discards any defense to max AoE (shock) damage output Subclass: Berserker Author: dunehunter Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Cipher Dat Arsehole Ascendant A pure dps cipher build Subclass: Ascendant Author: 1TTFFSSE Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Fighter The Intelligent Captain a smart tactician and leader that has a lot of options and uses underrated abilities with great efficiency Subclass: - Author: Myrtillo Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Undying Titan Maximizing the effect of Unbending Subclass: Unbroken (any other works as well) Author: Esajin Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: Edér, Rekke ------------------------------ Monk The Flagellant A ranged dps monk who generates wounds through controlled self damage Subclass: Helwalker Author: ntavanga Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Priest The End Bringer A powerful offensive Priest of Rymrgand, unlockable through a mod or playable with Vatnir Subclass: Priest of Rymrgand Author: Stardusk78 Game Version: 2.0 (+mod) Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: Vatnir ------------------------------ Ranger The Arcana Archer An archer who combines certain scrolls with Frostseeker in a very effective way, dealing massive AoE damage Subclass: Ghost Heart Author: Dorftek Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: Maia Rua ------------------------------ Rogue The Duelling Corsair A veritable fencer without the need for stealthy tactics Subclass: Streetfighter Author: Myrtillo Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Wizard The Combusting Wizard Very high dps Wizard with lots of versatility for group or solo runs Subclass: - Author: eschu101 Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: Aloth The Master of Missiles <no description provided> Subclass: Evoker Author: knownastherat Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - Tormentor of Mind and Body excellent crowd controller and debuffer Subclass: Illusionist Author: Silvaren Game Version: 4.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ----------MULTICLASS---------- Arcane Knight (Paladin/Wizard) The Angel of Death A dual wielding, self buffing tank with great AoE dmg Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Evoker Author: Sarnael Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Archknight Goldmagi Dual-wielding, self buffing killing machine with tanking capacity and endless zeal resource Subclasses:Goldpact Knight/Evoker Author: Enurale Game Version: 4.1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Solo Arcane Knight |HOT| What happens when you have 210+ deflection? Subclasses: Goldpact Knight/- Author: Sfzrx Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Ascetic (Druid/Monk) The Fate Testarossa |HOT| |POPULAR| or: how to accidentally make your Watcher more anime than Ydwin Subclasses: Fury/Helwalker Author: Ascaloth Game version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Battlemage (Fighter/Wizard) Cuchulain Battlemage who focuses on Citzal's Spirit Lance Subclasses: Devoted/- Author: Cyrus Blackfeather Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Lightning Rod |HOT| Battlemage caster able to unleash calamitous amounts of lightning damage on self and foes Subclasses: -/Evoker (optional) Author: Elebhral Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Brawler (Fighter/Monk) Gypsy Thunder |HOT| a harbinger of storm, mowing enemies with her lightning machinegun Subclasses: Devoted/Nalpazca Author: Giftmefood Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Lady of Pain |HOT| |POPULAR| DEPRECATED due to patch 1.1 High-speed, medium-armored dps great sword user Subclasses: Devoted/Helwalker Author: AndreaColombo Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Tornado |HOT| A brawler who's standing in a pack of enemies and spinning like crazy in order to cause as much damage as possible Subclasses: Devoted/- (vanilla or any subclass) Author: BalkothTheFeared Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Brute Guts - Frenzied Berserker |HOT| Build with great tanking possibilities, good self healing, good damage against solo targets and devastating power against crowds Subclass: Berserk/Devoted Author: seed_ls Game Version: 1.0-1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Lady of Endless Whispers A relentless and tempered brute, good damage and area of effect Subclass: -/Devoted Author: Kenneth77 Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - Wiliiam "Will" Breaker A howling immortal one man army that smashes everything in its path with high hit-to-crit conversion Subclass: Berserker/Devoted Author: Vonmama Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Contemplative (Monk/Priest) The Fists of Vengeance |HOT| does excellent single target and aoe damage and is very versatile Subclasses: Helwalker/Priest of Woedica |MOD| Author: 1TTFFSSE Game Version: 2.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - Skaen's Godsworn Ripping enemies to shreds with Skaen's blessed weapons or your fists Subclasses: Helwalker/Priest of Skaen Author: Wolken3156 Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Crusader (Fighter/Paladin) Bloodsail - The Pirate Paladin Crusader version: stand your ground, Devoted and Goldpact passives/heals make him very tanky; dps is good Subclasses: Goldpact Knight/Devoted Author: diamondsforever Game Version: 3.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Fanatic (Barbarian/Paladin) The Brutish Knight |HOT| A tanking barbarian in light armor Subclasses: Berserker/Kind Wayfarer Author: Pharaun159 Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Imperial Fanatic Pumping out crits with the Last Word, silencing mobs while being resistant to every affliction Subclasses: Berserker/Bleak Walker Author: Theosupus Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Harbinger (Chanter/Rogue) The Cunning Duelist Subclasses: Skald/Trickster A hamstringing specialist capable of inflicting all types of afflictions Author: Ascaloth Game version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Harbinger of Berath A tank who's using key gear, Persistent Distraction and Chanter phrases simultaneously to boosts defenses an armor rating and to unlock Deathblows passively. Subclasses: Troubadour/Streetfighter Author: Ganrich Game Version: 1.1(beta) Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Sweeper Agent The Sweeper's main focus is an interrupt and utility build that is tuned more towards range, but it can handle well also as a midline melee. Subclasses: Troubadour/Streetfighter Author: Metaturtle Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Herald (Chanter/Paladin) The Fire-Breathing Drake Beathes fire with Dragon’s Dowry, summons an army of fire-breathing drakes to her side and buffs her allies with the Mith Fyr and Shared Flames Subclasses: Troubadour/Shieldbearer Author: TheMetaphysician Game Version: 4.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: Pallegina The Healing Wall |HOT| A main tank who doubles as powerful endurance healer Subclasses: Troubadour/Shieldbearer Author: Climhazzard Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - Sir Sit-a-Lot What is the most effective but laziest way of soloing PotD? Subclasses: doesn't matter/doesn't matter Author: Marigoldran Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: Pallegina The Sword Singer (A) |HOT| Single or AOE tanky high melee DPS with extreme self healing, CC/offensive spells, summons, AOE healing/buffs and infinite Resources on Level 19 Subclasses: Troubadour/Kind Wayfarer Author: Voltron Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - Tuono e Fulmine |POPULAR| how to make Pallegina hit like thunder and strike like lightning Author: Ascaloth Game version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: Pallegina ------------------------------ Holy Slayer (Paladin/Rogue) Bloodsail - The Pirate Paladin Holy Slayer version: getting flanked an/or bloodied, utilizing Streetfighter bonuses to dish out great DPS while using Goldpacts Gilded Enmity to lessen damage Subclasses: Goldpact Knight/Streetfighter Author: diamondsforever Game Version: 3.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Bleak Huntress |HOT| Sniper assassin with high initial burst damage, high accuracy and nice roleplay fluff Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Assassin Author: Voltron Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Faceless Dancer |HOT| Solo retaliation tank Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Trickster Author: 1TTFFSSE Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Holy Hand Grenadier Lob explosives which debuff your foes with DOTs and afflictions. Paladin defenses let you safely self-afflict distracted with the blunderbuss modal and have constant streetfigther speed bonus. Subclasses: Goldpact||Bleak Walker||Kind Wayfarer/Streetfighter Author: arkane83 Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - Stop-N-Go extremely tanky high dps build that hovers in the Bloodied/Near Death zone while stacking stand-still abilities and teleporting around the battlefield Subclasses: Goldpact Knight/Streetfighter Author: whimper Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Howler (Barbarian/Chanter) The Lord of the Imps |HOT| |POPULAR| Summon small, squishy skeletons, smash them with Gravecaller, triggering Blood Thirst and generating an army of imps Subclasses: Berserker/Beckoner Author: Dortek Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Inquisitor (Cipher/Paladin) The Adra Infused Duelist Fast, deadly and can strip enemy defenses down to allow allies to pummel away Subclasses: Soulblade/Kind Wayfarer Author: dbarbarian14 Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Redeemer |HOT| 2h solo character built around the synergy between paladin (high defenses and survivability), cipher (high damage) and The Whispers of the Endless Paths (AoE, Riposte) Subclasses: Soulblade/Goldpact Knight Author: Kaylon Game Version: 3.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Three Aspects of the Inquisitor no FoD Inquisitor for solo PotD Subclasses: Soulblade/Goldpact Knight Author: Vonmara Game Version: 3.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Loremaster (Chanter/Wizard) The Stress-free Master |POPULAR| The most stress-free PotD solo runner Subclasses: Beckoner/Evoker Author: ppscurry Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Marauder (Barbarian/Rogue) The Lightning Sphinx |HOT| self-buffing lightning lash Marauder Subclasses: Berserker/Assassin Author: 1TTFFSSE Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Mindstalker (Cipher/Rogue) The Company Man Roleplaying build for PotD Subclasses: Ascendant/Streetfighter Author: Cyrus Blackfeather Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Dishonored Play like Corvo: stick to the outskirts of combat backstabbing to build up focus then firing off cipher abilities. Subclasses: Soulblade/Assassin Author: Statis_Sword Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Ravager (Barbarian/Monk) The Furry Ravager Tmaximize the spamming of bonus attacks via crits and the right weapon choice. Subclasses: Berserker/Helwalker Author: thundercleese Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Slayer The Slayer is constantly trying to die, but is just too good at killing to have succeeded at his goal yet Subclasses: Berserker/Helwalker Author: Theosupus Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Tiny Smasher Tiny AoE damage dealer with the goal of maximizing Might and Intellect or Constitution Subclasses: Berserker/Helwalker Author: Belegc Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: Classic Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Sage (Monk/Wizard) The Burning Sage Capable of high damage magic and highly buffed melee dps Subclasses: Helwalker/- Author: Lokithecat Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Mirrorback Can shift between powerful AOE blasting, single target DPS and a "mirror mode" in which it reflects attacks and spells back at attackers Subclasses: Helwalker/- Author: whimper Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Lancer of Galawain Using Citzal's Spirit Lance to generate lots of wounds with autoattacks Subclasses: Shattered Pillar/- Author: Cyrus Blackfeather Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - Thougt and Memory Long range striker who carpet-bombs enemies with spells and pokes them from afar with Citzal's Spirit Lance + Instruments of Pain Subclasses: Helwalker/- Author: Cyrus Blackfeather Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Scout (Ranger/Rogue) The Deep Leap |HOT| |POPULAR| deceiving and evading AoE *booom* fake Assassin Subclasses: Ghost Heart/Trickster Author: Boeroer Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Seer (Cipher/Ranger) The Glanfathan Soul Hunter a defensive ranged build, puppet master, high acc Subclasses: Ascendant/Ghost Heart Author: mant2si Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - One-Eyed Jack Versatile dual-wielding melee and ranged striker with crowd control capabilities Subclasses: Soulblade/Ghost Heart Author: doggiep0op Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: Untested Companion: - The Will-Bender |HOT| Turns Whisper of Treason (and other mind control) into a highly accurate ability - and comes with a bodyguard! Subclasses: Ascendant/- Author: Braven Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Shadowdancer (Monk/Rogue) A Dance with Death A seemingly fragile glass cannon that can attacks fast, dodge everything, deal with mobs, and get out of the stickiest situations alive Subclasses: Helwalker/Trickster Author: Vonmara Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Drunken Master Wander around in an alcohol and drug fueled stupor lulling your enemies into surrounding you then suddenly explode into motion Subclasses: Nalpasca/Streetfighter Author: Theosupus Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Eccentric Scepter-Trick single target dps and good debuffer Subclasses: Helwalker/Assassin Author: Silvaren Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - The Fast Assassin the classical rogue: a dual wielding backstabber who attacks as fast as possible and is good in debuffing enemies Subclasses: Shattered Pillar/Assassin Author: Madscientiest Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: No Companion: - The Howitzer ranged crowd control/dps Subclasses: Nalpasca/Assassin Author: Dorftek Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Shaman (Barbarian/Priest) The Harbinger of Doom Dark Shaman build: Burn and sacrifice yourself and enemies for Skaen's sake Subclasses: Berserker/Priest of Skaen Author: mant2si Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Shepherd (Paladin/Ranger) Commander Shephard A sniper arquebus build with an insane amount of accuracy Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Sharpshooter Author: ppscurry Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Sorcerer (Druid/Wizard) Elemental Arsenal Stay back, buff, throw a Stun/Blind/Paralyse, look for the smallest AR/Defense rating, cast, repeat. Plenty of room for adaptation, no grimoire/weapon switching, no PL to keep track of. Subclasses: Fury/- Author: Beriel Game Version: 3.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Spellblade (Rogue/Wizard) The Spymaster Makes use of Wizard's defensive spells as well as high Constitution to maintain Flanked and Bloodied status for the Streetfighter's speed/damage bonuses Subclasses: Streetfighter/- Author: Cyrus Blackfeather Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Spiritualist (Chanter/Cipher) Rymrgand's Artitst |HOT| snowballs early into a biawac of destruction and test the power of your gaming contraption Subclasses: Beckoner||Skald||Troubadour/Soulblade||Ascendant Author: Metaturtle Game Version: 2.1 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: Solo Companion: - The Siren The Siren is about control - both of your enemies and of summons - with a good amount of debuffs on top. Subclasses: Beckoner/Beguiler Author: Toadbat Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: Veteran Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Swashbuckler (Fighter/Rogue) Armorbreaker |HOT| Sturdy two-handed striker, focusing on high penetration estocs and area of effect capabilities Subclasses: Devoted/Streetfighter Author: Haplok Game Version: 2.01 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Iron Hammer Fights defensively and outlasts his enemies by locking them down in engagement and picking his moment for devastating retaliatory attacks Subclasses: Unbroken/Trickster Author: Theosupus Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Queen's Executioner Heavy AoE alpha strikes with Oathbreaker's End with respectable single target damage to mop up Subclasses: -/Assassin Author: thundercleese Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Templar (Paladin/Priest) The Champion of Magran Mixes the best support spells and abilities with the strongest fire based abilities to make a strong flexible dps/support char Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Priest of Magran Author: Ansalon Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - The Dark Knight of Wael |HOT| High defense single-target damage dealer Subclasses: Bleak Walker/Priest of Wael Author: BalkothThe Feared Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Thaumaturge (Priest/Wizard) Effigy's Bombardement |HOT| Caster that combines both divine and arcane magic Subclasses: Priest of Skaen/- Author: araj123 Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Deathless Thaumaturge - no short description - Subclasses: <any Priest subclass>/Bloodmage Author: brasilgringo Game Version: 4.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Electric Dyslexic |HOT| Self-empowerment by taking in the absolute highest lightning damage you can generate through use of Maelstrom Scrolls Subclasses: Priest of Wael/- Author: Hulk'O'Saurus Game Version: 3.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Theurge (Chanter/Druid) The Healbot Party heal bot for heavy duty healing Subclasses: Troubadour/Livegiver Author: 1TTFFSSE Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: Tekehu (minus the Troubadour perks) Tāwhirimātea, the God of Storms Shock, freeze, and heal in a single package Subclasses: Stormspeaker/Watershaper Author: Ascaloth Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: Tekehu ------------------------------ Transcendent (Cipher/Monk) The Transcendent A midline skirmisher that can debuff and charm enemies Subclasses: Soul Blade/Nalpasca Author: Climhazzard Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Universalist (Druid/Priest) The Keeper of the Wheel support/ healer as well as a consistent buffer/debuffer and reliable DOT dealer Subclasses: Animist/Priest of Berath Author: Stardusk78 Game Version: 1.1 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Votary (Monk/Paladin) Burn Baby Burn! |HOT| Gives Paladin both superb single target burst and a AoE nuking option. Subclasses: Helwalker/Shieldbearer Author: Voltron Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Eternal Votary |HOT| A tanky yet potent damage dealer for soloing PotD Subclasses: Helwalker/Paladin Author: Sharp Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - No Pain - no Brains A retaliation based build where you also retaliate against yourself. Triggers rooting pain constantly while not dying. Subclasses: Helwalker/Paladin Author: Braven Game Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ Wanderer (Monk/Ranger) The Big Game Hunter Capable of inflicting massive single target damage at range with an arquebus. Subclasses: Helwalker/Ghost Heart Author: bigwillystyle Game Version: 2.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Untested Companion: - ------------------------------ War Caller (Chanter/Fighter) The Sword Singer (B) |HOT| |DEPRECATED| Single or AOE tanky high melee DPS with extreme self healing, CC/offensive spells, summons, AOE healing/buffs and infinite Resources on Level 19 Subclasses: Troubadour/Devoted Author: Voltron Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - The Turbocharger |HOT| |DEPRECATED| A dual wielding melee crit monster, which recovers resources, enabling it to spam charge Subclasses: Troubadour/Devoted Author: Raven Darkholme Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - ------------------------------ Warden (Druid/Fighter) The Green Knight A frontline bruiser/support/healer Subclasses: Devoted/Lifegiver Author: ntavanga Game Version: 1.0 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: - ------------------------------ Zealot (Priest/Rogue) The Undying |HOT| High risk and very high dps by stacking near death enhancing effects Subclasses: Priest of Skaen/Streetfighter Author: Dorftek Game Version: 1.2 (beta) Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Companion: - Let's learn with Umezawa! |HOT| Versatile and mobile Zealot, tanking on huge packs of enemies or jumping around behind enemy lines to assassinate troublesome foes Subclasses: Priest of Wael/Streetfighter Author: thelee Game Version: 1.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: No Companion: -
  4. I came from games like Baldur's Gate 1 and 2; Ice Wind dale 1 and 2, etc. I am very fan of invokers: Golems, Elemental, Animals, Undeads, Dragons, Pets, Totem, etc. (An army with varied functions) :cat: There are summoners who use the bixos, but they send poisons to help or ... Usually this is function of classes like Necromancer, Druids, Totemics and others of the type, in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, * What are the classes that conjure / summon creatures? * To what extent are they strong or do they have a real role, helping the team? (I do not know if to go solo, how?) If you can speak everything you know about the invokers, I thank you (eg builds, strategies, etc). I was in the Builds part and did not see any focused on invocations.
  5. Hi everyone, Yesterday I was taking a first try at the new megaboss Belranga and to my astonishment it went down in 2nd try. Now before I talk about how Belranga can't chew weapons, let me inform you about my party build since not all party builds are suitable for this fight. Btw I'm playing in POTD(all upscaled). Tank- Fighter/ paladin (St. Elcga ) Moderate Tank- Fighter/ Paladin (Kind wayfarer) Punch em' all- Fighter/monk Summoner- priest (eothas)/ chanter (troubadour) Sorcerer (no subclass) All of my party members were set to auto attack mode and no ai. Now in my first try I noticed that the boss gains concentration after I kill some spiders and her stats decrease by 1 for each spider I kill. By the time I have killed ~60 spiders her attacks became way too accurate and killed my tank in 3 shot. Also I noticed that since only my tank was trying to hit him, belranga only attacked my tank, never went for backliners. So, in my second try I decided not to engage the boss at all and I used my chanter to summon animated weapons. Now only my summons were attacking the boss and all my party members were busy killing spiders. Now being a troubadour it takes ~25 seconds before I can summon animated weapons again and those weapons can last ~27 seconds. Now, just like before the boss never really went for backliners and i managed to kill approximately 120 spiders before even attacking it. After killing 120 spiders her concentration was 32, when I thought that my summons will not last 25 secs. Funny thing is her attacks did ~135 pierce damage to them (summons have 581 hp) and most of the time she used the scream attack instead of just attacking and that gave the party more that 25 secs. At this point my summoner started hitting her with The Red Hand and that did huge damage. Even the summons when they were not paralyzed crit her. So, like last time I expected her to chew up my weapons like she killed my tank earlier. Unexpectedly it was like the bug where party members abandoned their spell cast. Belranga tried to chew my weapons and for some reasons she could not and that sent her to an inactive state until it used the scream again. Basically, the boss in its current ai and stats can be killed with only summons and autoattacks, which didn't feel like a difficult fight at all, more like a tedious grind. Also the fps drops like crazy in this fight. I started with ~40 fps, at the end of the fight it was ~10 fps. Here is a screenshot of him sometime before dying https://imgur.com/dSRqxyT What I would like to know now is any possible strategies that can be useful against this boss with my current party setup without using summons at all.
  6. Good morning guys, I've started my journey on POE2 by using a Bleak Walker from POE1 I became a Spellsword but I wanted to be a Templar of Magran because of the fire, etc. I would like to know if would be better to be the Herald of Berath or go to the wheel? I decided a spellsword because of all the self buffs that you can get and also, the high defense of being a paladin + flames of devotion inclusing the corrode damage. I'm using as main a superb large shield + Whispers of Yenwood (+ spirits silenced + superb). second weapon setup is dual wielder (as I was on POE1) using Modwyr + a really nice superb ice Hatchet that I've found killing a Giant of a bounty. I need to know, basically, what are good stats, where to get money and good equipment, who would be a cool party if I don't want to kill Eothas. and also, If I can trust Serafen (which seems to be a good guy). Thanks for any response!
  7. Hello Guys, as the title states, I would like to know if any of you have ever been able to kill this arch mage and his dragons. I mean, I killed Concelhauth (he was tough), Sefyra, Alpine Dragon, Sky Dragon, and some others. I almost dealt with every tough guy in the game except with this one, I'm heading to his lair and will attempt to kill them. Do you all have any advise, any suggestion? strategy?
  8. Alright, so, first off, I backed the kickstarter and I've been following it since the beginning, I love the setting and the story so far, the plot's great, and aside from being unable to get through the doors in the mad lord's keep I've not run into anything particularly glitchy. The problem is, I'm playing a monk, and I have no idea how. The game told me to put a lot of points in Dexterity and Constitution, which I did, then suggested Might. So I put those points in, and the problem I've run into is that a standard combat is thus: Walk into room Get seen by Xaurip Skirmisher Get hit by single, unbuffed arrow Take 102 points of damage, fall over and die Rest of party wipes the floor with the encounter Rinse and repeat, replacing "Xaurip Skirmisher" with any archer, mage or priest. What am I doing wrong? If I use the fighters to aggro the enemies, I don't take any damage, meaning I don't take wounds, meaning I can't deal damage. If I charge in ahead, every enemy in the room gangbangs me to death or an archer/gunner blows me away before I even reach combat. I'm level six at this point, so I'd really appreciate the help.
  9. I wanted to talk about the difficulty of P:E. I skimmed the first few pages and couldn't find a topic about it, so I decided to create one. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but here we go: I've been replaying DA:O on nightmare and couldn't help but notice how easy it is. When I played it for the first time I found it was more difficult than other games this generation, but that feeling went away when I got used to the mechanics. Now I just wail on the enemies and wait for them to die. That's not good combat. I know Obsidian is trying to capture the IE games, but those weren't *hard* per se, just obnoxiously luck based. I want to use tactics and all tools I have at my disposal. You should be punished for memorizing only damaging spells on your mage etc. The question is: How badly should you be punished? How difficult should the game be? How different should the experience be between normal and hard? How do you define difficulty in RPG's in general? Should anything be designed around luck? I have no idea where to even begin answering those questions, so I'll refrain from having an opinion before I read some of yours.
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