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Found 10 results

  1. Hello everybody. I have a fatal problem with Beast of Winter. I have Deadfire through Pass with all 3 DLC. I started Beast of Winter and when I rescued the 3 lost souls to help me with the dragon, I left the island and started The Forgotten Sanctuary. Now I have returned to the Winter Beast but the Neriscyrlas lair is not active, I can't click on it. I've hovered, talked to souls, reloaded previous games (sadly, I don't have a game saved from when I got to this point the first time) but I still can't click on the lair. I can't finish the DLC, can someone help me? Thanks in advance.
  2. Is it possible to convince her to attack Rymrgand or 18-19 skill checks just provide a different "No"? I'm going to respec and check it after completing the DLC, but if anyone has already done it, the information would be much appreciated.
  3. Game freezes or crashes shortly after Rymrgand smashes the ground with his axe upon refusing to serve him. I don't know what happens after that because after the camera follows the purple fracturing effect, the screen either freezes or the game crashes. I've attached the crash log. The screen freeze is similar to that of the Fort Deadlight bug. 2018-08-06_184944.zip
  4. The game freezes ever so often during play ( more so during combat pausing and un-pausing), but I can still hear the audio and conversation happening in the background. If I alt-tab out of it , it turns into a black screen with the pointer.This has been occurring since launch and has plagued my recent play through of the BOW. Instances when the crashes occured: 1] 9/10 during combat pausing 2] randomly during a scripted in-game cutscene( eg in the last fight when the auroch smashes the ice) 3] Randomly anytime. 4] Level up screen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kcnvzgp8w08hnk5/2018-08-04_181054.rar?dl=0 Bugs I have encountered so far : 1] Aloth and eder banter loops on after every rest session always save game : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifnizmf4tlgq031/Caroline%20%2854ebb213-ae2d-44f4-83ee-4b7cd0bea2e5%29%20%28LAX-2ABCDE%29%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 2] Retrained Vatnir but unable to finish level up as clicking next doesn't progress the screen, couldn't cancel it either. Same save file as above. 3] Hidden object detected but not highlighted or unclickable in the temple ( beast of winter ) 4] Some of the abilities( passives mostly) doesn't show up in the character sheet, especially those added by the deck DLC 5] Certain trap are detected but unable to be interacted with( one in the area with Waidwen) 6] The Eder quest has been completed already but the ship can still be encountered and the quest somehow continues again as if I failed to catch up to it. Save game : https://www.dropbox.com/s/6t7aapumuucniny/Rennata%20Dubois%20%2835c7a481-9faf-46a4-839e-f22c3e580802%29%20%28LAX-2ABCDE%29%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 7] After deciding the fate of Waidwen in BOW, he is still interactable and the choices can be altered. Well.. thats all I remember. Thanks and regards, V.Akhil
  5. So, I beat the Beast of Winter on one of my end-game saves. Then I loaded up a level 6ish party in PotD (different difficulty level as well). I noticed that all of the quests for the DLC were still listed in my Journal. The quests I had completed in my end-game save were greyed out and said completed, while one that I never finished on my end-game save still had the last objective listed as my next objective. I got up to a higher level yesterday and decided to try a run at it. When I got to the location, the dialog seems to work properly - but only to a point. The initial camera cut worked when I arrived at the island and it transitioned properly to the narrative parchment screen. After that I went to see Harbinger vatnir. His sermon cinematic never came on, and he won't talk to me. He just gives me the generic popup response - no dialog box. Unsure if anything can be done to resolve this issue. Wondering if anyone else has the problem.
  6. I read somewhere they should have been fixed, but in my latest game I recruited Vatnir and told the Harbingers to go home because their work was finished. The ending slides were the ones where Hafjorn leads them into being a fanatical sect and Vatnir didn't get mentioned at all. Not entirely fixed then?
  7. So I am loving this so far and I am trying really hard to reconcile the two parts of Naxiva ix Kirent but I am not sure it is actually possible. I have done so many different combinations of motes and dialogue choices. So I want to know. Has anybody here managed to reconcile her or am I just chasing a dream here and I should just get the fight over with and move on to the next part of the story.
  8. I almost asked about this in another thread here, but it seemed too much a departure from the topic. I'm at the point where you talk to or fight Nericyrlas (correct me if I'm spelling this wrong). The conversation very much seemed to either-or from what I could see. Either kill Nericyrlas, or prod her into killing Rymrgand. I'm not sure what to do, on an ethical level. I've been wanting to help Nericyrlas escape throughout the DLC and trying to keep an eye out for a way to do that (in case it was possible). But I feel mixed about the situation here. It sounds like Nericyrlas wasn't exactly a great person, but it also sounds like she was acting out of desperation maybe. It's hard to know from the context I have. Additionally, something about the conversation to get her to fight Rymrgand instead felt...like it was using her? And also setting him up to be killed. It didn't seem like it was exactly trying to help her out, and I'm not sure if killing Rymrgand's an ethical thing to do (assuming it's possible) either. If anyone has any opinions or advice on whether it's better to just fight her or tell her to fight the entropy god, or if there's another option I don't know of, please let me know! --- Side notes: If people can somehow avoid telling me major spoilers for the very end of the DLC, that would be neat, but I'm not going to complain if you do, since I'm setting myself up for it almost as much as possible. In case it matters - My character has plenty of metaphysics and I can (and did) jack up the insight skill with incense (got it to 11). I may or may not be able to improve Arcana for this. Also, my character has tried to take with/save every soul. In case it matters: my character has plenty of metaphysics and I can (and did) jack up the insight skill with incense (got it to 11). I may or may not be able to improve Arcana for this.
  9. Apologies if this has been asked already, searched but could not find anything specific. What level (approx.) should I be before I attempt Beast of Winter? I tried with a pretty new party, all level 5, and the invitation quest didn't have any skulls on it so I figured it was about right. Got wiped in about 5 seconds in the first fight. Is there anything warning you if your party is way below the suggested level? I didn't see anything.
  10. Hi, I am getting a kind of a graphical bug when instead of proper textures, it only shows as black. This is after the Beast of Winter update last night. I saw this on the bridge in Crookspur Fort, the Crystal spiders in the Crookspur cavern, and the Messenger (Beast of Winter). I wasn't able to get the screenshots for the first two but attached is the screenshot for the Messenger. Please note the following: - Game version 2.0 - Graphics set on High - Save game is modded and console commanded (but no mods for graphics) - Rig is as follows: - CPU: Core i5 6600 - GPU: AMD R9 390 8gb - RAM: 16gb DDR4 2133 I am now currently: - Trying the game without mods - Trying the game on medium and low graphics - Trying the game with all graphics settings unticked EDIT: I got the textures back. I'm not sure what did it but I removed the mods and revalidated the files (through Steam)
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