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Found 12 results

  1. I'm curious as to weather this has happened to anyone else if your personal crystal has been removed from your lightsaber and just gone missing?
  2. Remix of the "Apathy is Death" scene in Kotor 2. Done in the style of The Dust Brothers https://youtu.be/Hm1kVcuJJ3c
  3. I had just finished with telos academy I talked to atris got my party members and everything. I boarded the ebon hawk I got the cut scene with the trail and talked with handmaiden but after that i end ended up in the ****pit with handmaiden stuck in my party I can't use the galaxy map I can't upgrade HK-47 with the chassis I got from the HK-50 droid and Bao-Dur and T3 are missing HELP
  4. ---MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS--- Hi, I picked up KOTOR2 in the steam sale and was enjoying it, but I have reached the part where you are about to get back to your ship and escape the Peragus mining station, but in the Hangar Bay area, the door at the top of the stairs leading down to the decontamination area has a 'Mining Droid Mark I' literally inside the door, and I can't attack the droid to clear it, or open the door because the droid is blocking it. I've tried running back into previous area and coming back, reloading, restarting etc but it is always still there, so I can't open the door and progress at all. I was wondering is there some way to go in the console to reset the enemies or open the door etc, or something else I can do to fix this because its a shame since I was enjoying the game up to this point. Thanks for any help.
  5. KOtoR 2: Steam Version I have TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.3 installed. Can I install 1.8.4 halfway through the game? I know I could back up my game save folder, but would my 1.8.3 saves be compatible with 1.8.4? I am wondering the same thing about the M4-78 planet mod. I have M4-78 1.1 & would like to install 1.2.
  6. Hey Obsidian!! if you can't do a KOtoR 3, How about a remastered TSL for XB1/PC??? How dope would that be! Get rid of all the bugs, put all the cut content back in plus more maybe.... all using current gen hardware. Just imagining it makes me think how awesome that would be. It would sell like crazy and I would buy it in a heartbeat. Any other thoughts on this??
  7. Hi everyone! I have a huge problem with in KotOR 2. I'm DS male (5 lvl Sith Lord), I've already trained Bao-Dur and Atton for Dark Jedi, and now I have a problem with Handmaiden. When I start conversation and ask her about her mother, then becoming a Dark Jedi, she agrees. Kreia says "Betrayal"... And here we go... After this, there is a cutscene in Telos Academy where Atris says Handmaiden betrayed her and her sisters. Then she goes to meditate and my screen goes full black, I still hear Telos Academy theme playing and noises of surroundings but only thing I see is cursor. I can check my equipment, stats etc but only for my character and map says I'm in Telos Academy. When I save and then reload game I am really in Telos Academy but it's almost empty. Almost. I go in direction of chamber where are Sith Holocrons and before that room stays Atris. There is NOBODY else in whole Academy, I can't go back to Ebon Hawk. So when I talk to Atris she starts why have you returned or sth like that. Basically, it's the same conversation as the one you have when you're first time in Academy. The angle of camera is different, I can't see everything, especially when she draws 'my' lightsaber. I know that after Atris' speech about betrayal I should be back to Ebon Hawk but nothing like that happens. Does anybody know how to fix this huge bug?
  8. So I've been playing Kotor 2 for a while, and every thing has always gone smoothly...of course until I wanted to dink around with mods. Long story short, I was playing through the game with mods, until I got to Korriban. I had the M4-78 mod installed, but I guess for some reason it never worked. it worked perfectly except that the planet would never show up on the galaxy map, and T3 didn't have anything helpful to say. So I deleted everything from my override folder and reinstalled the mods I was using, minus M4-78. this worked fine, everything went back to normal, except Master Kavar isn't contacting me now. (Onderon was my 3rd planet, Korriban was last). So does anyone know how I could fix this?
  9. BioWare and Aspyr Media did a great job of adapting KotOR to the iPad for it's 10th anniversary. Is anyone with me in saying that an adaptation of KotOR 2 would be equally awesome, if not better? If so, back me up. If the company isn't intending to do so, maybe we could bring it back by popular demand.
  10. I'm having a problem that no one, other than one other person, from what I could find, has had. My problem is that the sound seems to be making a crackling noise that doesn't seem to go away. I'm running on Windows 7 x64. I am running the game in XP Service Pack 2 and as administrator. I patched the game fully. All my sound drivers are up-to-date. I've played the game with V-sinc on and off, still not fixed. I've played the game by forcing audio software on and off, still not fixed. Can anyone *please* help me? The only audio problems I find when I search is "NO SOUND PLEASE HELP".
  11. Just got the book out of the library. Already I see a few things which don't add up in the KotOR games and book. What are your opinions and...is there a mention of Atton Rand in the book?
  12. Post your Romance options you use in KoTOR II here...
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