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Found 11 results

  1. I cannot play this game on ps5, cannot link my Microsoft account on ps5, my friends it all worked for, and had used my old ps4 to try it and it worked but I can't play on my ps5 because "Grounded could not be linked to a Microsoft account at this time"
  2. My specs: 5800x, 6800, 32gb memory. I have framerates capped at 144 and have vsync both in game and in AMD software. Despite this, Outer worlds seems to ignore all these settings during dialogue face to face with any character and when im in the menu, my gpu will them suddenly ramp up in gpu usage at 99-100% with fans at full blast before causing freezing or green screen pc restarts. This makes me unable to go further with the game without fear of damaging my gpu. Is there any suggestions in how to fix this? I cannot find information anywhere except turning on vsync or adding frame limiter.
  3. So I hit level 12, and went to go assign my skill points, but they were greyed out and I couldn't click on them. Thinking maybe it was because I was in a combat zone, I left the planet. Still couldn't. I have since leveled up, stripped naked, etc in game, reloaded the save, and I still can't assign skill points. Worse, I tried respeccing thinking that would help. I now have 120 skill points I can't assign. So basically, my character has become unplayable
  4. Hello, I recently purchased the Outer worlds. In addition to the screen attached, I am running 6GB ASUS Prime Nvidia 1080 as my graphics card. I am experiencing the frame rate drops that others are experiencing alongside stuttering and overall bad performance. In addition to this, after I create my character and my mission pod lands, the game freezes and I am stuck at my current screen with audio playing in the background. I haven't been able to even move my character. I can run most games at ultra or high settings with ease, so I think there is certainly something wrong. I am really excited to play this game, but this bug prevents me from doing anything. I would really appreciate the assistance!
  5. entering through the door to chairmen Rockwell causes the game to crash. i've tried 3 times walkng into the room. i don't want to have kill Rockwell and the accompanying guards to progress with the story.
  6. Hello! This is my first fourm post and I'll cut to the chase. I sent Hiravias to escort Berolt from Caed Nua. I didn't want to go to Twin Elms without him so I did some WM II quests while I waited for his six days to finish up. When he got back all of his loot was gone and stark naked (this is really disheartening because he had two soul weapons bound to him along with an invisible cloak) and he was under level. When I tried to level him up his name wasn't even Hiravias anymore but "tGender" and then two of him spawned! However only one of them could follow me while the other just stood still. I've got some screenshots as proof PLEASE HELP! I have only one save before buggy!Hiravias shows up and unfortunately, I don't have any saves made before I sent him to escort Berolt. Edit: Here's a link to the pictures as proof 1.https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1WVle926PrNgpoNV9HcY9V_4rEJj1eyYWV_yC3BBCuko/edit 2.https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1q4DWu05xZX535NR6tI6hmddJQJ12QeR8H6eNhyL1lSs/edit
  7. Hi, so i got this issue where i am unable to continue on my play, since the game won't recognize any of my inputs, which makes me unable to do what the game asks me to in the given scenario (picture) Help appreciated, to prevent this issue from happening again, or how to workaround when i encounter this bug. Thanks, Daniel
  8. A game breaking exploit occurs when your fire godlike has less than 50% endurance with his "increased damage feat" ... All around him, all enemy takes 20+ raw damage and just quickly die ... Does it occur for anyone else ? (not yet tested by myself, but done by my brother)
  9. I just finished the hadret house quest, I've witnessed the assassination of Aevar and went back to find Lady Webb slain by thaos. After talking to her soul, the game fails to load the next screen and I can't go on with the game. Please help ç_ç
  10. Description: The game crashes when I try to enter the Black Hound in. Steps to reproduce: Attempt to enter the black hound in. Uploads: Your uploader's 1mb cap is to small for the save files (or even a zip of all of the files with best compression) and won't accept .zip, .dmp, .log, or .ini files. Here's a google drive link to the zip instead: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0LEiSl05KJjRkhCWkZwQU00V1U/view?usp=sharing
  11. Basically, the Canada level is awesome, but it is also COMPLETELY game breaking - meaning you have to start again and pray and pray that it doesn't mess up. Start again from the beginning, I mean. Selecting your class again. Doing all the quests again. Going through hours of dialogue and battles just to get back to your same point only to find that the same thing has happened again. It's not just me complaining about it: http://steamcommunity.com/app/213670/discussions/0/558752449560612208/ Although, granted, that is me bringing it to light, but there are many others who play the game who have come across this, and have no way of progressing. However, it should be noted that my brother hasn't come across this - we got the game at the same time, downloaded it at the same time, got all the DLCs at the same time - yet he hasn't ever had to deal with this.
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