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Life savers would be a good implementation idea for a new elemental, it could offer synergy with mosquito beaks for life steal or could be a whole new element used in creating regen consumables or items and or life steal consumables or in game items such as life steal wands and health regeneration wands that solely use stamina or some resource to slowly create a health trickle while actively using item. Using the traditional life saver candy for implementation, could be a fruits type or something so it differs from being technically a mint. Like cherry life savers (more pinkish not to be confused with spicy coloration) or valentines hearts if it conflicts too much with mint.
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I have three crew members currently resting on board my ship, I also have a surgeon assigned, and I cannot see any progress in their being healed. E.g one crew member has 5 days remaining on a leg injury (says +20% heal rate)...after 'waiting' for over 26 hours with a surgeon assigned and her resting, this time does not change. My medicine supplies remain at 100. Hope that makes sense! Maybe I've missed something, apologies if I have! Tried to upload save but says filesize is too big Thanks! Willem
Greetings community! I've been playing Pillars on and off since release. I know, it's been quite some time now and I'm still on my first playthrough! My party is level 10 and I've gotten to the Pit, though I have not gone in. I also did some of the White March quests but I've hit a level wall there. Anyways, my current part is as follows. Charmain (Wizard) Eder Sagini Kana Grieving Mother Aloth I've done all the NPCs quests, I think up to this point. I was pretty set on this party going until the end, but one thing I always wanted was a priest. I don't use walkthroughs or anything so I just now bumped into Durance doing a bounty. Now I'm in dilemma. Priests can heal and have other valuable defensive powers. I feel this is lacking in my group and this is why I'm unable to progress in certain areas, but I'm not sure. I've read around and some people say a priest is invaluable and a must-have and others say priests are unnecessary in this game. So my question to the community is this. Should I take Durance? Would a priest really help this group out? If so, who should I leave at the keep when I take him?
I thought I'd list which healing abilities scale with character level and which don't, as well as my thoughts on them, balance-wise. Let me know if I'm missing any. Priest Holy Radiance: Starts at a base endurance value of 10, and improves by 5 every 3 levels, to a maximum of 30 at levels 13/14. In addition, damage to vessels scales with level, starting at 30, and ending at 70. (In my opinion this scales fairly well, especially the damage component. If the priest is a player character it improves even further based on Disposition). Spells: The healing values for priest spells do not appear to scale with level. (This is fine, in my opinion, because as the priest goes up in level they get access to more powerful spells). Acolyte's Radiance (multiclass talent): Has no scaling: it has a base heal of 10, and stays that way regardless of level. Oddly enough the damage to vessels does scale, going from 20 base to 44 base. (In order for this talent to be usable late game, the healing should scale at least a little. Maybe +3 base endurance every 3 levels) Paladin Lay on Hands: Starts at 53.3, and adds 18.7 every 3 levels, to a maximum of 128 base healing at level 13/14. (Scaling is good, even if the numbers are a bit unusual.) Greater Lay on Hands: Improves the healing of Lay on Hands by 50% (Pretty good. Since it's percentage based it stays relevant late game) Reviving Exhortation: No scaling. Base healing value is 300, base damage value is 50. (300 is a bit of an odd number. For the majority of the game, that means full hp. Regardless, it's high enough to remain relevant late game) Healing Chain: No scaling. Base healing value is 50. (You get it late game enough that the lack of scaling isn't currently an issue) Barbarian Savage Defiance: No scaling; has a base value of 120. (The healing is extremely potent early on, but starts to fall off at levels 13/14. My recommendation would be a base value of 80, which improves by 30 every 3 levels. That would put its maximum healing at 200) Fighter Constant Recovery: No scaling, heals 3 endurance every 3 seconds. (Really needs some form of scaling, as it becomes marginal at higher levels. I'd improve the healing by 1 every 3 levels, which would put the maximum at 7 endurance every 3 seconds). Rapid Recovery: Improves Constant recovery by 1 endurance every 3 seconds. (Awful. Needs some form of scaling. Maybe just improve the effect by 50% similar to Greater Lay on Hands). Veteran's Recovery (multiclass talent): No scaling. Heals 1.5 endurance every 3 seconds. (Really bad talent due to lack of scaling. Should scale at half the rate I mentioned for Constant Recovery) Druid Spells: No scaling (this is fine, because druids get more powerful spells as they level). Chanter Ancient Memory: No scaling. Restores .8 endurance every second to allies near the chanter. (See Constant Recovery. Healing is way too low for serious consideration late game.) Beloved Spirits: Improves Ancient Memory by .4 endurance, no scaling. Doesn't appear to actually work currently. (The base value on Ancient Memory is too low for even a 50% increase to be worthwhile).
Resting/Camping doesn't heal
Kavadh posted a question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
So I was in Dryford Crossing and tried to camp, for some reason none of my party members healed or regenerated their spells. I did use a camping supplies and 8 hours did pass. I was sort of confused so I tried to go back to town and rest at an inn and the same thing happened. My party is not healing with resting, no matter how I rest or where I rest! I also, went back to my past three saves (I save often), but they were also affected by this. I have an older save where resting is working normally, but it was several in-game days ago and I would lose a lot of progress if I had to restart from there. Does anyone know a fix for this? Obviously I can't get much farther in the game until resting is fixed, I've been struggling along as best as I can but Durance and Aloth literally have no spells left and everyone is about one hit from the grave. Haha. Thanks! -
Up until today everything has been fine, today while attempting the quest with the dragon spark (can't really recall the name right now), iv'e noticed that resting in or outside the cave does not remove fatigue, nor does it heal my party members. i tried loading the game again, moving to a different map and back and it still doesn't work dxdiag and savefile attached here:
I've noticed a lot of people really don't like the term "Degenerative Gameplay". I'm really not sure why. You may disagree with how Josh Sawyer uses the term "Degenerative Gameplay" (now DG) sometimes, especially when he's referring to a mechanic or system you don't like... but that doesn't mean the term is flawed. Far from it. DG is an incredibly useful term, because it describes (as I understand it) a situation in which the incentive structure of a game mechanic is flawed. DG, as I've seen it used, describes game mechanics that lead players to take actions that would be absurd or ridiculous within the context of the game world because of metagaming concerns. Rest-spamming is a classic example. A properly designed game reflects the in-universe incentives to the player as game incentives, leading them to act in such a way that the optimal course for the player is similar to or identical to the optimal course for the characters in the game world (if you were reading a story or something). DG occurs when a game mechanic is poorly designed, incentivizing the player to do something that would be absurd within the context of the game world or story. Such as stopping for an 8-hour nap every 5 minutes. Now, obviously you'll never be able to remove all sources of DG from a game as complex as this - but that should be the goal. And I think Josh Sawyer's goal of doing so is admirable. I think he's made some good steps. I also think he's made some missteps. And I think when talking about mechanics that aren't working, we should be careful to distinguish between DG and just mechanics we don't prefer. I'll give a few examples here of some disputed mechanics that are DG, and some that aren't: Disputed mechanics that are not a significant source of Degenerative Gameplay: - If the fighter tanks all the hits, I have to rest with him before all the other characters. This, while maybe not a mechanic everyone is fond of, isn't DG in and of itself. "But Matt," you may say... "when my fighter runs out of health and the rest of the party doesn't, I have to rest every 5 seconds. And that's DG!" Well... sort of. The fact that the current game mechanics encourage rest-spamming is DG - but the fact that this occurs because the fighter taking all the hits loses all his health before the characters who aren't taking hits is not DG - because that makes sense. If a party of adventurers wanders around, and has one guy doing all the close-range fighting and getting hit all the time, of course he will be more wounded than everyone else. So the fact of a tank taking all the hits and causing resting isn't in and of itself DG. The DG in that case (rest-spamming) results from a problem with the Health/Stamina system, which I'll (kind of) go into a little bit later. - Since armor slows you down, there's no point in putting armor on my ranged characters! This is another example of a mechanic that, while maybe poorly balanced atm, isn't actually DG. It makes sense that someone who wants to (for example) fire arrows as fast as possible wouldn't wear armor. Now, maybe there need to be more no-slowdown plain clothes in the game. Maybe the slowdown from armor that exists needs to be reduced. Maybe enemies need to be smarter and attack your ranged characters more often, causing you to have to make a tradeoff. Maybe all of these are true! But the simple fact that characters who want to attack as fast as possible shouldn't wear armor isn't in and of itself a source of DG. That actually makes sense within the game world. The AI issues that don't punish you for that may be though. Fortunately, we've already heard those will be improved. Disputed mechanics that are a significant source of Degenerative Gameplay i.e. bad design i.e. these need to be fixed: - When my fighter is taking a lot of hits, it makes more sense to let him fall than to heal him because of the Health/Stamina system. Oy... This is the biggest one IMO. It makes zero sense that it is a better tactical decision to let someone fall than to heal them. It just doesn't. Right now, the optimal decision for the player when a party member is taking lots of hits is to just let them fall unconscious, because healing them will only result in the loss of more health. The current mechanics incentivize just letting your characters fall unconscious because there is not any penalty for letting them fall. I.. just.... nope. Bad design. Fix it. Now, the fix doesn't need to come in the form of removing the Health/Stamina system. Remember that sources of DG are, at their core, from bad incentive structure. There needs to be an incentive to heal your party members instead of letting them fall. I have a few suggestions for possible solutions. I'll start with the ones that don't involve removing Health/Stamina (which I understand Josh is quite fond of), then move on to a few more radical suggestions: 1) Cause healing spells to heal a small amount of health as well - perhaps 1/6 or 1/8 as much as stamina. And only allow them to be used in combat (i.e. on "recent" wounds). This could make sense lore-wise (combat-only restriction means that only very recent wounds can be healed, which would fit with their lore reasons for no strategic healing) while allowing the player to use healing to somewhat alleviate the issue with frontliners losing all their health. Would also mean that healing is always a good thing - as it should be. 2) Have enemies attack downed characters, doing health damage vs reduced defenses. This would absolutely solve the problem, absolutely make sense (why does a wolf or beetle stop savaging you when you fall, exactly?), and absolutely be very punishing. This could be somewhat alleviated by making it a reduced ratio of health damage (definitely 1/4, maybe even 1/8), and would probably also be smart to only have non-intelligent enemies do this (as wild animals should keep attacking/eating, whereas smart enemies would realize they should move onto another threat). Even if only non-intelligent enemies did this, the DG problem would be fixed - after all, playing dead against a humanoid enemy would be a viable tactic in real life. Just not against everything. 3) Take a wound every time a character falls. minus-whatever to attributes until rest. Not a perfect solution, but it would resolve the incentive issues. 4) And finally (not gonna happen), remove health altogether and allow a certain number of falls before being maimed (dependent on class and talents). This would completely solve the incentive issues, making healing an altogether good thing (as it should be). That's all I've got on the healing DG problem. Josh, pls read. :3 - If I want to find hidden items, I have to walk around in scouting mode all the time. This is just dumb. Walking around in constant scouting mode with the game in fast motion is the optimal way to play right now. And that's stupid. Scouting needs to be overhauled (i.e. with some passive component) or removed. Structuring a game mechanic such that the optimal strategy is to do something absurd is the absolute definition of degenerative gameplay. That's all for now. Thanks for reading!
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- Degenerative Gameplay
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