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Found 10 results

  1. I went to Northweald for the end of the quest with Sagani, but her comment about the bear totem glowing never triggered, and going near Northweald Cave doesn't yield the Fangs and the dead stag. Any help please?
  2. Well, I am playing as a boreal dwarf with Deadfire Archipelago as my chosen culture. I see many extra dialogue options from time to time, based on culture, well not so many, but they exist yes? So, I expected there would be at least something, with Sagani... Nothing, she talks to me as if I am a tourist and not a local. She is 5 years in this continent, how many more boreal dwarves has she found? And when she meets me, she treats me like an alien, that really breaks immersion in my opinion. Anyway, not a major problem of course. I just thought to mention it.
  3. For some reason Ituumak has a movement speed of 0. Buffs to his movement speed allow him to move again at the speed being added (the only one I could easily find that could effect a ranger's companion animal was the chant Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe) No clue what caused it, but some stuff that might logically relate that took place between when I last saw my good pup move and when I noticed his crippling disability: I put the boots of speed on Sagani for a while, and then took them off. I got revive companion and used it several times, including atleast one time where he died immediately on being revived. I loaded my cloud save from another computer for the first time. Kind of a bummer since I have a lot invested in Sagani, and I can't imagine she's taking it well that her hunting companion has been crippled.
  4. When I add Sagani from Roster to main party, she dies instantly. How to fix this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/77n9wsuzo989up9/1bb0380c5dd14dd3b73b4aa3ef51bd4e%2012236662%20GreatHall.zip?dl=0 Savegame link
  5. When I add Sagani from Roster to main party, she dies instantly. Any ideas how to fix this?
  6. I've got Sagani in my party but ever since she has joined she has never had a wolf pet, or any pet with her. For some reason no pet icon shows, there's no way to summon the pet, and it's just as if the pet doesnt exist. I'm hoping this can be fixed ASAP and that my saves are fine with the update that can fix this. Buggy as all hell with the amount of people I've read have a pet issue on rangers.
  7. I just got Sagani, a hunter NPC, and when I activated her Wounding Shot ability she ran right up to an enemy and died... I checked the range on the ability and it says it's 0.5m (base 6m) which makes no sense. The base range is 6m which should be extended by her Intellect which is 13. Instead it's decreased to melee range... My steam's Pillars of Eternity "Current Content BuildID" is 577767 if that helps. My game should be at the latest patch version as of Apr 5 2015 as steam is set to auto update this game.
  8. Sagani just had a conversation with my character after I rested in the catacombs about helping me fight Thaos... Unfortunately I have no idea (in the game) who that is as I haven't gotten that far in the main quest yet. I'm still in Act 1, not sure when I'm supposed to even find out who Thaos is.
  9. This might not just be Sagani specific but an issue for rangers overall. Anyway I haven't had her much in the party due to the bug but the faithful companion status effect is only active if the companion is alive right? Here's a picture of the bug.
  10. You all probably remember this PE wallpaper? I sort of liked it, but it was still missing Sagani, so I figured I'd add her to it. The result wasn't half bad, so I'm going to share it with you... think of it as an early present. Happy Holidays! 1920x1200 - Click: 1920x1080 - Click:
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